State of Current Music Industry


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Today I found myself asking this question because its very difficult when your 17 to find other teens or young people that dont have a brain of a toddler and a musical taste of a three year old, Am I the only one that recognizes how bad mainstream music is?

I know its terrible but today hanging out with my mom going from store to store and listening to the same retarded music playing in the stores.... because I dont listen to the radio. So the only time I get a update on this commercial music is in the store, at a party, event etc. I just can't understand why that type of music is so popular when it sucks to all hell. lol I just couldnt believe it... I havent listened to the radio in so long and I see nothing has change. The music is just getting worse.

I have my own stash of good music and my oldies that I love. I just think its sad that terrible music gets praised like that. I know this topic is tired but I needed to vent lol and also if others have opinions or comments on the issue please post. Your thoughts?
Where I live, there's a classical station, 2 jazz stations (1 traditional & 1 smooth), a Vietnamese music station and some Tejano stations, so there are alternatives. There's also the "Stairway To Heaven" & "Freebird" station, (er classic rock, lol). But I have enough music where I don't need the radio, and never listen to it. I don't really care what other people are listening to or what's popular and never have. One of my favorite groups is Swing Out Sister, who's considered a "one hit wonder". But I have all of their albums. If I don't like something, I just don't listen to it, like Polkas or Zydeco or Death Metal. But if someone else likes it, more power to them. It's not my business to question someone's taste. Some people don't like MJ's music or singing. It's not that big of a deal.
Where I live, there's a classical station, 2 jazz stations (1 traditional & 1 smooth), a Vietnamese music station and some Tejano stations, so there are alternatives. There's also the "Stairway To Heaven" & "Freebird" station, (er classic rock, lol). But I have enough music where I don't need the radio, and never listen to it. I don't really care what other people are listening to or what's popular and never have. One of my favorite groups is Swing Out Sister, who's considered a "one hit wonder". But I have all of their albums. If I don't like something, I just don't listen to it, like Polkas or Zydeco or Death Metal. But if someone else likes it, more power to them. It's not my business to question someone's taste. Some people don't like MJ's music or singing. It's not that big of a deal.

Your right, its NOT just like alot of things
I was just asking people's views and opinions on the mainstream music. I know everyone is going to have their taste regardless of how someone feels at the end of the day. I mentioned that I dont listen to the radio myself and like you I have my own collection of music that I enjoy and love and thats the only thing that matters like you said lol I just wanted to hear different views on the matter.
Where I live, there's a classical station, 2 jazz stations (1 traditional & 1 smooth), a Vietnamese music station and some Tejano stations, so there are alternatives. There's also the "Stairway To Heaven" & "Freebird" station, (er classic rock, lol). But I have enough music where I don't need the radio, and never listen to it. I don't really care what other people are listening to or what's popular and never have. One of my favorite groups is Swing Out Sister, who's considered a "one hit wonder". But I have all of their albums. If I don't like something, I just don't listen to it, like Polkas or Zydeco or Death Metal. But if someone else likes it, more power to them. It's not my business to question someone's taste. Some people don't like MJ's music or singing. It's not that big of a deal.

Pretty much sums it up ^
I was watching MTV BASE the other day and I couldn't believe the ruins that has become mainstream RnB. Is it stil safe to even call it RnB or Hip-hop for that matter. Shallow lyrics and generic beats seem to be the order of the day.Nobody seems to even be intrested in actual singing since everyone is abusing auto-tune anyway. I also listen to a radio station that plays predominantly stuff from the 70,80s to mid 90s, but its hard to avoid mainstream music on t.v or anywhere else. This is why I salute people like Maxwell for sticking to their guns and not subscribing to all the mediocrity.
I do listen to radio from time to time and what I find is they limit their play lists too much. You will hear the same songs every 2 hrs. If they would open up the play lists it would help. I think that's why there will be some songs that you'll hear when you go to another country that sound strong enough to be hits in your own country but sometimes never are.

It would be good if more radio stations made an effort to play songs they haven't played in years just to surprise people. Capital Radio in London used to do that a few years ago but I think they stopped.
Where I live, there's a classical station, 2 jazz stations (1 traditional & 1 smooth), a Vietnamese music station and some Tejano stations, so there are alternatives. There's also the "Stairway To Heaven" & "Freebird" station, (er classic rock, lol). But I have enough music where I don't need the radio, and never listen to it. I don't really care what other people are listening to or what's popular and never have. One of my favorite groups is Swing Out Sister, who's considered a "one hit wonder". But I have all of their albums. If I don't like something, I just don't listen to it, like Polkas or Zydeco or Death Metal. But if someone else likes it, more power to them. It's not my business to question someone's taste. Some people don't like MJ's music or singing. It's not that big of a deal.

Very well said :)

What I'm thinking though; Is it the listeners "fault" that the music sounds like it does today by buying what is out - or is it the labels that doesn't give us an option?

I think it's something in between...

I mean when I grew up we had "trash" also with Aqua, Spice Girls and all those acts - But for some reason that "trash" feels more pure than today's "trash".
Maybe that's because to me it has nostalgic value.
yep..that's why the industry is suffering, outside of MJ. it's hard to find someone who is right next to u that is an MJ fan, yet u find them on the internet. and it's hard to find someone who agrees, right in front of u that hates the state of music today, but u find them on the net. that seems strange but true. but, the ticket sales tell the story. MJ sells faster and better than anybody. so radio isn't the giant that it thinks it is. but a lot of people still fall victim to the 'programmers'. that's why they are called that, but, they tend to hate on MJ cus they know they don't have the MASSES. they just have the masses...lower case.

that's why the net is a wonderful thing. it helps u leave ur own neighborhood and find out what is really true.
Hey, here in Brazil is also well. We have many stuff being released every day here and worse, to sell albums! I can not understand... Today I do not see quality music and talented artists. Those who have talent are the minority. I see people without talent and are prepared for success, or you just be nice to have cool voice and sing if you do not know anything is also worth a good businessman and a great marketing team. Ok, the guy is launched to success! But here or there in front some time that person will be forgotten. It is a transient career. For me the 80s and 90s are the best in the music scene. All styles were in great evidence at that time. We only heard music from quality artists and very talented. I have great nostalgia of that time. If I could make the time back... :(
Very well said :)

What I'm thinking though; Is it the listeners "fault" that the music sounds like it does today by buying what is out - or is it the labels that doesn't give us an option?
There's thousands of albums released every year, so there's plenty of options. BB King has a new album out, perhaps he doesn't get radio play as he is way over 30. But the stuff on the radio is there by payola, and always has been, except maybe with college stations or underground stations. In the old days the average singer or band played in clubs, fairs, bars, etc. for years before getting "discovered", so they developed their own style and were experts at what they did. Now just get a drum machine and a sampler, which doesn't require a lot of talent. Also back then, labels allowed act to develop an audience over time, not many were successful right out the box. Stevie Wonder, The Supremes, Pink Floyd, U2, Jimi Hendrix, Funkadelic, Journey, & many other classic acts early releases didn't do anything. Today, if your 1st record doesn't sell, you're dropped, so they wouldn't make it now. The Jackson 5 wouldn't make it starting out today. They definitely wouldn't be allowed to play in strip joints, lol
I do listen to radio from time to time and what I find is they limit their play lists too much. You will hear the same songs every 2 hrs. If they would open up the play lists it would help.

Thats ridiculous. Its ridiculous how they play out the same songs. Thats not good radio at all.

Very well said :)

What I'm thinking though; Is it the listeners "fault" that the music sounds like it does today by buying what is out - or is it the labels that doesn't give us an option?

I think it's something in between...

It is... because some people want to listen to that mess because thats all they know. If people were to exactly hear descent music playing on the radio. There standards would not be so low but alot of people are not music literate. So they'll bump their head to anything playing on the radio.

Labels play a part to because the industry is all wacked out. Its a popularity contest, not about real talent.
To find any new music that's good today you really have to look and dig deep for it because 90% of the time your not gonna find good music on mainstream radio (IMO) but this shouldn't be the case. You shouldn't have to go looking for good music. You should be able to switch on the TV or turn on the radio and hear good music right there and then. Back 15-20 years ago it was the real artists who got all the praise and got all the number 1's and the high record sales, yes there was some silly stuff that came out back then also but back then no one took that silly stuff seriously. But things seem to have gone full circle where the silly acts are getting all the praise and attention and the real artists are being forgotten about
You shouldn't have to go looking for good music.
Miles Davis never got much radio play, so apparently people went out "looking" for him. Basically, some people want to be "told" what to listen to, whether it's "good" or "bad" music. It's the music "business", its only purpose is to make money. What's more popular with people - McDonald's or organic raw food restaurants?
Miles Davis never got much radio play, so apparently people went out "looking" for him. Basically, some people want to be "told" what to listen to, whether it's "good" or "bad" music. It's the music "business", its only purpose is to make money. What's more popular with people - McDonald's or organic raw food restaurants?


I dont understand why that is though. Why do people want media or even other people for that matter to tell them what music they should listen to or what is good music? I wouldnt want somebody to tell me what I should like or shouldnt. I wouldnt want somebody to keep playing the same song every 5 minutes because they think thats what I want to hear. Its just mindblowing that people choose to listen to a certain kind of music JUST because its popular.
To find any new music that's good today you really have to look and dig deep for it because 90% of the time your not gonna find good music on mainstream radio (IMO) but this shouldn't be the case. You shouldn't have to go looking for good music. You should be able to switch on the TV or turn on the radio and hear good music right there and then. Back 15-20 years ago it was the real artists who got all the praise and got all the number 1's and the high record sales, yes there was some silly stuff that came out back then also but back then no one took that silly stuff seriously. But things seem to have gone full circle where the silly acts are getting all the praise and attention and the real artists are being forgotten about

sadly, that is ALL true.

for example....when i hear these so called hits...its just like :doh: HOW!!!!!


the only time i think i actually AGREED recently was to that lily allen song 'the fear'. that song has meaning and beat. which really, in TODAY's music is even hard to find. so i was all "whew"

but yeah i just basically either listen to indie pop (lily allen) or folk (damien rice) or alternative rock (coldplay) for current acts or when i want to hear guaranteed good music i just listen to MJ or The Beatles or Nirvana.

sad really where it went. reminds me of that song, "Video Killed The Radio Star" 4some reason:no:
Mainstream music has always been about what's catchy and pop-y, and that doesn't often equal good music. But mainstream or pop, is just another genre, there are tons more to listen to. The good thing about these times is that people don't have to rely as much on actual radio anymore to get music, they can go online and create their own stations, fill up their Ipod or whatever with what they like.

Yes there are people that don't venture further than what's hot right now, and I think that's very sad, and makes you very musically uneducated, there's so much great stuff out there :)
I listen what I want and what I like.

The mainstream unfortunatly became childish and more childish, just for 13 years old boys and girls. That's also why the market is failing so badly: teenagers are the first one to dowload music instead of buying it.
Also many good artists (not all) and groups retire from the scene as soon as they think have done enough and want to dedicate their lives to their family or fulfill others dreams, or are considered one hit only just because the mainstream doesn't keep up with them!!
Many bad artists strangely keep on putting trash music out all the time.
Mainstream music has always been about what's catchy and pop-y, and that doesn't often equal good music. But mainstream or pop, is just another genre, there are tons more to listen to. The good thing about these times is that people don't have to rely as much on actual radio anymore to get music, they can go online and create their own stations, fill up their Ipod or whatever with what they like.

Yes there are people that don't venture further than what's hot right now, and I think that's very sad, and makes you very musically uneducated, there's so much great stuff out there :)

I agree 100%

I dont understand why that is though. Why do people want media or even other people for that matter to tell them what music they should listen to or what is good music? I wouldnt want somebody to tell me what I should like or shouldnt. I wouldnt want somebody to keep playing the same song every 5 minutes because they think thats what I want to hear. Its just mindblowing that people choose to listen to a certain kind of music JUST because its popular.
A lot of people are like ants, just mindlessly working for the queen ant. Then some folks are more like foxes, which are basically solitary and individual. People don't think for themselves. They want to fit in with some group. They read or watch movie reviews because they want someone's opinion as to whether they should see a movie or not. I don't need someone to tell me if something is good or bad, I can decide that for myself. They call things "guilty pleasures" because it doesn't fit in with some mainstream idea of what is "cool". They do polls to see how their opinion fits in with a bunch of other people and so on. They think certain clothes are "better" because it has somebody's name on it. Cotton is cotton, lol. It doesn't matter if says Wrangler or Versace. Yet they'll pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for Versace's cotton instead of 10 dollars for Wrangler's cotton.
however, i hear that the government is thinking of putting a tax on free music radio, so we might be compelled to appreciate what's out
:doh:All crap!!!!Though I don't keep up with new Artists anymore,I dont even know any new artists but where's need of knowing them.Still older artists put on great music.:hysterical:ppl even like Greenday/Linkin Park.And dont get me on Coldplay,I watched them Live on Vh-1 and they sucked so bad..:DI have a offer to all the new bands,just collect some GNR bootlegs and learn something from them and then try to copy them.Im pretty sure then your bands could have some performing skills..And Hip Hop music shud be banned for next 50 yrs and there shud be only one artist who can do Hip Hop is Michael Jackson though I dont think Mike himself like much hip hop.These were just few suggestions Im sure once again CD sales might have some boost and music quality will improve:cheeky:
:doh:All crap!!!!Though I don't keep up with new Artists anymore,I dont even know any new artists but where's need of knowing them.Still older artists put on great music.:hysterical:ppl even like Greenday/Linkin Park.And dont get me on Coldplay,I watched them Live on Vh-1 and they sucked so bad..:DI have a offer to all the new bands,just collect some GNR bootlegs and learn something from them and then try to copy them.Im pretty sure then your bands could have some performing skills..And Hip Hop music shud be banned for next 50 yrs and there shud be only one artist who can do Hip Hop is Michael Jackson though I dont think Mike himself like much hip hop.These were just few suggestions Im sure once again CD sales might have some boost and music quality will improve:cheeky:

did you say michael should be the only one to do hip hop music? i dont know about that..but we do need some new great rappers on the scene. new music in general has gone down. personally, when the backstreet boys, nsync, and britney popped onto the scene i noticed thats when i started to say damn music is starting to suck. but thats me i guess.
did you say michael should be the only one to do hip hop music? i dont know about that..but we do need some new great rappers on the scene. new music in general has gone down. personally, when the backstreet boys, nsync, and britney popped onto the scene i noticed thats when i started to say damn music is starting to suck. but thats me i guess.
Yup if Hip Hop has to be done then Mike can only do it,otherwise drop hip hop and do some real music..And I only trust MJ for real music today,there is no artist who can really bring out some real music.And ofcourse rappers are not needed,tht aint music its just few ppl tryin to make some living..We need Michael Jackson to release something and after tht maybe Reunited Guns n Roses otherwise there is no artist who can really teach all new artists how to make music or how to perform on stage:cheeky:
Yup if Hip Hop has to be done then Mike can only do it,otherwise drop hip hop and do some real music..And I only trust MJ for real music today,there is no artist who can really bring out some real music.And ofcourse rappers are not needed,tht aint music its just few ppl tryin to make some living..We need Michael Jackson to release something and after tht maybe Reunited Guns n Roses otherwise there is no artist who can really teach all new artists how to make music or how to perform on stage:cheeky:

what about the music of tupac biggie, and yes, tho i had a prob with some of his behaviour..eminem?
I think theres more Evil in the Charts than what there is in an Al Qaeda suggestion box :yes:
I think there is a big need of new real rappers and dancehall artists, not like eminem or Sean Paul, we need people who have actually something to say, cause that's what that music stand for. Just talking about Mary J and Britney's tits all the time is so terribly annoying, without saying that rappers nowadays are just spoiled kid from the middle class, or people who really haven't see jail or real troubles or have experience real pain in their lives at all. That's make rap and reggae so stupid today. I think real black artist who also are real people are so needed!