Spanish Forum: MJ sends message to fans.

That's extremely cool!! So MJ wrote this note and give it to a fan in his HANDS and then the fan posted what was in the note, on to the MJHO forum? That's incredilbe! Was it a fan living near where MJ is residing now or what?

This will be difficult to know.Many fans follow MJ around the world.And are faithful! Never say where he would be.
OMG OMG :wild:

I just CANNOT put into words how sweet this man is and how much i love him!!!!

I LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
I forgot to say...Hey,Sasha, YOU ARE SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

I adore you!Thanks for you good mood!:)
nice for the fans who got the message and posted this but if he wants totalk to his fans or leave a message he is very capable to do that through all fanboards it only will corst him or one of his pple a simple email lol and all boards/sites have the message in less then an hour worldwide after all it has been done that way many times
so come on michael leave us a message lol (winks)
I'll make a wild guess here and say it was probably one of the fans that Michael talked to in Vegas the other day, as reported in the media. They were said to be European and to have received autographs and such from MJ.
i think we should be happy that we received a message...Michael prefers this way of sending message, through his fans, i think it is really cool. If he would put it directly on forums through his ppl etc then that would be a problem for some .....Michael has been always sending messages for fans time to time through other fans, which is a great thing in my opinion. :)
He was very sweet for handing out that message. So like him ^_^

The message itself though is nothing new :lol:

Thanks :wub:
The exact original version says:

Just know that I truly love and apreciate all of you, from the bottom of my heart. I will do the best for you musically and creatively, visually. "I love you". Michael Jackson - 08

Note: he did write apreciate. :)
Can someone send me the message and I can translate it? I am fluent in Spanish.
Mensaje de Michael Jackson para sus fans. Agosto 2008
Unos días antes de su cumpleaños, Michael Jackson escribió el siguiente mensaje, que entregó en mano a un grupo fans del foro:

"Sabed que realmente os quiero y aprecio a todos, desde lo más profundo de mi corazón.

Haré lo mejor para vosotros musical, creativa y visualmente.

Os quiero.

Michael Jackson '08"


I think the translation is so far alright.
Awww that's so sweet of Michael! Thank you!! :)

And special thanks to spanish fans for sharing the message with us! :yes:

Let's make this a hot topic! :D
i was just starting to wonder why Michael "doesn't write" for such a long time :D and especially for his birthday and here we are :) this man is so nice to us :)
i love you Michael :wub:
Woow how fun that Michael wrote to theml!! :yes: Lucky Spanish fans........
Great to hear this message. But if it was written on a note.... can't the person who has it just scan it and upload, so everyone will see the original text? ;)
What a lovely, lovely message. I am so thrilled I could cry. I will WAIT for as long as it takes Michael. Don't let the naysayers, and the rumour mongers put you off.
Thanks Spanish fans for being so kind to share it. You could easily have kept it to yourselves.
Funny how such a small message contains so much information, it almost clarifies to all the fans who were waitng on Michael himself to confirm he is working on a new album. This pretty much is it.
Yes, It is loaded, that is why I am so excited. It is coming straight from the horses mouth.:D
Funny how such a small message contains so much information, it almost clarifies to all the fans who were waitng on Michael himself to confirm he is working on a new album. This pretty much is it.

Yes Foxy, you are SO right :yes:
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely note by Michael, when I read it I felt a thrill of excitement up and down my spine. Awww Michael, I love you. :wub:
OMG!!! I'm dying.. thanks so much Michael for your beautiful message.
I was actually thinking of starting a thread yesterday about MJ's message to fans from last year.
remember MJ said he'd have thrown in the towel if it weren't for the fans..
I think whatever MJ does in his career esp now is for his fans.

I miss him.