State of Current Music Industry

I think there is a big need of new real rappers and dancehall artists, not like eminem or Sean Paul, we need people who have actually something to say, cause that's what that music stand for. Just talking about Mary J and Britney's tits all the time is so terribly annoying, without saying that rappers nowadays are just spoiled kid from the middle class, or people who really haven't see jail or real troubles or have experience real pain in their lives at all. That's make rap and reggae so stupid today. I think real black artist who also are real people are so needed!
Early rap had little to do with the streets. It was just party/funk music like The Sugarhill Gang, Kurtis Blow, Whodini, Super Rhymes, Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five, Sequence, West Coast Mob, etc. I don't think that you have to suffer to make valid music. Although that might apply to the blues or the Waylon Jennings type of country music.
Early rap had little to do with the streets. It was just party/funk music like The Sugarhill Gang, Kurtis Blow, Whodini, Super Rhymes, Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five, Sequence, West Coast Mob, etc. I don't think that you have to suffer to make valid music. Although that might apply to the blues or the Waylon Jennings type of country music.

Maybe, I don't know rap history, but I can't stand people who talk about killing others on the streets while they live in beverly hills and the only bad memories about their lives is their mums, plus is so boring to listen to stupid crap all the time, I think mainstream rap need someone more real. To me if a person has to say something then it must be real at least. Too much make up in black music today, too many fake artists out there.
A lot of the music classes are being cut in the schools. In the past a kid may have wanted to play an instrument. Today they might just want a video game or even worse a pretend instrument like Rock Star or whatever it's called. There just wasn't a lot of competition back then. There was only 3 networks (in the USA) plus PBS and 2 or 3 UHF channels. If you don't know what UHF is (no, it's not a Weird Al movie), you're probably too young lol. There was no cable, DVD, not even Betamax or VHS, or internet. There was pinball, but these were big and most people didn't have it in their house. So there is not a lot of opportunity today or incentive to want to play an instrument, when you can get a drum machine & sampler and just program a tune.
Music today is about I-tunes and ringtones espeically R&B music
Kids today have no sense of history and no interest in listening to of the past which is sad.
Some of it is fine and its catchy for the radio, but is it music that will stand the test of time?..... we'll see.
The music I find myself always going back to are artists like Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley, and of course MJ and even Janet's Rhymyth Nation album.
I recently bought James Taylor's greatest hits,
There are some artists still trying to break through because its not easy to get airplay
talking about something real love . Artists like Raphael Saddiq and Maxwell.
The state of current music just got worse when Michael ain't here anymore to heal it.
Seeing Ne-yo perform Lady In My Life at the BET Awards gives me lots of hope for the future of the music industry. What a talent he is.
Songs have no meaning anymore. Lyrics are just trash. I'm only 21, but I can tell you for sure that my future kids are not going to grow up listening to the mainstream crap of their generation.
The only meaningful artists I can think of are Josh Groban, Coldplay, Celine Dion, etc.

There are some artists whose songs I like because they have great beats, even though I hate the artist. For example, I think that Rihanna has some catchy tunes, but personally, I can't stand her -- I don't think she is talented at ALL. She's just a pretty face, a manufactured artist.
The state of the music industry today is disgusting.. There are so many "musicians" today that have no talent and rely completely on auto tune. Or singers who have been caught lip syncing and when they actually do sing live, their vocals are awful and expose their complete lack of musical talent. And for some reason they still dominate the airwaves.
I hate how there seem to be a lot more singers today that are just manufactured and shoved down everyones throats. What seems to be important is that they have the right look, famous siblings or some reality TV show (rather then their actual voices) and thus they are quaranteed as a money maker. They seem so self absorbed these days too, with their inane interviews.
I couldn't agree more, I don't even know who is on the radio any more and I don't care, whenever I hear any of it I can't believe that so many people actually enjoy listening to this. It doesn't seem to be getting any better either. There are actually SOME good modern artists out there but you have to try a lot harder to find them now because the good ones aren't being played on radio stations. I know what you mean about it being hard to find people your own age who enjoy the same music you do, I have that problem as well. I'm only 17 but give me The Temptations and Pink Floyd ANY DAY just as long as I don't have to hear nonsense like Fergie.. lol
So I guess all we have is classic music to live on since the current music is dead like all of the greats who have passed on including Michael :(
People like you and I give me hope that not all people our age are into trash music these days!!

Lol thanks! :) I knoww!! It feels like I'm so alone in the kind of music I listen to because it's SO hard to find someone who doesn't listen to garbage !
Lol thanks! :) I knoww!! It feels like I'm so alone in the kind of music I listen to because it's SO hard to find someone who doesn't listen to garbage !

That's so true...but honestly, there are so many people out there that would appreciate older music, but they're just well-hidden lol! I just find that it's mostly the younger kids (preteens especially) that are into garbage, because they don't know what music was like back in the day... But it's not like I hate on ALL new's just that older songs had much more MEANING and people who sang it actually wrote their own songs (at least some of them), and had talent.
I especially love it when I watch a movie and discover an old song that I never heard before. It's true what they say... old is gold...
I think more and more people are speaking out against cheap music.
Seriously who listens to this stuff?
I'm glad to see everyone seems to be against the fake manufactured music here !!
I think more and more people are speaking out against cheap music.
Seriously who listens to this stuff?
I'm glad to see everyone seems to be against the fake manufactured music here !!
Apparently somebody likes it, which is why it's popular.
im also in agreement that a lot of todays stuff is just crap and manufactured, if you've got a pretty face, then it doesnt matter if you can or cant sing, they'll just edit it and make it look like you have a tiny amount of talent

sometimes i think i was born in the wrong decade, i wish i could of lived through the 70s and/or 80s

and what happened to proper rock like aerosmith and guns n roses
whats with all the crap(imo) you get now they label 'rock'

and why arnt all the people with talent being signed!!!

and the music lyrics really are so bad now take for example pinks song please dont leave me
what utter &*^% :)

and sorry if anyone likes them but la roux - going in for the kill
i mean really
'we're going in for the kill, we're doing it for a thrill, i'm hoping you'll understand and not let go on my hand'
i mean what meaning is there
why would you sing that kind of rubbish
Let me just say this, my Sirius radio stays on the 70's and 80's stations. That says it all.
I cannot stand music today. It's all computerized and no one is original. They all look and sound the same. Everyone from that horrendous Lady GaGa to Katy Perry to Justin to anyone really. It is a real shame but there are no talented artists out there. There are few left but mainstream music is in terrible condition and no one but Michael could have saved it. But I think he somehow has done that. Many youngsters have discovered his music since the 25th.

But I really don't listen to music today. I listen to Queen, the Smiths, Clash, Motown and many many more from the olden school of good music. Obviously Michael as well.

It is in these thoughts of music today that I truly will miss Michael and will cherish his music. It's a gift!
I have always been a fan of good pop music. I grew up on it. However, the way pop music is now, from my limited observations, is you get a few mediocre at best acts who are just rammed down the consumers' throats. Take for instance Lady GaGa. About two months ago is when I started hearing her name. So, when I kept hearing and seeing it over and over, I decided to investigate and listened to pop radio stations one day while out driving just to find out who she was. I could barely go 20 minutes without hearing her on or another station. And there I was thinking, "So this is what the hype's about? Really?!" (Maybe there's more to her. To the Lady GaGa fans out there, I'm willing to be schooled.)

It's like they're trying to stuff us with cheap sugary candy acts. They might taste good for the moment (emphasis on might, to those that don't now better), but in the long run, they provide no real nutritional value and eventually will rot your teeth.
I cannot stand music today. It's all computerized and no one is original. They all look and sound the same. Everyone from that horrendous Lady GaGa to Katy Perry to Justin to anyone really. It is a real shame but there are no talented artists out there. There are few left but mainstream music is in terrible condition and no one but Michael could have saved it. But I think he somehow has done that. Many youngsters have discovered his music since the 25th.

But I really don't listen to music today. I listen to Queen, the Smiths, Clash, Motown and many many more from the olden school of good music. Obviously Michael as well.

It is in these thoughts of music today that I truly will miss Michael and will cherish his music. It's a gift!

Hahhaha horrendous Lady Gaga.
I wonder if people in the 80s or 90s ever complained about the state of music then, and long for the days of disco. Lol.
I'm 15, I don't listen to the radio either. A lot of artists today have no passion, they're just in it for the money. I'm not saying that everyone that's around today and still releasing records is useless. I adore Pete Doherty, Morrissey and Iggy Pop, it's such a shame that a lot of people are ignorant to their music because it's not 'cool' or 'radio material'. Same for Michael, I never heard much of him on the radio or music channels until he died despite him being MASSIVE in the music industry.
I'm 16 and I feel the same way. Everybody my age is always listening to Kiss and all the mainstream music and I listen to mostly 80's/early 90's stuff. I don't listen to the radio either. Music has definitely gone down the toilet and I almost feel ashamed to grow up in this generation. The artists of today only know how to write about having money, sex, and cars. There's no passion or emotion and all of the songs have the same crappy messages. I also noticed that none of these new artists are creative or unique. They all either have Michael Jackson or the Beatles as an influence and just try to copy and sample older music. They also repeat the same lines in songs like "walk it out" and "make it rain." I can't really see much of the music today being remembered or honored in the next 30-40 years.
Yeah, I pretty much agree with what everyone's said here. Mainstream music has died. I stopped listening to it a while ago. I think internet is partially to blame unfortunately. Getting your hands on music is instantaneous now. It used to be they'd have the artist come on the radio, do a song, and if well liked it would become a hit. Now any talentless hack can make music and it sells well, obviously. I don't know how. What happened to when music used to mean something? Now it's just copycat artist after copycat artist. Where's the originality? Actually I would give anything to hear anything other than the same old rap. That is all that is ever played on the radio.

I hope that this all changes eventually. People are going to start getting tired of it right? Maybe since people are discovering MJ's music now they'll start to realize that they could have better and it might kickstart something. Well, I'd like to see mainstream music be worth listening to again, hopefully within my lifetime, but I'm not very optimistic. For now I just stick to the classics 60s-90s music, since they never get old. I also always like to see what the Indie scene has to offer. Maybe it will start getting into a movement of its own and leave the mainstream trash in the dust. I can only hope.
People like you and I give me hope that not all people our age are into trash music these days!!

add me as another young body with an old trapped soul. i shake my head in wonderment daily at the sheep mentality of the masses who can't think for themselves or decipher anything good, beautiful, or worth seeing/hearing. it baffles me
Thanks for all the comments and opinions. Its good to know I'm not the only youngin with a soul.
Sometimes, when I am listening to old classic songs... I feel nostalgic about it. LOLS! XD
That's saying something because I didn't even grow up during those periods.

It's kinda sad that there's no artist in my generation that I would sit back and listen to once I'm old and grey and go, "Those were the good old days.." XD

Thank God for letting me discover the artistic talents of MJ and other soul and R&B legends.
I actually look back on songs like the spice girls and feel "nostalgic" how sad is that! A tune is like a scent - it can really take you back to a time and assist you to remember things clearer - for me, spice girls was me as a 11/12 year old, having a good ole time with my mates at school. It's whatever makes you feel good. But these days - there isn't any good crappy pop anymore! lol get what i'm sayn?