Statement from the Jackson family regarding homicide

Another statement:

Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Issues Statement

Updated: Aug 25, 2009 2:06 AM GDT Monday, August 24, 2009 9:06 PM EST
The attorney representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the death investigation of singer Michael Jackson issued a response late Monday afternoon.
Attorney Edward Chernoff was responding to the affadavit that was released Monday. The affadavit was part of two search warrants that showed what investigators found in Murray's medical office and storage unit in Houston, Texas. Chernoff released this statement on his website.
"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
We will not comment on the "anonymous" law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by "anonymous" sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."

Ok, this is making the story sound confusing.:scratch: Who is this "anonymous" source that is telling this information? I'm not so much sad if MJ just died from propofol and the other drugs(it was accidental) but if it was planned because somebody crooked wanted his ATV catalog or for other monetary gains then I will be devastated. If Latoya knows more about the crooked people after MJ as MJ himself told her, then maybe all the things MJ was falsely accused of will be linked to the same ppl that wanted to kill him. Maybe it will clear his name.
I knew it

I knew it

I knew it

Latoya had better hire a food taster before she becomes a "drug addict" or will she too have a "cardiac arrest" so the police can tell the media "no evidence of foul play."
I knew it

I knew it

I knew it

Latoya had better hire a food taster before she becomes a "drug addict" or will she too have a "cardiac arrest" so the police can tell the media "no evidence of foul play."

The whole family needs protection.
and the media still pushing the drug addict story with the help of MJ's 'true' friend deepak chopra. He's said some nice things about MJ but he's so quick to blame MJ on his death, isn't he? he's not sad at all about his friend's death, is he?
Oh nooooooo! How can a doctor that takes an outh to do everything in his power to save human lives, take a life so easily?! This sickens me to the gut.... I miss MJ more end more each day and i dont know how to live without him?! I hope the Jackson family especially his kids are kept safe in the future, and that they get justice for their father/son/brother. And all of us, his loving fans that also feel that he is : Gone too Soon......
and the media still pushing the drug addict story with the help of MJ's 'true' friend deepak chopra. He's said some nice things about MJ but he's so quick to blame MJ on his death, isn't he? he's not sad at all about his friend's death, is he?

Well I have to agree with Chopra, Michael was a drug addict. This is FUCKED UP. But I'm going to wait for the trail if charges are filed. I still believe that Dr. Murray is going to get off and Michael Jackson will be put on trial.
yes but seeing it makes it more real. it's no longer speculation now

Exactly how I feel. :(

and the media still pushing the drug addict story with the help of MJ's 'true' friend deepak chopra. He's said some nice things about MJ but he's so quick to blame MJ on his death, isn't he? he's not sad at all about his friend's death, is he?

I think Deepak's loyalty lies with someone other than Michael....someone he introduced to Michael...someone Deepak and his daughter feels Michael was unkind to when she tried to help him yada yada (I'll stop here).

Bless the Jackson family!
What the hell was that doctor doing?!! What's up with the lie about being in the restroom when things are pointing to him talking on his cell phone. And who was he talking to while Michael was slipping away?
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If Michael had been addicted to street drugs, then holding him responsible for his own death would sadly be appropriate. And being objective street drugs are a person's own choice.

But he died because of prescription drugs, and he was so naive, and genuinly needed stong painkillers from time to time, I see him as being lead into addiction by the doctors, ok so he knew he was addicted and I am sure recognised the danger, but I still say he would have been less concerned for his safety than he should have been because he trusted the doctors, he certainly trusted Murrey, but with all of those sedating drugs, did he really consent, with full knowledge of the danger he was in, to having all of those drugs that night? I don't think he would have been lucid enough to know what danger he was in.

Murrey is the one to blame, and he can't wriggle out of it, I just want to know who was the paymaster, or was Murrey a wreckless incompetent quack, who would do anything for money.
Jackson Family - we got your back. We knew what you knew. We believed you. LaToya - you were right. Keep fighting this case.

Im terrified right now...
Murray knows the truth. Will he tell it? If there are powerful people in play, I doubt it.
Sales have gone up since Michael died so thats Sony's interest explained... There is also rumours of people going after him for the Beatles catalog.

Tohme was introduced to Michael via Jermaine, Jermaine keeps going on about a Neverland burial. Was this because they wanted to make it a Graceland? Tohme is friends with Tom Barrack the owner of Colony Capital(who own a lot of Neverland) and Tom is friends with Philip Anschutz who owns... AEG. Read this article written before Michael passed away by the LA Times,0,1441957.story?page=1 (if you don't want to follow a link I already pasted it a few weeks ago into this thread...

I support this. Thanks for the very interesting article!
and the media still pushing the drug addict story with the help of MJ's 'true' friend deepak chopra. He's said some nice things about MJ but he's so quick to blame MJ on his death, isn't he? he's not sad at all about his friend's death, is he?

Sad? He gets to be on tv and see his name in the paper. :smilerolleyes:

Murray knows the truth. Will he tell it? If there are powerful people in play, I doubt it.

I hope the police put the heat on him and he starts singing like a bird.

La Toya On Jackson Coroner’s Homicide Ruling: ‘It’s Going To Be The Biggest Conspiracy Of All Times’

“La Toya knew it the second she heard he was dead,” a source close to La Toya told Access Hollywood on Monday, following the news from the Los Angeles County Coroner. “[Michael] had been telling her for the longest [time] that they were going to kill him and she knows all the players involved.”

But as far as La Toya is concerned, the homicide ruling is only the beginning of the information that could be revealed.
“Wait until you see how everything unfolds,” the source close to Jackson’s sister told Access. “It’s going to be the biggest conspiracy of all times.”

:angel::bugeyed God help them.
I just can't even say... We need to see the end of this story... Latoya is right.

I just have to tell you one thing. I remember how back in a day, when we were towards the end of the trial. There was a member on this board, I think a female, that said that she went, to this future teller, (I don't know how you call'em) and asked her about Michael. And the woman told her that Michael was gonna be aquitted, BUT there are gonna be some other people there, that will end up getting him... that how I remember it read.
and... as we can see it came true.
I remember reading this and getting soo scared, that it meant his death, for a moment...
and the media still pushing the drug addict story with the help of MJ's 'true' friend deepak chopra. He's said some nice things about MJ but he's so quick to blame MJ on his death, isn't he? he's not sad at all about his friend's death, is he?

Don't trust Deepak or Uri, they are both as shady as hell and do not tell the truth. Well Uri definitely doesn't and I'm suspicious ever since I learnt that Deepak went to the media as soon as MJ was dead with stories about drug use,like uri, surely those things should be medical confidentiality, that is not what a true friend would do, there are no ethics here whatsoever. Deepak went right down in my estimation and I did a little research and I then learnt that Deepak is a member of elite sinister club of rome. Political think tank. His spiritual stuff no matter how good it sounds on the surface and I've read all his books and liked them in a the past are all just a mask. Deepak introduced Grace the nanny to Michael and says she is like a daughter to him. Truth is stranger than fiction
I literally can't comprehend this...I really can't.
I'm so numb. I've cried every day since this whole nightmare started but it still doesn't sink in.
Michael. :cry:
I'm surprised they mention 'the fans'

I hope there is justice, for his 3 little angels.

Just seen Uri on the tv :no:
The thing is, the likes of Chopra, they aren't really saying anything inaccurate nor ground breaking. we've all known that Michael has in the past had issues with prescription medication, michael has admitted so himself. but the fact that these media whores are running everyones ears out with their news bits is detracting the real issues at hand. which is seemingly negligent behaviour by a number of shady characters which clearly didnt have michael's best interest in their agenda. I wish they would have kept quiet, only ebacsue their words are giving more ammo for the drug addict theories and less about a person who was deperately seeking help for his problems.
but the fact that these media whores are running everyones ears out with their news bits is detracting the real issues at hand. which is seemingly negligent behaviour by a number of shady characters which clearly didnt have michael's best interest in their agenda.

Well, I do think that there is A LOT to be suspicious over. Homicide and conspiracy concerning Michael's untimely death is definitely not unthinkable, especially to those (like us) who've done research and have put two and two together. But I do want to reserve judgement until more solid information is confirmed. But I have been just as suspicious as everyone else in this forum since Day 1.

FYI, LaToya is going to give an interview to Barbara Walters scheduled to air Sept 11. She is going to talk about why she thinks Michael's death is a homicide. I'm going to give LaToya the benefit of the doubt here. I know many people dislike her for turning her back on Michael in the 1990s. . . but you can't deny all those pictures of Michael and LaToya together in the 2000s. He forgave her and she has been stating her suspicions since Michael's death that not everything is black and white here. I think LaToya knows a lot about Michael's suspicions and fears about conspiracies against him and she did have some limited training in law enforcement during that reality TV show, so I think she noticed something was quite not right from the beginning.

Now that we know the timeline of 'Dr.' Murray's actions the night and morning that Michael died, as well as, 'Dr.' Tohme, AEG's greed and shadiness, Colony Capital, Barrack, Phillips, and all these other players. . . I think Latoya's suspicions are warrented.