Spanish Forum: MJ sends message to fans.

Thanks for sharing. :flowers: Can't wait to see the fruits of all his hard work. Should be always.
thanks for the message. spanish fans were at his house in vegas so its most likely from then.
I was actually thinking of starting a thread yesterday about MJ's message to fans from last year.
remember MJ said he'd have thrown in the towel if it weren't for the fans..
I think whatever MJ does in his career esp now is for his fans.

I miss him.

When did he say that? Can you post that message? I think I missed that one...would love to read it. Thanks. :)
The exact original version says:

Just know that I truly love and apreciate all of you, from the bottom of my heart. I will do the best for you musically and creatively, visually. "I love you". Michael Jackson - 08

Note: he did write apreciate. :)

LOL, Michael can't spell. Niether can I though, so... I think it's sweet.

That was nice of him to send a note. And you're right Foxy, it basically confirms that he's working on music and other projects.
I will do my best for you musically, creatively and visually.

Now, that is Mike. It is good to know. Love you back, Mike.

Thanks for posting.
Wow, what a wonderful, beautiful, sweet message to all the fans.

Thanks for posting and translating.
Aww thanks for sharing. This message is very kind and sweet. I hope we will get to see him soon. MJ London misses you so so soooooo much.
.............Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww,Michael!!!:wub: Sooooooooo want to hug and smother him with kisses:wub: such a' sweet,loving amazaing pearl we have here:biggrin: ThXxX for sharing!:biggrin:
If it was real someone would scan or take a picture of the signed hand note, i doubt its true but hey that guy has done well to trick you all...

"I truly love and appreciate all my fans all over the world, from the bottom of my heart." - Private Home Movies.

now i'm not sure about:

"I will do my best for you musically, creatively and visually."

but this is a wind up :'(
:eek: Thank you SO so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like crying reading that, I'm so humbled. xxxxxxxxxxxx