Some people don't deserve to live.

I have read it in the news. Dog's heart stopped. That's strange. The dog spent >24 hours there under the bridge until somebody found him. He was taken to the vets then. They treated him well, but after some time dog's heart stopped. I guess dog refused to live on. :(

That asshole who dropped the guy was found. He will be imprisoned for 8 months.


Is that it?! He'll do some time (probably not the full sentence) come out with no new outlook on life or animals at all. He needs throwing off a bridge himself!
I have read it in the news. Dog's heart stopped. That's strange. The dog spent >24 hours there under the bridge until somebody found him. He was taken to the vets then. They treated him well, but after some time dog's heart stopped. I guess dog refused to live on. :(

That asshole who dropped the guy was found. He will be imprisoned for 8 months.


:boohooThat has broken my heart! :(
the world are full of such a monsters :(
how long, Dear Lord? it really need to end soon

and may God treat such type of people the same way
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8 months of imprisonment is not a proper solution at all... these murderers should be made to work with animals in shelters for the rest of their lives. Well, that would be something appropriate...

Recently a man hung his rottweiler on a tree and drilled his eyes... He left the poor thing hanging there all alone and it was discovered dead... I am ashamed to be a human sometimes...

But I still believe there is more good in people than bad...
8 months of imprisonment is not a proper solution at all... these murderers should be made to work with animals in shelters for the rest of their lives. Well, that would be something appropriate...

Recently a man hung his rottweiler on a tree and drilled his eyes... He left the poor thing hanging there all alone and it was discovered dead... I am ashamed to be a human sometimes...

But I still believe there is more good in people than bad...
I wouldn't trust this bastard near other animals and pets.

As for a punishment, someone should drop HIM off a bridge.
Sorry, I had to say that.
In Australia there was a pup found with it's ears & tail hacked off either done with scissors or shears. The culprits have been caught & lil Buckley is doing well & has a new home.
We also had a man shoot a kangaroos with bow & arrow. one died instantly & the other I think had it through it's nose.

Australia is getting really bad.

My aunt had a beautiful German Shepard. The next door neighbor poisoned it.
Then my aunt took my cat because we couldn't have her. She also had her own cat.
The neighbor poisoned the cat's. My cat survived & amazingly enough became more affectionate.

I don't understand some people if it's not hurting animals. It's hurting children.
This is absolutely disgusting! These people have to be possessed to do something like this.

I once saw a video of a Chinese woman walking along a path holding a tiny black kitten in her arms. She put the kitten on the ground, then stood on it with her stiletto heel and kept stamping on it's head until it was dead, while her pathetic boyfriend recorded it. It actually made me throw up afterwards.

When I see/hear about these things happening in the world, that is when I truly realize that Michael is in a better place.

Oh, I heard of that bitch,poor kitten, I hope she suffers along with her boyfriend that didn't help the kitten. I hate it when people people kill innocent animals and children. I usually try not to have hatred in me, but when people do crap like that. I hope they suffer so much!

And It's sad about the dog, what in the heck has that dog done to them. I hope that those a-holes get punished! :mat:
I've just read about this too: :no:

On the 11th within a Kunming Panlong District neighborhood, the four kittens of an adopted stray cat were abused to death. According to the family that adopted the stray cat, on the morning of the 11th when they heard the cat’s tragic cries, they rushed downstairs to discover this stray cat’s four kittens abused to death, and even placed in front of the mother cat. The kittens’ bodies were covered with bullet holes, with blood all over. One of the kittens had its neck tied with a rope and elongated, its chest cut open, heart exposed, while the other three kittens’ heads were stepped on. According to this journalist’s observation, the bullet holes on the kitten’s bodies were caused by a metal toy gun. It is reckoned that during the night of the 10th, someone used a toy gun to beat the kitten black and blue, so that it was unable to escape, before continuing to abuse/mutilate it to death, and intentionally put them beside the mother cat.

The poor mother cat kept licking the kittens, hoping it would revive the kittens. Crying, the women who adopted the cat were unable to speak, hoping that the cat abuser can be found.
This thread makes me cry...:cry:
How can all this be happening? It's so evil!
I've just read about this too: :no:

Oh dear god! I hope that the find those A-holes. :mat: Sadistic Motherf**kers, doing those poor innocent kittens like that, I am angry right now. :perrin I fell bad for the mama kitten seeing her babies die like that.
I wouldn't trust this bastard near other animals and pets.

As for a punishment, someone should drop HIM off a bridge.
Sorry, I had to say that.

The problem is that these people who harm animals are in most cases just regular citizens with decent reputation. They are bus drivers, teachers (the man I mentioned who drilled eyes was an english teacher!) and our neighbors.

They hurt animals for different reasons - they don't see the error of their ways, they have mental problems and control over defenseless animals gives them a feeling of unlimited power... Punishing them by doing what they did to these animals won't solve the problem. It will make these people more cruel and bitter... However making them help animals under the watchful eye of professionals might very well result in a change. A positive change.
The problem is that these people who harm animals are in most cases just regular citizens with decent reputation. They are bus drivers, teachers (the man I mentioned who drilled eyes was an english teacher!) and our neighbors.

They hurt animals for different reasons - they don't see the error of their ways, they have mental problems and control over defenseless animals gives them a feeling of unlimited power... Punishing them by doing what they did to these animals won't solve the problem. It will make these people more cruel and bitter... However making them help animals under the watchful eye of professionals might very well result in a change. A positive change.
You're right about these psychos being just regular citizens on the streets. Same goes for pedophiles and other such people.
I wasn't being serious when I said this guy should be dropped off a bridge...I just say a lot of spiteful things when I'm pissed.
These people need serious help. Whatever mental reason is at the root of it, how can they NOT care about the physical pain ('pain' is an understatement) they were causing in the first place? How?
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OMG those stories...

Honestly and I mean it, when I read them, I wish the same was done to those sadists that were doing that to those animals. I really mean that.
Exactly the same, right back at them.
I know it might sound harsh, but that is EXACTLY the feeling I am having.

How can you hurt a HELPLESS creature?...
Many truly don't understand the extent of what they've done until it's done back to them.