Songs you never liked at first but ended up loving


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Are there any MJ songs that you heard for the first time and didn't like but then as time went on you ended up loving it?

The song that i never really liked at first was Liberian Girl but now i love the song and it's in my top ten favorite MJ songs of al time
Little Susie, Lady in my life, Working day and night, cry, for all time, she's got it, Got to be there...
I think " We're Almost There".... the lyrics got me into loving this one... and the song is really dramatic...

and I admit I am a little bit surprised by your choice ( just saying:D)
as I've always loved "Liberian Girl".... even when I wasn't a fan in the late 1980s... I used to listen to it on the Polish chart with lights down.... there has been and always will be a special kind of magic about "LB" for me
regards, cinderella
I gotta tell ya, I wasn't crazy about You Rock My World at first. I think it's because it was a style of music that I wasn't really used to, but the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me.
She's Out Of My Life. When I was younger I used to complain about this song SO MUCH! :lol: Now I LOVE IT! It's one of those songs where you can only like it if you pay close attention to the lyrics and MJ's voice though. It's not really a good song if you're tryna make people see MJ's musical talent because people will get bored of it. :lol:
"Black Or White"-Still not a fave of mine really, but I like it much better now than a did a few years ago.

"Why You Wanna Trip On Me"

"Burn This Disco Out"


"Stranger In Moscow"-I really don't know what the heck I was thinking hating on this song lol, but now I absolutely love it and it's one of my fave MJ songs ever.
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Just Good Friends, She Drives Me Wild

I think the only song i really DON'T like from MJ, that i don't think I'll ever like, is You Are My Life....I really don't like Babyface either so it makes sense :p
little susie, i confess.....
i couldnt finish listening to it when i first herd it um cos the song was so powerful scary, cos in some ways i could relate to it ,i think he brought it home ...
then i listened to it X 100 times , and now i think its one of his absolute best :yes:
I was little the first time I heard/watched Stranger In Moscow, so it felt boring to me as a kid who just wanted to see MJ being badass, rather than walking around in the rain singing sulkily. Now I think it's one of the most brilliant songs I've ever heard.

One song that I totally don't like is Liberian Girl. It's silly and corny without any redeeming qualities whatsoever lol. Well, except that the music video is pretty awesome. But the song is still poo.
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Superfly Sister - Took me awhile to get used to the sounds he used. It was so weird sounding that I had to change it. But now, I really appreciate it for what it stands for. And the music has finally grown on me.

Morphine - I don't know why I ever hated this song. I L.O.V.E this song to death!

Burn This Disco Out - Gonna still working on liking this song. Its gettin' there.

Little Susie - same thing. I just can't stomach it much yet.

2000 Watts - first I didn't like how low it went for his voice. But then it really turned around for me and now I can appreciate it.
Liberian Girl...come on, not even the HARMONIES and instrumentation in that song is redeeming? LOL That's what saved it for me. MJ sings it beautiful, and the cords give shivers...kinda like Beautiful Girl, which is similar :lol:

For Liberian Girl, he might as well has slapped it on Beautiful Girl's melody :lol: "I'm in loooveee, with a liberian...gurrrrrrrrrrrrllllllll" :lol:
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I think the only song i really DON'T like from MJ, that i don't think I'll ever like, is You Are My Life....I really don't like Babyface either so it makes sense :p
:eek:....... OK, I'm just surprised again.....
Liberian Girl...come on, not even the HARMONIES and instrumentation in that song is redeeming? LOL That's what saved it for me. MJ sings it beautiful, and the cords give shivers...kinda like Beautiful Girl, which is similar :lol:

For Liberian Girl, he might as well has slapped it on Beautiful Girl's melody :lol: "I'm in loooveee, with a liberian...gurrrrrrrrrrrrllllllll" :lol:
well, in my opinion none of the songs in the whole universe is even a bit similar to "LB".... this one is unique
again, imo:)
:eek:....... OK, I'm just surprised again.....

Sorry. Moon, Shine, stars, night, sun.....all arbitrary romantic words that are empty to me (maybe because I read a lot of poetry LOL). But it's really cliche...especially when a lot of them are used at once :lol: And Babyface is written all over that song....and his melodies and instrumentation are often uninspiring for me except for a few songs LOL. Mj's voice is beautiful of course though.
well, in my opinion none of the songs in the whole universe is even a bit similar to "LB".... this one is unique
again, imo:)

well i was joking a bit there. But the way MJ uses harmonies in both Liberian and Beautiful Girl are similar.
I was little the first time I heard/watched Stranger In Moscow, so it felt boring to me as a kid who just wanted to see MJ being badass, rather than walking around in the rain singing sulkily. Now I think it's one of the most brilliant songs I've ever heard.

One song that I totally don't like is Liberian Girl. It's silly and corny without any redeeming qualities whatsoever lol. Well, except that the music video is pretty awesome. But the song is still poo.

on the contrary I would say:)
it's a nice idea still
Sorry. Moon, Shine, stars, night, sun.....all arbitrary romantic words that are empty to me (maybe because I read a lot of poetry LOL). But it's really cliche...especially when a lot of them are used at once :lol: And Babyface is written all over that song....and his melodies and instrumentation are often uninspiring for me except for a few songs LOL. Mj's voice is beautiful of course though.
taking into consideration this is the only song for his own children he had been wishing for such a long time I can only sigh:wub:
if someone wants to know how he feels about them (his own kids) they should listen to 'You Are My Life"
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I think speechless does a better job of that IMO
different minds different opinions , I think:)

anyway I'm 100% sure that "YAML" is made especially for Michael's children (even without asking the man himself:))
regards, cinderella
well, I think I love them all by now!lol

but, "It's the falling in love" I didn't really like it at first, but now I do!!!!!
I think " We're Almost There".... the lyrics got me into loving this one... and the song is really dramatic...

and I admit I am a little bit surprised by your choice ( just saying:D)
as I've always loved "Liberian Girl".... even when I wasn't a fan in the late 1980s... I used to listen to it on the Polish chart with lights down.... there has been and always will be a special kind of magic about "LB" for me
regards, cinderella
We're almost there, is one of the few songs that got me through the MJ trial:D I love that songl

Mine is 'Heal the world and I just can't stop loving you.
2 Bad and Is It Scary....Never liked either until after I saw the "Ghosts" video. Now, after seeing them put to dance, I just really feel those songs so much more.
The lady in my life
Speed demon
Why you wanna trip on me

I don't know why because now I adore these songs.
Stranger in Moscow...I blame the fact that I was 11 when it HIStory came out, it was just boring. I can't believe it myself.
I'm still working on Librerian Girl, I don't really like it that much...


Same here!

I couldn't stand it.
But his HEART is in the song, you can just HEAR IT!


And couple of more...

Smile, Get on the floor, Speechless,Morphine,Invincible...

Yeah that's about it.

Sorry Mike,still can't stand TheGirlIsMine original version ! :(
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Stranger in Moscow (I've excused myself for not liking it because I was mostly into the uptempo songs when I was younger)

Just Good Friends unitl 2 weeks ago. (That doesn't mean she doesn't love me ooooooh saved it for me :lol: