Some people don't deserve to live.

Jan 17, 2004
First a warning, this video is shocking and if you don't wanna watch it, perfectly understandable. I can explain it though....two numb-skulls(actually i have a different word for them...but let's not go there) walk on a bridge in Latvia, they are carrying a dog. They are smiling and seem to be having a good time...they then throw the dog off the bridge. And you see the poor dog smacking against the ground and you can hear his pain. I was about to break into tears when i saw this.

It's a clear indication of how SICK and disgusting the human race can be. And i can only try to imagine what the poor dog must have been thinking. I really ain't a violent person, i actually kinda hate it. In real life that is, i can enjoy it in games and i don't mind it in movies, but i wouldn't hurt a fly. I WOULD hurt these effin' idiots though, if i'd happen to drive by and see this crap. I can't know for sure, but probably at that moment they would meet up with the front of my car.

I guess you should just watch the video...i just wanted to show again how sick some people are.

I hope the exact same happens to these monster'ish two guys and worse, much worse...i'd applaud and support it. I look at my Bulldog and i'm the hell can people do that.
I don't have the courage to watch the link you've provided, but I totally understand what you said as there are quite a handful of animal abuse cases here in Hong Kong recently.

Being a "mom" of 5 fluffy animals, it makes me very sad and angry to hear the monstrous act of human beings. I just hope those sick people will go to hell when they die.
Some people are truly disgusting. This world truly is in need of healing.

EDIT: Just watched it, and really wish I hadn't! Some things come with warnings for good reason.

The way the dog yelps, it's terrible! :cry: If I was there, I would be so tempted to push those guys off of the bridge too.
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The good news is that the dog survived this. Apparently he had two broken legs but he survived it. But exactly..the yelping is really what got to me the most...first you see him in the arms of that guy and looking around like 'eh, what's happening' he of course has no clue...and then he gets thrown off....oh man, words just can't describe it.

It really makes you wonder how in the world people can do such cruel, very very unnessecary and horrible things....i just...nevermind. Dogs will go through fire to save the ass of their owner, because they are so incredibly loyal, so kindhearted and good...and look at what some people do to them. And not just this country , country as well, and the USA....etc.
Recently they poured some liquid over a cat and than they lit it.
The cat didn´t survive.
It was in a little place in Sweden.
Recently they poured some liquid over a cat and than they lit it.
The cat didn´t survive.
It was in a little place in Sweden.

Terrible :( Some boys from my best friend's class at school used to buy hamsters from the pet shop and then torture them for fun.

The ringleader is now in prison for manslaughter. He's just 19. What an awful world we live in!
GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!

So the dog survived it, he has a few broken bones, but he's ok. Oh man i am happy.
BUT that is not all.

My dad just told me on tv that people started a hunt for these guys and they almost have them. So it seems that they will get what is coming to them.
Oh man...I'm already hyperventilating just watchin' the first second with sound off...I can't watch it further.
THIS IS HORRIBLE! Look at that lil' could they?!

This world is so un-f* can you even come up with something like that, not to begin with really doing it?!
To torture these innocent creatures...whether it animals or kids or, whatever.

I'm ashamed for human kind.
Terrible :( Some boys from my best friend's class at school used to buy hamsters from the pet shop and then torture them for fun.

The ringleader is now in prison for manslaughter. He's just 19. What an awful world we live in!

That he's in prison now doesn't surprise me.

The lack of empathy, respect for life, maybe combined with anger issues, may transfer to similar behavior towards humans.

I didn't watch the clip. I can't take that stuff.
I knew I shouldn't have watched that. I just... I have nothing to say, I've literally just been sat here staring at the screen for 5 minutes just thinking about that dog. I just wish I could do something for the dog. Here's a picture of the dog now, it seems to be doing OK but that doesn't make it better, I got it off a Latvian news website. Those cries are constantly running through my head.
Poor baby, im glad he/she is okay!
thanks for the warning, im too sensitive to animal cruelty to watch the video.

man, these animal abusers should go to jail alot longer for hurting animals...(thats if they even get sentenced!

theres serial killers who start out hurting animals as kids. if you have no compassion for life and kill animals 'for the fun of it.' theres something seriously wrong with you, period. i wouldn't hang out with people who do this.

Its really sad how some humans have this evil gene for torture.
Oooo :\ Not sure whether I should watch this or not :\

EDIT I watched it.

If I ever saw those people I would beat the living shit out of them. I really would, and they are laughing!!!!!!!!!!

Things like get me to riled up. The poor little thing is still wagging its tail afterwards as well :(:(

Id love to sneak up behind them and shove them over after it.
I cant watch this. I cant take anything which shows cruelty to animals. I even have to switch over when an RSPCA ad comes on! I simply don't understand how anyone can harm an innocent animal. They have done nothing but show us love yet some people treat them like this? Disgusting.
Okay i didnt and wont watch the video i am so sensitive to animals in pain it is untrue!! I can only imagine what the video is like and even that makes me sick!

My staffy was rescued after being found on the motorway tied up in a bin bag and covered in bite marks! She was used as a fighting dog and then used for breading :( Once she had had a few litters she was not agressive enough for the monsters that wanted her to fight so they used her as a bait dog! A dog for the other dogs to fight and attack before there big fight! I am guessing eventually she was no good to these evil people so they dumped her!

When we first got her she was thin and so scared of people she wanted to hide in a corner away from the world but slowly she became trusting of us and let us in to her hearts! She is the most placid dog you could ever wish to meet and considering what she has been through i am shocked because if it was me i would have a huge chip on my shoulder!!

I am so pleased the little dog is on the mend and i hope it gets the loving home it deserves just like my baby did! :)
Okay i didnt and wont watch the video i am so sensitive to animals in pain it is untrue!! I can only imagine what the video is like and even that makes me sick!

My staffy was rescued after being found on the motorway tied up in a bin bag and covered in bite marks! She was used as a fighting dog and then used for breading :( Once she had had a few litters she was not agressive enough for the monsters that wanted her to fight so they used her as a bait dog! A dog for the other dogs to fight and attack before there big fight! I am guessing eventually she was no good to these evil people so they dumped her!

When we first got her she was thin and so scared of people she wanted to hide in a corner away from the world but slowly she became trusting of us and let us in to her hearts! She is the most placid dog you could ever wish to meet and considering what she has been through i am shocked because if it was me i would have a huge chip on my shoulder!!

I am so pleased the little dog is on the mend and i hope it gets the loving home it deserves just like my baby did! :)

Aww thats beautiful. I would love to take a dog that has had a rough time and give it a wonderful life.
Aww thats beautiful. I would love to take a dog that has had a rough time and give it a wonderful life.

Whenever someone says to me they are gettin a dog or thinking about getting one i always beg them to go to a rescue home first! There are so many that need good homes! It is also so so worth it! They give you so much love it is unreal! :wub:
Whenever someone says to me they are gettin a dog or thinking about getting one i always beg them to go to a rescue home first! There are so many that need good homes! It is also so so worth it! They give you so much love it is unreal! :wub:

Awww. You know what, I think I will do just that. :):)
OMG. :cry: I cant bring myself to watch it. It makes me feel sick to the stomach to see anything being done to animals. And Belle...about the hamsters, I dont have any words. It upsets me so much.
why are people hurting theirselves by watching this vid?
Don,t do it.
i never watch these things.
KNowing those things happen is enough for me, i don,t want to volunterely see it.

First of all i don,t understand why you put the link on here staffordshire..
Too complain and let your feelings out okay, but why the link?
You will shock others with why posting?
OMG. :cry: I cant bring myself to watch it. It makes me feel sick to the stomach to see anything being done to animals. And Belle...about the hamsters, I dont have any words. It upsets me so much.

Me too - it's awful; they're so tiny and helpless! Animals have no knowledge of right or wrong, it tears me up to think that people abuse them!
why are people hurting theirselves by watching this vid?
Don,t do it.
i never watch these things.
KNowing those things happen is enough for me, i don,t want to volunterely see it.

First of all i don,t understand why you put the link on here staffordshire..
Too complain and let your feelings out okay, but why the link?
You will shock others with why posting?

She put a warning to others and explained what happens so there fore it is peoples choice if they watch it or not! I myself didnt like many others!!
I'm really sensitive, and I was almost in tears just reading the description of the video and the comments....
I could never bring myself to watch it.

Some people are just so unfeeling, I don't understand it.
What must have happened to them to make them into such monsters?
I didn't think that someone could be SO a poor, innocent dog. Aw, that made me cry. What an awful person, or I should say that in plural, the other guys too, who watched and laughed..and filmed. Glad thing he did film it, so it can raise more awareness to things like this. And that he will be found and hopefully arrested by the police and get a sentence. I just can't believe that someone would do such a thing, how someone is capable of doing something like that!'s a sick world..