Some people don't consider MJ to be a real songwriter

Being a songwriter and playing instruments are two COMPLETELY different things. One can write beautiful lyrics and come up with melodies for those songs, and not have to pick up one instrument. Michael would coach the musicians to what he saw in his head. That's songwriting in it's essence. Your friend is ridiculous.
ahahahah, and who are those???? i am very concern :smilerolleyes: cant to see???, "you just another part of me" :smilerolleyes:
The other day i was talking with one of my friends who have been playing piano for about 10 years and he asks ''Hey is it true that Michael Jackson don't write his own songs?'' and i responded with ''No that's not true, he does write most of his own songs'' and then my friend asked me what is MJ's songwriting process like and then i told him about how MJ hears all the music sounds in his head and then he sings/beatboxes the sounds into a tape recorder and then he'll go into the studio and sing all the musical parts he came up with to his studio musicians. My friends then says ''Oh well in that case Michael Jackson can't be called a real songwriter because a real songwriter will be able to play an instrument himself and not need to sing the parts of the instruments to other musicians to play for him'' and then i came back and said ''But the voice is an instrument''

What is everyone's thoughts on this?
man, i play piano, im a songwriter and Michael's level of quality in songwriting is not yet on me or any of the most known pianists i know....
your friend is a bit confused, teach him

And i will like YOU TO KNOW= MICHAEL PLAYED INSTRUMENTS , CHECK OUT THE BOOKLETS!!!!!!!!!! you'll see, example look at the booklet of Invincible.... do you have the original discs??? its all there...
Michael wrote some songs using a Piano as well. Just thought that would be worth noting. He could also play guitar.

Sometime people say the stupidest things about Michael, when I have told them he played guitar they said. 'Well why didnt he play it live on stage then?'

Well because he's Michael Jackson and thats not what he is known for, and he can get someone better to play guitar for him. Michael has allways been known for his singing and dancing. Although at one point I would have loved to see him play guitar. People go to watch him sing and dance because thats what he does.
I think i remember someone saying that MJ could play instruments but not to the point of where he felt happy playing them infront of a crowd of people.
Michael is a song writer, I would not call him a Musician because that he is not
Of course, he is a musician also! you don't need to play an instrument to be a musician. Musician is a person who composes, sings or plays music. Michael did it all. He composed, he sang and even though he didn't play any instruments, he imitated musical instruments with his voice, which is WAAAAY cooler than simply playing! :)
Of course, he is a musician also! you don't need to play an instrument to be a musician. Musician is a person who composes, sings or plays music. Michael did it all. He composed, he sang and even though he didn't play any instruments, he imitated musical instruments with his voice, which is WAAAAY cooler than simply playing! :)

But he did play instruments...haha Michael played guitar on his song Morphine.

"But if he knew how to play the guitar, why did he pay other people to play it in his songs?" asks reporter Alan Morter to Michael Jackson's agent. " Because he didn't like to play it all that much in public, I think. I'll never really know. He never told me." He said back. "But if everyone knew he played guitar, wouldn't he be a little more popular to guitar fans?" he asks. "Probably, but like I said, he never told me".
But he did play instruments...haha Michael played guitar on his song Morphine.

Oh yes. And he played an instrument on some other songs, if I am not mistaken... I have to check the credits in the album booklets to make sure.
Oh yes. And he played an instrument on some other songs, if I am not mistaken... I have to check the credits in the album booklets to make sure.

the album booklet also says that him and Rodney Jerkins played all the instruments on YRMW :cheeky:
Michael is a song writer, I would not call him a Musician because that he is not
You are soooo wrong, soooo so so wrong, but be like that,

to your info Michel played Piano, played percussion and guitar...

but even if he didnt (which is a LIE) the way he created his songs, THATS A MUSICIAN, i mean, you dont have to be a genius to know this.....:smilerolleyes: but i bet the ones saying he was not are not necesarily geniuses :smilerolleyes:

but keep on with your confusion, i bet you play an intrument and is your frustration the one talking...., are you a songwriter?? i mean a good songwriter?? Michael Jackson level...., could you write the songs Michael wrote???? ummmmm i let that to ya...

Again, Michael did play instruments his voice was an instrument as well, but his main intrument in creating songs was his MIND

I know many multi instrumentalists and believe me.... they are musicianas, but, that doesnt mean they are GOOD musicians...:smilerolleyes:

I dont even consider my piano teachers to be GOOD pianists...(dont say it to anybody)
Y’all fronting we all know that big bird wrote Billie Jean cut it out

Quincy ask the sesame street producers to have a input in the thriller album along with Mickey mouse they go way back here is pictures to prove that.


During the thriller era they wrote lady of my life for Minnie mouse


Announcing their tour together

Y’all didn’t know now you know
People think all sorts of things, like a big rock blew up and made all the planets and stars. :p
Michael is a song writer, I would not call him a Musician because that he is not

Aren't vocalists considered musicians as well? Are people such as Frank Sinatra and Aretha Franklin not even considered musicians anymore?
oh Boy not this again???:no::no::no:

now Norman Whitfield a all time great songwriter and Producer on Motown is considered one of the Greatest songwriters ever and guess what he didn't play a instrument.

same goes for George clinton.

and the most important Record Man going today clive Davis is musically tone deaf,but how many careers has he turned out??

anyway MJ wrote and did his thing in the studio.
Michael is a song writer, I would not call him a Musician because that he is not

So your criteria of a musician is to play instruments?

Playing instruments is a bit overrated by those who say you need play instrument to be considered a musician. Instruments are just a way (and just one way of several ways) to express music. Michael was a better musician than many, many instrumentalists on this world....

He was a natural, music was inside of him. He played some instruments, but not on a very high level. But that doesn't really matter. I don't think he didn't play instruments because he couldn't learn how to play. He probably just didn't care enough. But anybody with a little musical talent can learn to play instruments. It's just a matter of practice, really. But whether you are willing to invest those long hours into practicing an instrument or not - to me that's not what will make a difference between a musician and non-musician. Talent is the key, not long hours of practice, that anybody can do.
So your criteria of a musician is to play instruments?

Playing instruments is a bit overrated by those who say you need play instrument to be considered a musician. Instruments are just a way (and just one way of several ways) to express music. Michael was a better musician than many, many instrumentalists on this world....

He was a natural, music was inside of him. He played some instruments, but not on a very high level. But that doesn't really matter. I don't think he didn't play instruments because he couldn't learn how to play. He probably just didn't care enough. But anybody with a little musical talent can learn to play instruments. It's just a matter of practice, really. But whether you are willing to invest those long hours into practicing an instrument or not - to me that's not what will make a difference between a musician and non-musician. Talent is the key, not long hours of practice, that anybody can do.
BRILLIANT POST :agree: you said it all :bow:

Totally agree!!! :clapping: everything you said, just what i always said, and look that i play piano... most of my songs are not made with the piano... really its all in my mind then i have to find the way to put it into other's people ear through some instrument, it can be a piano, a pencil, my voice, anything that would reproduce whats on my head.

Michael was a MUSICAL GENIUS, natural born, child prodigy, so much explanation a feel like a dumb :tease:, some people are simply ignorant so i forgive them.

Anyway one more thing Michael DID played intruments, some assume that because he was also a performer, that does not make him unable to play instruments in recording studio or whatever, but on stage he was also a performer. not just a musician.
Michael is a song writer, I would not call him a Musician because that he is not

I strongly disagree with you my friend. Michael was not just a musician but a genius one. by looking at the definition of musician, Michael is certainly one.. "A musician is a person who writes, performs, or makes music. so how can you say that Michael is not a musician? he wrote, composed (so composers are not musicians as well?) & performed music. I think he would be offended by your statement pal.

Edit: I just wanted to correct my last sentence. Michael wouldn't be offended but other people who like him maybe would. Michael knew he was gifted, no more can take that away from him.
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^^^God bless you, amen :bow:

Exactly, Michael Jackson was not just a musician but a genius one.
So your criteria of a musician is to play instruments?

Playing instruments is a bit overrated by those who say you need play instrument to be considered a musician. Instruments are just a way (and just one way of several ways) to express music. Michael was a better musician than many, many instrumentalists on this world....

He was a natural, music was inside of him. He played some instruments, but not on a very high level. But that doesn't really matter. I don't think he didn't play instruments because he couldn't learn how to play. He probably just didn't care enough. But anybody with a little musical talent can learn to play instruments. It's just a matter of practice, really. But whether you are willing to invest those long hours into practicing an instrument or not - to me that's not what will make a difference between a musician and non-musician. Talent is the key, not long hours of practice, that anybody can do.

Look at it this way playing an instrument is A LOT harder than Singing or Song Writeing, playing a Instrument takes years to pre-fect not saying being a Vocalist doesn't but there is a lot more work involved in playing an Instrument and being a Professional Pianist for the last 11 years I think I should know, I get really pissed of when Singers get all the credit of the Band or whatever yes they may have wrote Songs but In terms of acutally coming up with Sounds they didn't do that much it has to be said, Ok in Michaels case he would beatbox melody's he herd in his head and get the Musicians to copy what he herd, the Songs were Michaels creation but the Musicianship came from the people who played the Music based on Michael's Interpretations as to what it sounded like in his head he may have came up with the Music piece but playing the Music someone else had to do it,I hope I made sense lol!.
^^^^ oh GOD! you need to calm down!!! :lol: you are pretty ignorant (search the meaning of ingnorance), do you yourself understand what you just wrote????, cause its POINTLESS my friend.... i think people like you SIMPLY DONT UNDERSTAND, so keep on with your thought as you of course will :lol:
^^^^ oh GOD! you need to calm down!!! :lol: you are pretty ignorant (search the meaning of ingnorance), do you yourself understand what you just wrote????, cause its POINTLESS my friend.... i think people like you SIMPLY DONT UNDERSTAND, so keep on with your thought as you of course will :lol:

You just proved the definition of the Word, I wasn't starting an argument I know fine well what the Word Musician means after all being a Music student and also being a professional Musician, If you bothered to read what I said I gave Michael credit for coming up with the Music he herd in his head but In terms of producing the Music with real instruments someone else had to do it yeah ok Michael played instruments all credit to him, but he Isn't the Musician the majority of fans seem to think he is.
But he did play instruments...haha Michael played guitar on his song Morphine.

wow really? no wonder that classical guitar sound in the middle of acid rock sounded so good together!! MJ the genius!!!! MUSICIAN

and by the way, to that quote you quoted about the guy, Alan, who wondered why Michael paid other people to play guitar for him, if he could play himself. the answer is..why not? and that should be the answer to any question that a person doesn't feel like answering. not all questions need to be answered..especially to people who act arrogant, think that their answer is the only right answer, and are never satisfied, anyway.
You just proved the definition of the Word, I wasn't starting an argument I know fine well what the Word Musician means after all being a Music student and also being a professional Musician, If you bothered to read what I said I gave Michael credit for coming up with the Music he herd in his head but In terms of producing the Music with real instruments someone else had to do it yeah ok Michael played instruments all credit to him, but he Isn't the Musician the majority of fans seem to think he is.
I know you wouldnt understand, so i will just let YOU be, btw im a musician too, i think that says a lot... not for you of course! Bye Thrilller MJ.