Sorry...I have to open up

Maria, I hope your mother's better now. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Lots of hugs for you Maria and your mother. I'm glad to hear that she is doing better. :D
Rhilo,thank you so much for your love and prayers.

Sweet Princess..thank you...Anytime mom feels a bit better,i feel better too.
Tomorrow we will know the result of the exams mom made last friday,and schedulle the surgery.
We are both anxious and nervous because according to what we were told,its a high risk surgery,but needed.
Will let all of you know how things went,tomorrow evening.
Again,and because it is never enough,i want to thank all of you in my name and my moms.
She now knows what i mean when i say this place is my home,and all of you are my mj family.
God Bless you all.Tight hugs
Tomorrow we will know the result of the exams mom made last friday,and schedulle the surgery.
We are both anxious and nervous because according to what we were told,its a high risk surgery,but needed.
Will let all of you know how things went,tomorrow evening.
Again,and because it is never enough,i want to thank all of you in my name and my moms.
She now knows what i mean when i say this place is my home,and all of you are my mj family.
God Bless you all.Tight hugs
Wow, a surgery for what? I think I got lost somewhere lol I keep her and you in my thoughts.
Wow, a surgery for what? I think I got lost somewhere lol I keep her and you in my thoughts.

A heart surgery because the brain aneurysm damaged my mom's heart,to the point that her blood pressure is always extremely high,and that for itself can kill her because one of the worst things for a person with a brain anurysm,is high blood pressure.It can make it brust.Also she has troubles breathing.Her arthery is the artery is clogged,the blood does not circulate as it should,therefore the surgery will be to clear the artery.
Thank you for thoughts and prayers.
Oh wow. :( She sounds almost like she has no luck, sometimes. like you saaid, once one thing gets better, she is worse in another way :/
Maria you & your mum are in my thoughts always. Sending strength at the beginning of this week.
Maria, wanted to come in here to see how things are. Hope everything goes well thinking of you and your mum.
Thrillerchild,Thank you so much my dear friend.I sure need all the strengh i can get,because things will get worst now.(i'll explain what i mean in another post).

CarleyMJ,thank you so much my dear friend.HUGS
So today me and my mom went to the hospital because we were going to know the result of the exam ,and schedulle the surgery.
Well...i just have a question...why does this nightmare never ends?
At the hospital the doctor said that my mom needs to make more complete exams,and also some blood tests.
According to her,only after this new exams that mom will do to her kidneys,her tyroid,and blood tests to see everything especially the Potassium,she will be able to schedule surgery.
we are just so tired and frustrated.Even though doctor asked the exams to be done as fast as possible,knowing how things are in my country,it may go a year or more,till she is called to do them.
What if it is too late then?If i knew important people related to the hospital,mom would do all she needs in a week or 2...but because i am just a regular person,all i can do is wait and pray that it is not too late.

Please my MJ family bear with me and help me somehow,as i am so exausted of this fight that it seems to be going in non stop circles.

Thank you all so much for everything.God bless you.HUGS
Ahhh, Maria, sorry to hear that... It's really outrageous that they couldn't make all the exams at once on Friday. So none of the following exams are scheduled yet?
Big hug to you both.
Ahhh, Maria, sorry to hear that... It's really outrageous that they couldn't make all the exams at once on Friday. So none of the following exams are scheduled yet?
Big hug to you both.

Ah theSilentOne...i am so frustrated with all this!you are so right dear!But you know what?i shouldn't be suprised at all!This is how my country is on a regular basis.This is Portugal at it's best!No wonder we are near bankrupcy,right?
I always felt i was i born here by mistake,and believe me dear,if i could do something to chage,i would have done ages ago.
Now all i can do is wait....just hope it will not be too late!
Had the exams been done? How long will this go on. It's getting outrages. Hang in there. We're all here for you
Had the exams been done? How long will this go on. It's getting outrages. Hang in there. We're all here for you

Oh dear i wish i knew the answers to your questions,that are my questions as well.
We are waiting for a letter from the hospital,saying when mom will make the exams and the blood tests.
Doctor asked them to be done as soon as possible,but God knows what that means.
Thank you so much for your love and support.
Sweet Princess,Thank you so much for the time you are dedicating to me and my mom,when you and your mom need all the love,suport and prayers as well.
Hang in there too ok?please keep me updated and know you are in my prayers dear.Tight tender hugs
Ashtanga,dear,unffortunately my mom dosen't get better.The best she can be is stable.
Any better i think only surgery can make it happen.
Thank you so much for caring.HUGS
Oh dear i wish i knew the answers to your questions,that are my questions as well.
We are waiting for a letter from the hospital,saying when mom will make the exams and the blood tests.
Doctor asked them to be done as soon as possible,but God knows what that means.
Thank you so much for your love and support.

You're welcome hun.


But there is hope. Keep the faith. Surely God is taking care of her. :angel:

There's some kind of hope yes.If the heart gets better,all my mom will need,is a peaceful life,so that the aneurysm dosen't brust.
But there's a 50% chance things go wrong,because it's a very high risk surgery.
Yet i prefer to think that there's some hope yes.
Now lets see how long wil my mom have to wait to be called to do the other exams she needs.
There's some kind of hope yes.If the heart gets better,all my mom will need,is a peaceful life,so that the aneurysm dosen't brust.
But there's a 50% chance things go wrong,because it's a very high risk surgery.
Yet i prefer to think that there's some hope yes.
Now lets see how long wil my mom have to wait to be called to do the other exams she needs.

This! Do not lose hope! :angel: :pray: :heart:
When does your mother have surgery, maria? Did you see my PM.

Let me know I hope you had an ok day. hugs :)
MJZprincess1982,My mom has to wait till the hospital calls her.
I have no idea when she will be called.Our social health system takes ages to do something,and most times works very bad.
Hopefully it will not take much time as the doctor said it is very urgent,but we never know.
This appoitment she went to,was also asked with urgency,and it took more than 1 year.Meet my country dear...nothing ever works,and when finally it seems like it is going to work,either it is too late,or there's something happening that it shouldn't.
Your Pm?which one dear?didn't i ansswer you?I'm

Tight hugs for you sweet princess.Keep the faith!:)
My thoughts are still with you Maria. Be sure to let off any steam you need in a PM if needed.
Daryll748,sweetie,thank you so much for your love and support.It means so much!...HUGS

Thrillerchild...Oh Dear thank you so much...I promise i will pm if gets too much.
The last thing i want,is to be the foccus of attention,as we all have lifes,we all have problems,and who knows if those problems are worst or more serious than the ones i have.
Please know i am here for you as well.
I'm here for all my Mj family.
Maria, we don´t have to come to this thread and read if we don´t want to.
You can write whatever you want,there are no right or wrong here.
Maybe someone of the guests is in a similar situation as you, read this thread and feels he/she gets help from it.
"If she can handle it I can handle it"
Of course there are ups and downs, sometimes you are strong and other times not.
My thoughts are with you.