Stay away from Akon!

Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

just one thing - TRUST MICHAEL JACKSON.

I agree with InvincibleTal and mjisinnocent. Some of us here may not like Akon's music but Michael choose to work with him-meaning, Michael may have seen something about Akon that non-Akon fans here cannot see and havent seen.Michael has been in the business all his life. Surely, every step he makes is well calculated- including his choice of artists he works with. Let us not pre-judge his decisions or diss his collaborations. He knows what he is doing. Let's leave it at that
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

There comes a time when I have to go off at some people because they are so immature.

You made the choice to listen or buy Akon's music. You can judge his music based on what you listened to. However, don't try to tell a grown ass man with three children, who is rich as hell and who has been in the business for 40 years to "stay away" from Akon or ANYONE because you think his or their music sucks. MJ, no matter how much I disagree with him working with Akon, can work with Akon and/or anyone that he wants to work with. As long as he is in the studio producing music and doing what he loves to do, I do not truly give a damn who or what he is working with. At the end of the day, I rather see, read, hear MJ in the studio having the time of his life than in a jail cell for 25+ years over bullish that he never did. If you are out, regarding being an MJ fan, than you are a phony one at that. You are a fan because of his music not his personal choices and personal music tastes. He is not in the business of pleasing people, he is in the business of entertaining people. If you wanna stop being a fan, no one is stopping you. Be lame and stop liking a dude that did nothing to you. I am so fed up with silly threads like this because some fans have certain insecurities and put it on MJ or other people. That stuff is getting old.

That I think akons music sucks and i dosen+t want mj to work with him was my spontanius reaction after heraing his latest work. it has nothin to do with me beein insecure ;) promise!
And sure mj can do what he want´s and he will make a hell of alot mony anyway. Im just saying that I don´t want him to do it. Akon and mj is making art/music. and have to tolerate that people have difrent opinions about it.

So MJ...stay away from Akon!!!!!!
Akon's work is just that.. his work. Many artists can alter their style to fit the person of someone they are working with, so an MJ/Akon collab might not sound the same as something on an Akon solo album. I don't care much for's solo work, but he's done a lot of stuff for other artists that I really like, the more I've looked into it over the last few months. Timbaland had only a handful of tracks that I liked off of his solo album and Timbaland & Magoo albums, but he's done a lot of stuff for others that I like.

Akon has done lots of stuff I like.

I Am Not My Hair (Konvict Remix) - Inda.Arie & Akon

I Am Not My Hair (Konvict Remix) - India Arie
I think Mike should go find Kennedy Gordy and do a record with him instead of Akon.
I'm sort of disappointed because I thought this thread was going to be about a new clip of Akon punching another fan.
He did; want me to show yall my black eye? :cheeky: :lol: I kid, I kid...
mike aint gonna put out no crap. he makes what he wants, works w/ who he wants, and fans buy it what's the issue?

u don't like it, don't listen to it....or shall fans start giving mj advice about music....if we knew anything, we'd be making it, not buying it.
yeah, a song can't get as bad as that or the one he did w/ murphy yet we're bitching about akon?
Somebody's Watching Me isn't bad. I have Rockwell's album and it has at least 3 good songs on it. But he trashed The Beatles' "Taxman" though, lol. And both of them sound better than Akon. Biz Markie singing sounds better than Akon.

arXter circa 1884 said:
Akon brings something different to the table. i'm tired of the neo-Marvins,Stevies,Michaels that have been circulating in the past couple of decades. and even though Akon isn't exactly the cream of the crop of West African vocalists, at least he made it big to the mainstream
Somebody's Watching Me isn't bad. I have Rockwell's album and it has at least 3 good songs on it. But he trashed The Beatles' "Taxman" though, lol. And both of them sound better than Akon. Biz Markie singing sounds better than Akon.

well, in keeping with the original point of the thread- I don't plan on getting akon's album....thanks for the heads up :yes:
ain't nothing wrong w/ biz markie either...just ugly...

andmama africa is one of my fave. songs.....someone who can't stand the man so much posts about him here and in gd? c'mon.....
someone always threatening to leave Michael as a fan over something...
You're 'bout a year late Speedway.
Nice try though.


Akons cd is new. and it was when i was hearing that that I was like,,,,wow,,,this is really not my type of music, it´s horrible...even the cat freekd out
I agree with InvincibleTal, trust Michael!
Look what came out of MJ working with Akon, Hold My Hand? In my opinion an awesome song.
I think Akon's new album is great btw.. :) But relaaaax, it's Michael Jackson we're talking about, right?
Sheesh, ask my cat if she could give a damn... she'll blink, walk off like "naa..." It can't be that bad, just saying :lol: