State of Current Music Industry

Today I found myself asking this question because its very difficult when your 17 to find other teens or young people that dont have a brain of a toddler and a musical taste of a three year old, Am I the only one that recognizes how bad mainstream music is?

I know its terrible but today hanging out with my mom going from store to store and listening to the same retarded music playing in the stores.... because I dont listen to the radio. So the only time I get a update on this commercial music is in the store, at a party, event etc. I just can't understand why that type of music is so popular when it sucks to all hell. lol I just couldnt believe it... I havent listened to the radio in so long and I see nothing has change. The music is just getting worse.

I have my own stash of good music and my oldies that I love. I just think its sad that terrible music gets praised like that. I know this topic is tired but I needed to vent lol and also if others have opinions or comments on the issue please post. Your thoughts?

Hmm well I think it's not the radio stations fault... It's the tweens who listen to that sort of crap... That's why we've got Miley Cyrus on the radio. *shudders* (Sorry if I offend anyone here...) But since most of us have things like iPods now, we can listen to whatever we want, so I don't pay much attention to the radio, although there are some good songs in mainstream (For example, the script..) I guess we'll just have to stumble upon them.
Hmm well I think it's not the radio stations fault... It's the tweens who listen to that sort of crap... That's why we've got Miley Cyrus on the radio. *shudders* (Sorry if I offend anyone here...) But since most of us have things like iPods now, we can listen to whatever we want, so I don't pay much attention to the radio, although there are some good songs in mainstream (For example, the script..) I guess we'll just have to stumble upon them.
It is the radio progammers fault, and always has been. Although in the past DJs had more power over what is played than today, when a majority of stations in the USA is owned by Clear Channel. Radio is just a big advertiser to make people go out and buy product (CDs, records, cassettes). The record companies pay the radio stations (payola) to play (advertise) their "product" (music acts). The big companies have more more money to spend than small indie labels. The more money spent, the more a particular song is played. Look at the J5. They signed to Steeltown, but Steeltown didn't have the funds or distribution power to get them out there. Motown did. In general, whatever is the most popular is what has the most money spent on promotion. That's what pop is, the most "popular". It's not really a genre in itself. In the 70s, disco was "pop", in the 80s hair rock was "pop", today rap is "pop".