Stay away from Akon!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have heard some of the new CD to Akon...And I just have to say this. It is the worst ever happend to hip hop and pop music ever. It´s fabricated...and sound just like his last album, just worst.
If mj is working with that man again im out. but i dout he will. I pray for it never to happend.
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

Slooooow doooown Mr. Speedway! Don't fret too much. Yes Michael has worked with Akon, but that doesn't mean it will be on the album. Michael has also worked with about a bazillion more people as well, so we really can't say what will become of this new project.

And I think you could have posted this idea in an already created thread like the "what's going to happen in '09" thread, or one of the many album threads just to save some space around here.
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!


Very aggresive!

I actually like HMH very much, but I don't think it will ever be released!
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

woah that's rude!!! but i have to agree with you :lol:!!
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

disagree. I'm really baaad at explaining why, but I like Akon's music.:)
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

I like HMH and don't have a problem with Akon working with MJ.

First of all, like has been said MANY, MANY times before, who knows if Akon will even make the final cut. I'm just gonna sit back and let MJ "handle his handle."

No sense in me moaning and groaning about a product I have not heard yet. LOL!
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

i dont like him either sorry for those who do and to me a real michael jackson album is simply michael and i m sure that s what will haoppoen inn the end (she hopes and prays lol)
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

I've heard Akon's new album and I love it, I think its really great music, love how MJ brings people together of all kinds of different interests.
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

Most of Akon's music all sounds the same. It's very forgettable in my opinion. Not saying that Michael and Akon couldn't make great music together, but I think there are better options out there to work with. For example: Will.I.Am and Ne-Yo
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

i think as long as Akon is talked about, he's doing his job. wearing criticism seems to be like wearing a badge these days, lol :lol:
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

as a musician I think he's average but I'm not into his type of music so I won't say more
but as a person I don't like him...I remember seeing a video of him slapping a female fan during a live performance. and on another occasion he brought a 15 year old kid on stage and then threw him right on the pavement - now that's not what I call "crowd surfing" :smilerolleyes: he was lucky the kid didn't break his neck or something
I know he had a incident once with a 14 year old girl I thought oh well the guy made a mistake but with him it's like he does it once every few months. and it's all on tape too:smilerolleyes:
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

I don't like Akon's music very much, I think it's weak and tacky. So I'm not pleased Michael has chosen to collaborate with him. But like other fans have said, just because Michael has worked with Akon it doesn't mean their work will appear on his new album. Michael's worked with great rap artists like Run DMC, they their duet Crack Kills never appeared in the Bad album.
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

as long as its not the whole album there nothing to worry about besides in my book michael can work with whoever he wants i just wana hear it :angel:
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

its abit late isnt it?
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

There comes a time when I have to go off at some people because they are so immature.

It is the worst ever happend to hip hop and pop music ever. It´s fabricated...and sound just like his last album, just worst.
If mj is working with that man again im out. but i dout he will. I pray for it never to happend

You made the choice to listen or buy Akon's music. You can judge his music based on what you listened to. However, don't try to tell a grown ass man with three children, who is rich as hell and who has been in the business for 40 years to "stay away" from Akon or ANYONE because you think his or their music sucks. MJ, no matter how much I disagree with him working with Akon, can work with Akon and/or anyone that he wants to work with. As long as he is in the studio producing music and doing what he loves to do, I do not truly give a damn who or what he is working with. At the end of the day, I rather see, read, hear MJ in the studio having the time of his life than in a jail cell for 25+ years over bullish that he never did. If you are out, regarding being an MJ fan, than you are a phony one at that. You are a fan because of his music not his personal choices and personal music tastes. He is not in the business of pleasing people, he is in the business of entertaining people. If you wanna stop being a fan, no one is stopping you. Be lame and stop liking a dude that did nothing to you. I am so fed up with silly threads like this because some fans have certain insecurities and put it on MJ or other people. That stuff is getting old.
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

I will say this about Akon..

There are several people that are anti-Akon for all the nasty things he does on stage.. When Akon was hired by Verizon wireless.. After the first stunt of dry humping women on stage, they lost SO MUCH business.. Verizon Wireless had to fire him due to all the disconnections because of Akon..

He lost MANY indorsements the same way he did Verizon Wireless because of his actions.. Now you better believe it will effect the people that like the fact Michael usually represents clean music, and to have Akon on his record. COULD have a negitive effect..

If Verizon Wireless lost millions upon millions due to Akons actions, it MAY effect Mikes sales..

But in the music industry it's different though, cuz those who are fans of Akon that don't really know much about Mikes music, will hear and buy there first MJ album..

So it works both ways, only time will show which way it could effect more..
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

I dont like Akon too. I don't know what it is, but I'm just not feelin' him. I was dissapointed that Akon got to sing WBSS 08. I did however liked HMH, but that I liked that song was mostly because of Michaels vocals and not Akons.
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

isn't everybody a fan of someone who somebody else despises? and isn't everybody defending who they like, at the expense of a critic, by saying, 'look in the closet of the person that You are a fan of'?

and MJ has been doing stuff that people disagree with, for years, and the result is, he is the biggest star in the world.
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Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

I will say this about Akon..

There are several people that are anti-Akon for all the nasty things he does on stage.. When Akon was hired by Verizon wireless.. After the first stunt of dry humping women on stage, they lost SO MUCH business.. Verizon Wireless had to fire him due to all the disconnections because of Akon..

He lost MANY indorsements the same way he did Verizon Wireless because of his actions.. Now you better believe it will effect the people that like the fact Michael usually represents clean music, and to have Akon on his record. COULD have a negitive effect..

If Verizon Wireless lost millions upon millions due to Akons actions, it MAY effect Mikes sales..

But in the music industry it's different though, cuz those who are fans of Akon that don't really know much about Mikes music, will hear and buy there first MJ album..

So it works both ways, only time will show which way it could effect more..

Very true, also I would suggest that music fans may be attracted to the controversy of Akon's actions in the past, unlike a company that wants him as an endorsee who is too controversial for their huge market that has concerned parents and other conservative views, and liberal this is not political :D
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

i agree lol. HMH was nice (due to mikes vocals) and akons is very annoying
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

I thought HMH had potential to be a great song. It has a strong melody and nice message. It started out great with MIchael's vocals, and then it lost all of its steam once Akon's voice started. The song should've been recorded as a duet with a female singer anyways...
Re: Michael...Stay away from Akon!

This thread is really about Akon, not Michael Jackson and I'm moving this thread to Music Makes the World Go Round and changing the thread title.