Statement from the Jackson family regarding homicide

On CBS morning show this morning, the said phone records show dr m made 3 separate phone calls that lasted a total of 47 minutes before the ambulance was called. So if he made calls but never left the room as or waited 10 minutes before, don't tell me he was on the phone all that time when MJ needed help!!!!

Somebody is lying. If phone calls were made he had to be somewhere making them.
This was near the last hour, who could he have been talking to if he was supposed to be watching MJ?
Am I making ant sense?
On CBS morning show this morning, the said phone records show dr m made 3 separate phone calls that lasted a total of 47 minutes before the ambulance was called.

WHAT THE F!!!!!!!!!!!! He was on the phone for a total of 47 minutes before calling the ambulance??????!!!!! IM SPEECHLESS!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My bet is that he tried to call people to cover up his mess, for 47 minutes!!!!
Yeah really really sick,i feel sick since that horrible day of june 25th 'they' took away what i,we loved the most and i think i will NEVER EVER get over this:':)( I NEVER felt sooo much pain and sorrow in my life all i can do is cry even now the tears are rolling down my face:':)'( My life will never be the same without our beloved Michael:no: I go crazy when I think about all the beautiful things that would have had come for all of us,the concerts,new music and video's and most of all the excitement and happiness we all felt whenever Mike was around,this is soooo sad and sooo unfair it is still unbelievable we'll have to miss that forever!!!:(
September 8th will be again a very very sad day,that was the day i would go to the concert...:(
I always believed in God but sorry to say now i really have my doubts why oh why??? did he let this horrible thing happen to the most beautiful man in the world,sometimes its really hard to understand him...!!!!?????:no:

..................Awwwwwwww,I know hun!:better:
feel the same,love and miss Michael SO Much!:yes:
You going to hoofddorp,the MJ Tribute there?

((((((((warm hug)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

My prayers are with the Jackson family and you all!
Michaels mother is wonderful,Michael surely got that from her!

SO angry with that sorry ****** of a' doctor!
He took away our angel!!!!!
Better cool off now......
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