Some people don't deserve to live.

I'm sick of this world...

I know exactly what you mean....more and more that i start to really detest and hate the human race, really. But then when you think about the many many good people that are still around. The ones with a good heart and right intentions. Think about Michael's own kids who helped out that dog.
First a warning, this video is shocking and if you don't wanna watch it, perfectly understandable. I can explain it though....two numb-skulls(actually i have a different word for them...but let's not go there) walk on a bridge in Latvia, they are carrying a dog. They are smiling and seem to be having a good time...they then throw the dog off the bridge. And you see the poor dog smacking against the ground and you can hear his pain. I was about to break into tears when i saw this.

It's a clear indication of how SICK and disgusting the human race can be. And i can only try to imagine what the poor dog must have been thinking. I really ain't a violent person, i actually kinda hate it. In real life that is, i can enjoy it in games and i don't mind it in movies, but i wouldn't hurt a fly. I WOULD hurt these effin' idiots though, if i'd happen to drive by and see this crap. I can't know for sure, but probably at that moment they would meet up with the front of my car.

I guess you should just watch the video...i just wanted to show again how sick some people are.

I hope the exact same happens to these monster'ish two guys and worse, much worse...i'd applaud and support it. I look at my Bulldog and i'm the hell can people do that.

oh yeah..i know all about the human race. no news flash to me.
I won't watch this video because I know how I'll react.

I reckon the human race is one of the worst things to have ever been created.
I can´t watch this video - just your explanation of it was too much for me. I just can´t understand why people have to hurt animals.

But....what´s even worse......people actually attack other people (because of their race, their religion, etc.) Now that´s really disgusting!!!!! I´m sick of it!!!
I didn't even bother to click on the video link.

Just sounds disgusting. Why folk do this kind of stuff is beyond me? I would like to tie them upside down on a tree and have a elephant charging at them.
This is absolutely disgusting! These people have to be possessed to do something like this.

I once saw a video of a Chinese woman walking along a path holding a tiny black kitten in her arms. She put the kitten on the ground, then stood on it with her stiletto heel and kept stamping on it's head until it was dead, while her pathetic boyfriend recorded it. It actually made me throw up afterwards.

When I see/hear about these things happening in the world, that is when I truly realize that Michael is in a better place.
Oh my god, theres no other workd to describe those people but EVIL!
My mind boggles to think that anyone would want to harm another living creature for fun!
I apsolutely adore animals. My pet cat, is such a caring animal, she comforts me when im upset, in fact she even came over pushing her head into just then, to see why i was crying when i was watching this! How could anyone do this!
^ OMG. :cry: If I saw that it'd haunt me. I didn't even watch the video posted in this thread but I kept thinking about it all day at work. Why are some people so cruel? :(
I was on this other forum, a hiphop forum basically. But they mix in all kinds of non-music things as well. Sometimes people seem to think with logic there and seem normal. But i should have known ,judging by the complete stupidity and ignorance about MJ related news there....that i could expect things like this.

Some people actually said this

Don't know why everyone is taking the dogs side without hearing the full story..."

"Dog probably deserved it"

Oh brother......
I was on this other forum, a hiphop forum basically. But they mix in all kinds of non-music things as well. Sometimes people seem to think with logic there and seem normal. But i should have known ,judging by the complete stupidity and ignorance about MJ related news there....that i could expect things like this.

Some people actually said this

Don't know why everyone is taking the dogs side without hearing the full story..."

"Dog probably deserved it"

Oh brother......

Sad sad people!
This is absolutely disgusting! These people have to be possessed to do something like this.

I once saw a video of a Chinese woman walking along a path holding a tiny black kitten in her arms. She put the kitten on the ground, then stood on it with her stiletto heel and kept stamping on it's head until it was dead, while her pathetic boyfriend recorded it. It actually made me throw up afterwards.

When I see/hear about these things happening in the world, that is when I truly realize that Michael is in a better place.
There were many people who reacted to that video.
I think I read that the Chinese woman lost her job and she couldnt get a new one.

A hedgehog was tortured and killed by some kids, 5 years old.
yeah. I remember watching it days ago and I thought about posting it here but I thought a vid like this doesn't deserve to be spread. It's really one of the most horrible videos i ever saw (i've seen much worse though)
yeah. I remember watching it days ago and I thought about posting it here but I thought a vid like this doesn't deserve to be spread. It's really one of the most horrible videos i ever saw (i've seen much worse though)

Yeah me too. There have been videos ive watched out of curiosity when I was younger and never watched again.

It wouldnt take to many guesses to figure out what those videos where. I hate to even think about them.
First a warning, this video is shocking and if you don't wanna watch it, perfectly understandable. I can explain it though....two numb-skulls(actually i have a different word for them...but let's not go there) walk on a bridge in Latvia, they are carrying a dog. They are smiling and seem to be having a good time...they then throw the dog off the bridge. And you see the poor dog smacking against the ground and you can hear his pain. I was about to break into tears when i saw this.

It's a clear indication of how SICK and disgusting the human race can be. And i can only try to imagine what the poor dog must have been thinking. I really ain't a violent person, i actually kinda hate it. In real life that is, i can enjoy it in games and i don't mind it in movies, but i wouldn't hurt a fly. I WOULD hurt these effin' idiots though, if i'd happen to drive by and see this crap. I can't know for sure, but probably at that moment they would meet up with the front of my car.

I guess you should just watch the video...i just wanted to show again how sick some people are.

I hope the exact same happens to these monster'ish two guys and worse, much worse...i'd applaud and support it. I look at my Bulldog and i'm the hell can people do that.

These assholes are from Lithuania, not from Latvia. That a fucking country I live in... I'll update about how this story will end... I think this guy should be sentenced to ~5 years for being such a World's mistake... but I am afraid they won't do that... because there are no justice in my poor country...:no:
Trust me...I've seen much worse.

Mutilation...that's all I'll say. :(
I am a big time animal lover and I really wish I didn't seen that video. I really don't understand how people can do that to another living creature. If someone ever did something like that to my cat. I swear someone better call the cops on me. Because I swear to god I will kill the people that did that to my cat. I am just thankful that poor dog survived that fall. I seen enough animal abuse on those animal cop type shows that the Animal Planet shows. And it is absolutely horrific of what those poor animals go through. Especially the animals that has to be euthanized. Because they could not be saved. Animals can think and feel like people can. I don't know why these people that abuses animals can't see that. It is no freaking wonder why I show more love and compassion for an animal than I do for people.
First a warning, this video is shocking and if you don't wanna watch it, perfectly understandable. I can explain it though....two numb-skulls(actually i have a different word for them...but let's not go there) walk on a bridge in Latvia, they are carrying a dog. They are smiling and seem to be having a good time...they then throw the dog off the bridge. And you see the poor dog smacking against the ground and you can hear his pain. I was about to break into tears when i saw this.

It's a clear indication of how SICK and disgusting the human race can be. And i can only try to imagine what the poor dog must have been thinking. I really ain't a violent person, i actually kinda hate it. In real life that is, i can enjoy it in games and i don't mind it in movies, but i wouldn't hurt a fly. I WOULD hurt these effin' idiots though, if i'd happen to drive by and see this crap. I can't know for sure, but probably at that moment they would meet up with the front of my car.

I guess you should just watch the video...i just wanted to show again how sick some people are.

I hope the exact same happens to these monster'ish two guys and worse, much worse...i'd applaud and support it. I look at my Bulldog and i'm the hell can people do that.

Oh. My God. I saw the poor dog hesitant as the guy stood by the bridge. I could not watch it anymore. I have five dogs, and they are like my kids. I cannot imagine them hurt in any way. I am going to hug my dogs right now!
Oh my gosh, look at that gorgeous dog, I wish I could give him a big cuddle and promise him that nothing horrible will ever happen to him again.

Some people are SICK and should be shot, I don't care! How people can think things like that is fun is beyond me.

Sick sick sick, I hope they rot in hell.
i cant bring myself to click the link sorry, i hate people who are cruel to any animals in particular dogs, as i have one myself, a little westie.
i wish death upon people who are cruel to defenseless animals. its down right inhumane

this is my wee Westie

love him with all my heart, i just took a look at him and just cant get my head around how some people can be so cruel.
There is an organisation in Sweden called animals friend.There is one motheralliance and then in several towns there are alliances who are members in the motheralliance.
There is one in Borås and they help you if you can´t keep your cats, maybe someone older is going to the hospital or to a home for eldery and can´t keep their beloved cats.But they know their darlings will have a good new home soon.Of course you pay for the help to find other homes.
You don´t have to understand Swedish, you can see the pictures and in the text they ask several times but where are the cats?
When you read 27 mars 2007 and see a red house you can stop.Some pictures below they found some of the cats in a plastsack.
There were several plastsacs with longtime dead cats , but when the inspector from protection of animals came the sacks were gone.

They are forbidden to take in new cats but they found some food which was quite new
Investigation is going on and we know that such things take times
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When I see/hear about these things happening in the world, that is when I truly realize that Michael is in a better place.
The same here...
This world became so cruel, evil, full of disgusting violence :( Sick of it all.

I'm not goin' to watch the video, the description is enough.... :(

All I know, God see it all and at the end, those idiots will go through the terrible pain and experiences.
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:weeping: Why would you throw a dog over a bridge? Or set a cat on fire? Why?

Edit: Just watched. Oh shit. I didn't realise it was a bridge that high :no: You can tell it can't move afterwards. And the yelping! Disgusting.
A 20 yr old cat was stolen from its elderly owners and hung over a bridge recently in Australia by a rope by these two boys trying to impress a girl. wtf?

They then laughed about it in court in front of the owner.

Are you kidding me??? OMG that has made my day so much worse :( How do you know this??
I have read it in the news. Dog's heart stopped. That's strange. The dog spent >24 hours there under the bridge until somebody found him. He was taken to the vets then. They treated him well, but after some time dog's heart stopped. I guess dog refused to live on. :(

That asshole who dropped the guy was found. He will be imprisoned for 8 months.

I'm glad he will go to jail for this! Btw I didn't watch the clip but how was that filmed? Was a friend of the guy who did it filming and then they left the poor dog there? :(