so who's gonna watch the new lady gaga and beyonce video

I liked Lady Gaga's other videos but I didn't like this one. It wasn't as artistic or clever as the others. And the whole Thelma and Louis thing is so old hat. I was kind of disappointed. I expected more from both of them. They both have so much talent.
I don't care if I sound judgemental. I don't care if she's been on tour for 18 months...she's not the first and won't be the last either. She doesn't deserve an ounce of my respect, she is no where close to that level with me. She is truly a mockery of true talent.
Now this crappy video I'm hearing about is suddenly the new thriller event???!?
If so, we have reached our end as a society.

This garbage is beyond overatted, all she thrives on is hype. Remove all the makeup, the beyond ridiculous costumes, and oh lets not forget, the FAKE persona, and what are we left with?

Gahh, I hate my generation of this the best Y2K, this millenia can come up with?

You're attitude is what is wrong with this generation. If you haven't even seen the video then your opinion is null and void. Lady Gaga is far from a commercially engineered product. Maybe if you did some research before throwing out blind insults you'd actually know that Gaga is an educated artist with the talent to back up her shenanigans. Try using some of that compassion and understanding that you always wanted MJ to receive instead of just hating for the sake of hating. You don't gotta like her but Lady Gaga does have talent and hustle. She's a very hard worker.
I don't get this whole 'Lady Gaga' thing, I saw the video and was like 'what the heck am I watching' It did nothing for me and Beyonce just was not needed in that piece. Like B very much but what was the point?
You're attitude is what is wrong with this generation. If you haven't even seen the video then your opinion is null and void. Lady Gaga is far from a commercially engineered product. Maybe if you did some research before throwing out blind insults you'd actually know that Gaga is an educated artist with the talent to back up her shenanigans. Try using some of that compassion and understanding that you always wanted MJ to receive instead of just hating for the sake of hating. You don't gotta like her but Lady Gaga does have talent and hustle. She's a very hard worker.

I maintain my stance on the fact that she is a commercially engineered product. Never denied that she worked hard, I know Germonatta is some sort of english major who writes songs... But No One's afraid of that. She still lacks originality and genuine talent.
I just wanted to reitrate that she wasn't the first to do anything that she's getting labeled an original for.
Her music, her songs won't last another 10 years. I can tell you , I was in love with Just Dance, Poker Face, and Bad Romance when they first came out, so were many other people I when her songs come we all automatically press the skip button.
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I maintain my stance on the fact that she is a commercially engineered product. Never denied that she worked hard, I know Germonatta is some sort of english major who writes songs... But No One's afraid of that. She still lacks originality and genuine talent.
I just wanted to reitrate that she wasn't the first to do anything that she's getting labeled an original for.
Her music, her songs won't last another 10 years. I can tell you , I was in love with Just Dance, Poker Face, and Bad Romance when they first came out, so were many other people I when her songs come we all automatically press the skip button.

That actually makes sense.............

I'm only 21 but I've noticed that songs from the past decade become stale very quickly!!!

I mean on the radio, I hear songs: that are new, from the 70's, from the 80's and from the 90's................but I don't hear many songs from 2000-08!!!!!!!!!!!
I maintain my stance on the fact that she is a commercially engineered product. Never denied that she worked hard, I know Germonatta is some sort of english major who writes songs... But No One's afraid of that. She still lacks originality and genuine talent.
I just wanted to reitrate that she wasn't the first to do anything that she's getting labeled an original for.
Her music, her songs won't last another 10 years. I can tell you , I was in love with Just Dance, Poker Face, and Bad Romance when they first came out, so were many other people I when her songs come we all automatically press the skip button.

speak for yourself there will ya, you can skip as many songs as you want but dont say we.
That actually makes sense.............

I'm only 21 but I've noticed that songs from the past decade become stale very quickly!!!

I mean on the radio, I hear songs: that are new, from the 70's, from the 80's and from the 90's................but I don't hear many songs from 2000-08!!!!!!!!!!!

Which type of radio station you listen too? There are stations that specialize in types of music.:yes: I mean radio does play songs 2000-2009...

looks like donny osmond not of a fan of this vid

i think really young kids shouldn't watch this b/c last week at prien lake elementry in my home state they suspend a 10 yr for goin
g to a pep rally with a yellow outfit very to lady gaga's in the begginning
As much as I like Donny Osmond, I gotta say this. That video ain't for kids anyway kids shouldn't have been watching it in the first place. Though I know kids are gonna try to see it themselves anyway. I mean parents should take care of they kids not let the telly take care of them.
Which type of radio station you listen too? There are stations that specialize in types of music.:yes: I mean radio does play songs 2000-2009...

The radio plays song that are about 2 years old at the most, with a few exceptions.......

There's a new song, it gets way too much play on the radio and then a few months later......everybody's already forgotten about it.

Wasn't Donny Osmond a fan of Britney Spears even with her very controversial video, Baby Hot Me One More Time, at the time?

That video is like Sesame Street compared to the new Gaga video!!!!!!

Michael Jackson had a few controversial videos, but they usually had a good message in it, whereas the Gaga one just promotes sex and crime!!!!!!!
I don't like the song or the video :)
I do like Gaga's songs though, I think she just going a bit over the top with this strange thing, I don't get it..
speak for yourself there will ya, you can skip as many songs as you want but dont say we.

She wasn't saying we as in all of us on this board. in her post she says her and her friends. That is the "we" she was speaking about.
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The telephone video is not art it's just shameless advertising, with polaroid, virgin mobile and chevrolet being the main players and then diet coke, miracle whip, wonder bread, plenty of fish dating website, HP computers, wonder bread and coors light all being included.