Statement Regarding Michael's Health - Official

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LOS ANGELES, Dec 22, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's official and sole spokesperson, Dr. Tohme. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's alleged medical condition, has issued the following statement:

"Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'

The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing
Thank god!!!!! for that :) and thank you Dr Tohme for responding :)
and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."
now ive just died and gone to heaven LOL i hope that bit is true and not just P.R
I fucking screamed a million times when i read this news!!!

Hyperventilating here!!!!!!!!!!

" Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."


lol :p
Amazing fucking news.

Goosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you excited or what??

it is great news and I have a feeling that the whole falsehood was started to flush Michael out and get info on what he is up to...

and the A-holes that originated the story.. are now trying to cover themselves with more spins and lies...

and take notes.. the A-holes DO NOT HAVE THE SCOOP on Michael.... they donot know what is going on with him so
many need to stop believing every little thing the tabloids write
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's okay!

Thank you.


thank GOD!
YES!!!!!!!!!! :DIM SO HAPPY!!! I F*CKING NEW IT!!! WOW, that guy must feel really dumb for saying what he said:tease:
lol i hope this tour news is real
cuz if gonna go hell yeh!
Seriously? SERIOUSLY??! Best damn news I've heard in years! :D One question though.. Is this source 100 % reliable? Just trying to get that small piece of doubt out of my head ;) "A major entertainment company".. That has to be Sony. Anything else would surprise me. Looking very much forward to Michael's new stuff, whatever it turns out to be :D
...............OMG!!!!!!!!!:wild: Great news!!!!!!!:wild::clapping::D:yes:
ThXxX for posting!:D:yes::clapping:
I'm on a cloud right now. Go Michael !!!!!! Thank You MsTenda. I can't wait for whatever Michael has in store for us.
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looks to me like u should never trust what a tv network says. even if they joke about MJ, they still know he's the best in the world with the best fanbase in the world, and they want him on their tv network. i see the word 'tour' there, this time. woah...

gotta get saved up.:clapping::punk::angel:

again..i'm ready for unforseen circumstances regarding a tour, and MJ's attitude towards them, but i'll keep hoping, anyway. and i look forward to his new cd
Holy heavens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes.......................thank you dear sweet michael and muck the tabloids!!!!
LOS ANGELES, Dec 22, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's official and sole spokesperson, Dr. Tohme. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's alleged medical condition, has issued the following statement:

"Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'

The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing}&dist=msr_2

Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances.”

:angel:I PRAY IT IS!!!
Seriously? SERIOUSLY??! Best damn news I've heard in years! :D One question though.. Is this source 100 % reliable? Just trying to get that small piece of doubt out of my head ;) "A major entertainment company".. That has to be Sony. Anything else would surprise me. Looking very much forward to Michael's new stuff, whatever it turns out to be :D

I don't post sources unless they are 100% accurate. This is on the PR wire and is now distributed worldwide. Scoop Marketing represents Michael in PR and entertainment dealings.

Now I shall go back and lurk. *waves* Peace! :cheers:
I am gonna shove this right down the throat of every Michael jackson hater! I am going to flaming enjoy it as well!
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