Statement from the Jackson family regarding homicide


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
This just in to the ET NewsDesk: ET has obtained a statement from the Jackson family in response to reports that Michael Jackson's death has been ruled a homicide. Read on for details…
The statement reads: "The Jackson family has full confidence in the legal process, and commends the ongoing efforts of the L.A. County Coroner, the L.A. District Attorney and the L.A. Police Department. The family looks forward to the day that justice can be served."
Katherine Jackson's attorney, L. Londell McMillan, also tells ET, "This report reaffirms the very sad reality that there was a tragic and gross violation of duty and care for Michael Jackson. There is obvious legal culpability which has been the concern of Michael's mother, family and fans worldwide."
The Associated Press reports that a law enforcement official told them that the Los Angeles County Coroner said a fatal combination of drugs, including Propofol, was given to the King of Pop hours before he passed on June 25.
Stay tuned for the latest in this developing story…
La Toya On Jackson Coroner’s Homicide Ruling: ‘It’s Going To Be The Biggest Conspiracy Of All Times’

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
News of Michael Jackson’s death being ruled a homicide on Monday sent shockwaves through Hollywood. But one person who apparently wasn’t surprised by the announcement was the singer’s sister, La Toya Jackson.
“La Toya knew it the second she heard he was dead,” a source close to La Toya told Access Hollywood on Monday, following the news from the Los Angeles County Coroner. “[Michael] had been telling her for the longest [time] that they were going to kill him and she knows all the players involved.”
The Associated Press was the first to break the homicide news on Monday, citing a law enforcement official’s knowledge of the coroner’s ruling.
The coroner ruled a fatal combination of drugs, including the powerful anesthetic propofol, was given to Jackson hours before he died on June 25, according to the AP.
Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, has been at the center of the investigation surrounding the King of Pop’s death at the age of 50.
But as far as La Toya is concerned, the homicide ruling is only the beginning of the information that could be revealed.
“Wait until you see how everything unfolds,” the source close to Jackson’s sister told Access. “It’s going to be the biggest conspiracy of all times.”

In addition, a spokesperson for the Jackson family issued the following statement to Access following Monday’s news:
“The Jackson family has full confidence in the legal process, and commends the ongoing efforts of the L.A. County Coroner, the L.A. District Attorney and the L.A. Police Department,” the statement read. “The family looks forward to the day that justice can be served.”
We are mentioned, baby! Yeah, LAPD, if you don't do your job, we'll take care of it!
La Toya On Jackson Coroner’s Homicide Ruling: ‘It’s Going To Be The Biggest Conspiracy Of All Times’

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
News of Michael Jackson’s death being ruled a homicide on Monday sent shockwaves through Hollywood. But one person who apparently wasn’t surprised by the announcement was the singer’s sister, La Toya Jackson.
“La Toya knew it the second she heard he was dead,” a source close to La Toya told Access Hollywood on Monday, following the news from the Los Angeles County Coroner. “[Michael] had been telling her for the longest [time] that they were going to kill him and she knows all the players involved.”
The Associated Press was the first to break the homicide news on Monday, citing a law enforcement official’s knowledge of the coroner’s ruling.
The coroner ruled a fatal combination of drugs, including the powerful anesthetic propofol, was given to Jackson hours before he died on June 25, according to the AP.
Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, has been at the center of the investigation surrounding the King of Pop’s death at the age of 50.
But as far as La Toya is concerned, the homicide ruling is only the beginning of the information that could be revealed.
“Wait until you see how everything unfolds,” the source close to Jackson’s sister told Access. “It’s going to be the biggest conspiracy of all times.”
In addition, a spokesperson for the Jackson family issued the following statement to Access following Monday’s news:
“The Jackson family has full confidence in the legal process, and commends the ongoing efforts of the L.A. County Coroner, the L.A. District Attorney and the L.A. Police Department,” the statement read. “The family looks forward to the day that justice can be served.”

I'm so ready to hear about the rest of them. BUt, wait ... don't we already know?
Pray for the family.

i feel so sick about this.

so much pain again.. the pain will never fade away
Wow......praying for them! Its so sad but I am so furious and want to see justice done so Michael and the family and us fans can at least have some sort of closure....
Michael's 3 innocent children deserve justice and for ALL of the murderers to pay for killing their precious father.
Ive read as much as l can today about "drugs, homicide, conspiracy theories etc", lve got so many mixed emotions going on right now. Although we all pretty much knew what the coroners report would say, it,s still a shock to see what was put into Michaels body during only one night. No one will ever really know what exactly happened that night, but surely there was more than the doctor there, we hear that Michael had bodyguards and all kinds of security around him. So where were they all when this was going on ? Was Michael just "left alone" till lunchtime as the norm or what ?

But what l dont understand, and l hope someone will help me, LaToya seems to think that "they" were trying to "get" him, "kill" him. Why would anyone want to do this ? What would they have to gain from Michaels death ? Someone, please explain, l just dont understand !!
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My heart actually aches right now. I can't believe it. He never deserved this :cry:
I've just seen this now. My God :(

I had a quick read on a press website which included copies of what the search warrants said etc. God knows what went on in that house that night and morning but Murray's lying through his teeth.

I just hope the bodyguards and anyone else there at that time have given statements and truthfully. Surely SOMEone there will not have been corrupt?

Murray should be shot for what he pumped into Michael that morning. I'm not easily shocked but what I read has shocked and appalled me.
it wasnt his time to go oh Michael, i pray for Michael's 3 kids, oh God i feel so sick
Ive read as much as l can today about "drugs, homicide, conspiracy theories etc", lve got so many mixed emotions going on right now. Although we all pretty much knew what the coroners report would say, it,s still a shock to see what was put into Michaels body during only one night. No one will ever really know what exactly happened that night, but surely there was more than the doctor there, we hear that Michael had bodyguards and all kinds of security around him. So where were they all when this was going on ? Was Michael just "left alone" till lunchtime as the norm or what ?

But what l dont understand, and l hope someone will help me, LaToya seems to think that "they" were trying to "get" him, "kill" him. Why would anyone want to do this ? What would they have to gain from Michaels death ? Someone, please explain, l just dont understand !!

Sales have gone up since Michael died so thats Sony's interest explained... There is also rumours of people going after him for the Beatles catalog.

Tohme was introduced to Michael via Jermaine, Jermaine keeps going on about a Neverland burial. Was this because they wanted to make it a Graceland? Tohme is friends with Tom Barrack the owner of Colony Capital(who own a lot of Neverland) and Tom is friends with Philip Anschutz who owns... AEG. Read this article written before Michael passed away by the LA Times,0,1441957.story?page=1 (if you don't want to follow a link I already pasted it a few weeks ago into this thread...
Hmm it does seem we are only just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

I guess the homicide isn't much of a shock, what shocks me the most is how upset I feel about everything. I felt maybe that when we finally get details of why Michael passed away, it would feel like some progress towards justice, and I guess it is but I didn't expect to feel so bad. It makes me feel more determined to keep Katherine and the kids in our prayers.
This whole thing makes me sick.
Yeah really really sick,i feel sick since that horrible day of june 25th 'they' took away what i,we loved the most and i think i will NEVER EVER get over this:':)( I NEVER felt sooo much pain and sorrow in my life all i can do is cry even now the tears are rolling down my face:':)'( My life will never be the same without our beloved Michael:no: I go crazy when I think about all the beautiful things that would have had come for all of us,the concerts,new music and video's and most of all the excitement and happiness we all felt whenever Mike was around,this is soooo sad and sooo unfair it is still unbelievable we'll have to miss that forever!!!:(
September 8th will be again a very very sad day,that was the day i would go to the concert...:(
I always believed in God but sorry to say now i really have my doubts why oh why??? did he let this horrible thing happen to the most beautiful man in the world,sometimes its really hard to understand him...!!!!?????:no:
yea our speculations are all coming to be a reality and even though most of us knew it all along... it's soo painful to be comfirmed...

my support is with the Jackson family and so are my prayers.
Another statement:

Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Issues Statement

Updated: Aug 25, 2009 2:06 AM GDT Monday, August 24, 2009 9:06 PM EST
The attorney representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the death investigation of singer Michael Jackson issued a response late Monday afternoon.
Attorney Edward Chernoff was responding to the affadavit that was released Monday. The affadavit was part of two search warrants that showed what investigators found in Murray's medical office and storage unit in Houston, Texas. Chernoff released this statement on his website.
"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
We will not comment on the "anonymous" law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by "anonymous" sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."