'stay" the great debate (entire song)

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I Wish I could hear this magical voice people are hearing. This amazing new voice MJ created after 50 years of singing. This new voice that doesn't have the vocal range of mj's former talent. This magical voice that sounds like he needs quite a few mre vocal lessons.

I mean really.....I wish I could get it! I've been listening too long and too closely to be fooled so easily. I've tried very hard to awe the other side of it, studio engineering, new style.....none of it can change the voice I'm hearing into michaels.

I feel like there would be a true awakening for the believing fans if the real Mj re-sung these songs.....then you'd see the difference between what's real....and what's Pretend

This....This....This....Especially the bolded...
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I just don't get how people can listen to that and not hear that it's identical....but they can listen to the voice and say it sounds more like mJ than JM.....I haven't heard a convincing argument to explain that other than complete denial.
I just don't get how people can listen to that and not hear that it's identical....but they can listen to the voice and say it sounds more like mJ than JM.....I haven't heard a convincing argument to explain that other than complete denial.

That EXACT same vibrato (well, same VOICE, but the vibrato is damning enough) is found on all Malachi songs, and ALL Cascio songs....But, not on ANY of Michael's previous songs....None at all....That's not alarming???
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What's interesting is that every Cascio track has that same voice. That voice, to me is not Michael. I guarantee EVERY Cascio track has that same voice and not one of them would have people going "Yeah, this one is Michael for sure" like a DYKWYCA or Blue Gangster.
Speaking of Blue Gangsta, which is phenominal....how can you listen to that and listen to the Casico tracks and say it's the same singer?!? How do you justify such a huge discrepancy? Are some ears just underdeveloped you guys? I really don't understand. JANET sounds more like Michael than whoever the vocalist on the Casico tracks ...

To me the deception by the casicos is basically a musical version of betrayal as much as the chandlers did an emotional betrayal to Michael: you don't play with a mans legacy like that or his fans that know better.
what i'm trying to understand that people who are believing it's Michael what makes you so sure?

the comparisons we gave you are obviously becoming identical!!

you just get very emotional and start to attack every single person who is against the songs without any convincing or logical opinion .. it's fair to us to discuss this matter with us objectively NOT emotionally

can you please at least give us your opinions about the latest comparisons videos?
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