so who's gonna watch the new lady gaga and beyonce video


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
it premieres thursday, a guy name ty hunter if he's a director or what but he's says that the video is going to be 11 mintues long and it's a great video and it's going to be epic and the reason for the delay b/c it had to be to the two artists satcifaction

do you guys think it's going to be an epic video as its claimed to be?

p.s. the new video with alicia keys and beyonce one of the scenes they are shooting is the same location in michael' they don't really care about us video where;s with the guards
From what I've seen it's just people trying to hype something up eventhough it's not really working. I saw a still from the video and she looks exactly like Madonna in the late 80's and Gwen stefani in the other, yet of course nobody seems to make a mention of that and are still proclaiming her to be "a genius" and "the most original artist ever".

Personally I don't like her for several reasons. I read this quote from her about this video and that put me over the edge :

"What I like about it is it's a real true pop event," she told Phoenix's 104.7 KISS FM last month. "And when I was younger, I was always excited when there was a big giant event happening in pop music and that's what I wanted this to be."

Who does she think she is? Nobody is talking about this video except maybe on a couple of blogs. Or maybe I missed something and she really is that huge in America but definitly not the rest of the world because nobody is talking about it over here.It seems to me her ego is cathing up on her... and I hate it when artists get arrogant like that. To me she is waaaay overrated.

Sorry to all the Lady Gaga fans on this board, no disrespect intented. This is my opion and everyone is free to think otherwise.
I just think she comes of as a hypocrite. I don't know her personally of course so that's why I say she comes of like one. I could give many examples but I'm not going to spoil this thread any more.

Again I'm sorry if I come of bad, that is not my intention. I'll shut up now ;)
I watched it earlier. It was all right. Definitely the most effort put into a video I've seen in almost a decade, but I preferred Paparazzi and Bad Romance to this one. The outfits in this one seem to be much superior to the video. It was trying way too hard. Either way, it's nice to see someone putting creativity back into their work and being so inspired by MJ.

Can't wait to see what Christina Aguilera has instore for us soon. I love that new look and sound she's going for. Especially since I'm a fan of her amazing vocals.
she needs to stop trying so hard .. seriously shes getting on my nerves .. she can sing ..but enough with the "shenanigans" madonna did that 20 years ago...
its official todays music is crap even the music videos ... so sad ...
The video doesn't make any sense???

Also, Ms Gaga is in need of some desperate dance lessons. OMG, the choreography was so bad. It looks like they have epilepsy or something.

The song sucks too. Overall, I think her best song is Paparazzi and her best video is Bad Romance.

Very underwhelmed. Too much hype and it didn't deliver (well, at least to me.)

Oh yea, in my opinion the video didn't need to be that long. They could have edited some stuff out. It kinda started becoming draggy in the middle.
Well I saw it too and I can see I was right, way overhyped.
Yet I still see people commenting on the video around the internet saying it was "Epic" and all that stuff. I guess it shows why the state of the music industry is in the way it is right now.

Seriously wasn't she the girl who fought her record label not to sell sex on the cover of her album yet why is she seriously half naked pretty much the entire video?
I mean she was dancing in a thong for god's sake. Seriously can you be more of a hypocrite. If you want to do that fine, but don't go around preaching something which you don't live up to yourself.
I didn't know they made another video together.

here's the link

it's doesn't really have a concept to it
Thank you. Is this trying to be some sort of a short film? IMO these two artists doesn't really fit together.
And Lady Gaga looks like Amy Winehouse. Since she started "dancing" it was just.. lol. Don't like the song so much either.

"To be continued" :doh:
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Well I saw it too and I can see I was right, way overhyped.
Yet I still see people commenting on the video around the internet saying it was "Epic" and all that stuff. I guess it shows why the state of the music industry is in the way it is right now.

Seriously wasn't she the girl who fought her record label not to sell sex on the cover of her album yet why is she seriously half naked pretty much the entire video?
I mean she was dancing in a thong for god's sake. Seriously can you be more of a hypocrite. If you want to do that fine, but don't go around preaching something which you don't live up to yourself.

people are just follwing the crowd b/c on e news the showing previews of her new video and they were like get ready for the world premiere of the epic video
I didn't know they made another video together.

Thank you. Is this trying to be some sort of a short film? IMO these two artists doesn't really fit together.
And Lady Gaga looks like Amy Winehouse. Since she started "dancing" it was just.. lol. Don't like the song so much either.

"To be continued" :doh:

yeah she's doing the short film thing, but do you guys see this video being talked about lets say 20 years from now
That's why this has been trending on twitter since yesterday. I was that uninterested I couldn't even be bothered to click on it to find out why.
people are just follwing the crowd b/c on e news the showing previews of her new video and they were like get ready for the world premiere of the epic video

I know, the media seem to love to hype her up. I have no idea why though.
I don't understand why people would fall for it either. It seems some people are acting like this is some world wide event, when it is obviously not. I guess people seem to miss the days of Madonna and Michael on top of the world more then they actually admit.
I know, the media seem to love to hype her up. I have no idea why though.
I don't understand why people would fall for it either. It seems some people are acting like this is some world wide event, when it is obviously not. I guess people seem to miss the days of Madonna and Michael on top of the world more then they actually admit.

yeah i wish i was a teenager in the 80's
Personally I haven't watched it yet. Though I saw this article on NME..

site web

Lady Gaga and Beyonce's 'Telephone' video clocks up 500,000 viewers in 12 hours

Nine-minute video proves huge internet hit

Lady GaGa and Beyonce's video for 'Telephone' has clocked up half a million views in the 12 hours since it was premiered at 11:30pm (GMT) last night.

'Telephone' features on Lady GaGa's 'The Fame Monster' album and is released as a single in the UK on Monday (March 15).


Mar 12 2010 8:41 AM EST
Lady Gaga Talks Hidden Meanings In Epic 'Telephone' Clip

Gaga said jailhouse heat video worked because she and Beyonce 'both like women.'

By Gil Kaufman

  • Views36,255
    • 66% Rating

Lady Gaga wears a series of barely there outfits in the nine-and-a-half minute video for "Telephone" that debuted on Thursday night, including one that's no more than discretely applied electrical tape and a pair of torn fishnets. But the singer said despite the acres of provocative flesh (not to mention copious product placement) on display in the "Thelma and Louise"-style revenge fantasy co-starring Beyoncé, her aim, as always, is to embed some deeper, less obvious meaning in her videos.

"There's certainly always a hidden message in my music videos," Gaga told E! News in a sit-down during which she wore her signature round sunglasses and a lingerie-like black leather and lace bodysuit. "But I would say most predominately, I'm always trying to convolute everyone's idea of what a pop music video should be."
After hooking up with Beyoncé on the set of "Video Phone," Gaga said she was excited to re-team with the R&B diva, who shows of a more foul-mouthed, edgier persona in the clip than she has in the past, including the pivotal scene in which she poisons co-star Tyrese Gibson and calls him a compound nasty name. "We had an amazing time working together on her video and it just kind of works out because we both like women," Gaga said provocatively of the "Telephone" clip, the first half of which takes place in the sexiest/scariest women's prison on the planet.
Gaga also explained how the infamous "Pussy Wagon" from Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill Vol. 1" ended up making a very prominent cameo. "We were having lunch one day in Los Angeles and I was telling him about my concept for the video and he said, 'You gotta use the Pussy Wagon!,' " she said of the director's reaction to the pulpy look and feel of the video.
"There was this really amazing quality in 'Paparazzi,' where it kind of had this pure pop music quality but at the same time it was a little bit of commentary on fame culture," she said of her first hook-up with director Jonas Åkerlund, who also helmed the "Telephone" mini-movie. "I wanted to do the same thing with this video — take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper: the idea that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology and turn it into something that is more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are."
What do you think of Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video? Let us know in the comments below!

Lady Gaga Debuts Cinematic "Telephone" Video
March 12, 2010
Lady Gaga's much-hyped new video for "Telephone" received its world premiere on E! Thursday night. The clip for Gaga's duet with Beyoncé moves from an all-women's prison to a killing spree at a diner to (what else?) dancing. Directed by Jonas Akerlund, the video also features an appearance from actor Tyrese Gibson and a certain vehicle on loan from Quentin Tarantino and his Kill Bill movies. Co-written by Gaga and Akerlund, the video also contains a surprising barrage of product placements...even Gaga's Dr. Dre earbud headphones make an appearance.
Speaking to E! News, Gaga said of the 9+ minute video, "There's certainly always a hidden message in my music videos. But I would say most predominately, I'm always trying to convolute everyone's idea of what a pop music video should be." She also revealed that it was Tarantino's idea to include his Kill Bill automobile, after she met the director and told him the concept for the clip.
Akerlund also directed the video for "Paparazzi," and Gaga said of the director, "There was this really amazing quality in 'Paparazzi,' where it kind of had this pure pop music quality but at the same time it was a little bit of commentary on fame culture. I wanted to do the same thing with this video — take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper: the idea that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology and turn it into something that is more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are."
You can watch the full (not-safe-for-work) "Telephone" video below

All we can say is that this is a legendary combo. It’s rare that two future icons get together on one song. Beyonce and Lady Gaga were very smart to link up.
"proves internet hit...." Right...go watch it and you will see why it was such a hit! Its pretty vulgar, actually.

I just saw it on VEVO right now.
Let me just say, I was definitely shocked at the amount of vulgarity displayed. I did not expect it. And I'm sure that's what they were going for, or should I say what Gaga was going for. Lady Gaga has many young fans out there. Mostly 12 years and up. My kid sister loves her. And that's cool and all but I truly hope she doesn't see this video because it is pretty hardcore and not of positive influence. :horror I mean i think this makes old Marylin Manson videos look pretty much on par with one another haha.
I was waiting for her to start peeing on the lesbo (porn star) inmates. lol.

As an adult I thought it was pretty funny.. But definitely an 18 and over video, no doubt. "PUSSY WAGON" from Kill Bill makes an appearance for more punch. (or an attempt to say the least).

And I was taken aback when Gaga spread her 98% nude body on the bars just to jab at the people who claimed she had a ding dong between her legs. "i told you she didnt have a dick) was muttered out by one of the buff female securities. lol... I was like WHOA. :shock: lol. They blurred her *ahem* though.
And her lesbian make out session with one of the inmates. OOoh, we never seen that before! How shocking! lol...jk of course. :bored2:
I felt it was a bit icky how they made their lips sticky with saliva or some type of goo substance. Really trying hard to make people say "damn!".

What I did like... the music wasn't that bad honestly and the parts that werent vulgar nor racy, were pretty cool. And thats the tragic part IMO because it was really unnecessary to create such a rukus for attention when the substance was pretty solid to begin with.
And Gaga in leopard print didn't look bad either. lol.... But yeah, I'd pass on this one. Its just a hard/very hard attempt at attention hogging. And it worked. With flying colors, it totally worked. Everyone's watching it (maybe out of curiosity).

Oh well.
I was beginning to appreciate her but this is the kind of sh-t that really just turns me off.
I'm sure she'll garner a lot of support for this. She's the new hype. And notice how I'm not really mentioning Beyonce here. She was almost non existent actually. Gaga overpowered her lol.

And Tyrese Gibs.... What the heck is he doing in this video? :D
He's not exactly one of my favorite people. I met him in a bathroom stall at a and boy was he a whiny, mean, conceited person. We were both washing our hands. He was taking a break from promoting a "comic book" he created called Mayhem and he was mad because he didn't like the attention or lack of attention he was getting.

Whatever. Well that's my review. :meeting:

Final thoughts:
You know.... if you want attention. Why not obtain it with inspiration. Don't go showing your privates or do something extraordinarily vulgar to get it. Do something amazing instead. Oh what's that? You can't? Well now, there's a predicament. :tease:
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I really like Lady Gaga, I think The Fame Monster is a fantastic album and I really do like 'Telephone' but I don't like the video.
I noticed the hype surrounding the video so I was expecting it to be amazing, but like many of you, I was underwhelmed. I agree with a lot of what has already been said, she's trying too hard. The video tried too hard to shock... and that left me mostly wanting to skip through it. Its seems like too much of a hassle to watch the whole thing again, and a music video shouldn't be like that.
I usually like what Lady Gaga stands for, and what she does creatively, but I don't like this.
It aint no Bad Romance!
I saw and it was allright. :) I don't think it was that bad. I like it!

I just love how OTT it was, and there looks like it's gonna be more. :yes:
"proves internet hit...." Right...go watch it and you will see why it was such a hit! Its pretty vulgar, actually.

I just saw it on VEVO right now.
Let me just say, I was definitely shocked at the amount of vulgarity displayed. I did not expect it. And I'm sure that's what they were going for, or should I say what Gaga was going for. Lady Gaga has many young fans out there. Mostly 12 years and up. My kid sister loves her. And that's cool and all but I truly hope she doesn't see this video because it is pretty hardcore and not of positive influence. :horror I mean i think this makes old Marylin Manson videos look pretty much on par with one another haha.
I was waiting for her to start peeing on the lesbo (porn star) inmates. lol.

As an adult I thought it was pretty funny.. But definitely an 18 and over video, no doubt. "PUSSY WAGON" from Kill Bill makes an appearance for more punch. (or an attempt to say the least).

And I was taken aback when Gaga spread her 98% nude body on the bars just to jab at the people who claimed she had a ding dong between her legs. "i told you she didnt have a dick) was muttered out by one of the buff female securities. lol... I was like WHOA. :shock: lol. They blurred her *ahem* though.
And her lesbian make out session with one of the inmates. OOoh, we never seen that before! How shocking! lol...jk of course. :bored2:
I felt it was a bit icky how they made their lips sticky with saliva or some type of goo substance. Really trying hard to make people say "damn!".

What I did like... the music wasn't that bad honestly and the parts that werent vulgar nor racy, were pretty cool. And thats the tragic part IMO because it was really unnecessary to create such a rukus for attention when the substance was pretty solid to begin with.
And Gaga in leopard print didn't look bad either. lol.... But yeah, I'd pass on this one. Its just a hard/very hard attempt at attention hogging. And it worked. With flying colors, it totally worked. Everyone's watching it (maybe out of curiosity).

Oh well.
I was beginning to appreciate her but this is the kind of sh-t that really just turns me off.
I'm sure she'll garner a lot of support for this. She's the new hype. And notice how I'm not really mentioning Beyonce here. She was almost non existent actually. Gaga overpowered her lol.

And Tyrese Gibs.... What the heck is he doing in this video? :D
He's not exactly one of my favorite people. I met him in a bathroom stall at a and boy was he a whiny, mean, conceited person. We were both washing our hands. He was taking a break from promoting a "comic book" he created called Mayhem and he was mad because he didn't like the attention or lack of attention he was getting.

Whatever. Well that's my review. :meeting:

Final thoughts:
You know.... if you want attention. Why not obtain it with inspiration. Don't go showing your privates or do something extraordinarily vulgar to get it. Do something amazing instead. Oh what's that? You can't? Well now, there's a predicament. :tease:

I agree with everything you said. Well done. :cheers:

I have to say I was horrified when the waiting for this video was compared to that of Michael's Thriller. :doh: Have you gone mad or are you desperate for some 1980s madness? :bugeyed

I went on Youtube to watch the video and I only watched half of it. To the part where Beyonce appeared, to be honest. It would be excellent if all the sexual, vulgar bits were excluded. I never even know such explicit music videos are allowed on television - this is supposed to be viewed at daytime? Her best video was "Bad Romance."

"Telephone" also reminded me that no female artist will ever top Madonna. She's done it all before.

Lady GaGa is taking it too far with the sexual aspect in her music and videos. When will she take some responsiblity? Music - as well as film and media - shapes culture, society and history.
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The whole point of the video seems to be showing us how she has a vajayjay.

And oh my...the blatant product placement just made it even worse...

Not a fan.
I'm not surprised to read the amount of negativity for LGG's new video on this thread, based on the amount of hype it's received. Usually when a newer pop artist receives a lot of hype, I notice a high correlation of criticisms leveled at that artist.

I thought it was a fun, sexy, pop/pulp-oriented video. It seemed feminist, w/ women in power.

The video was supposed to be over the top, like the 'cracked mirror' referenced in LGG's and B's conversation, showing the viewer how ridiculous (broken?) pop culture looks. The video was basically a crazy 'fun-house' vision of culture seen through one of those wacky mirrors. After all the song is about being inundated w/ technology. Lady Gaga pretty much says this herself about the song/video:

"the idea [is] that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology . . . [and to] turn [the song/video] into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are".

As for the bad dancing, it's on purpose and basically making fun of how cliched the bikini-clad choreographed dancing has become in videos.

I guess powerful art evokes a strong reaction in people either way, so it looks like the Lady did her job :)
I'm not surprised to read the amount of negativity for LGG's new video on this thread, based on the amount of hype it's received. Usually when a newer pop artist receives a lot of hype, I notice a high correlation of criticisms leveled at that artist.

I thought it was a fun, sexy, pop/pulp-oriented video. It seemed feminist, w/ women in power.

The video was supposed to be over the top, like the 'cracked mirror' referenced in LGG's and B's conversation, showing the viewer how ridiculous (broken?) pop culture looks. The video was basically a crazy 'fun-house' vision of culture seen through one of those wacky mirrors. After all the song is about being inundated w/ technology. Lady Gaga pretty much says this herself about the song/video:

"the idea [is] that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology . . . [and to] turn [the song/video] into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are".

As for the bad dancing, it's on purpose and basically making fun of how cliched the bikini-clad choreographed dancing has become in videos.

I guess powerful art evokes a strong reaction in people either way, so it looks like the Lady did her job :)

If she is so against that sort of thing,then why participate in it? If it's true that the bad dancing was some kind of commentary then why do it yourself in your video?
If I believe what she says she is basically making fun of pop culture as it is right now, right?
Isn't she just making it worse by going over the top with it? It won't make that sort of thing go away like that.. probably will make it worse. Also she is now endorsing it because she has a lot of fans that love that yet don't know that she is making fun of it, right?

I would think that if she hates those kind of things then come up with something new yourself to replace that. Don't turn around and do the things which you claim to not take seriously and use it to sell your videos/ music only to afterwarts claim that it's supposed to be some sort of satire. I don't see the point in that.

It's one thing to make a comment on how she sees her own country infatuated with the wrong things, it's another to actually take a stand and change it.
If she doesn't like seeing bikiniclad dancers in videos then don't put them in your own video and dance with them.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying people can't like this video or what not, not at all. :)

I'm just saying I'm starting to not believe her anymore. She says she doesn't like those sort of things but then turns around and uses it for her own gain.
I'm not surprised to read the amount of negativity for LGG's new video on this thread, based on the amount of hype it's received. Usually when a newer pop artist receives a lot of hype, I notice a high correlation of criticisms leveled at that artist.

I thought it was a fun, sexy, pop/pulp-oriented video. It seemed feminist, w/ women in power.

The video was supposed to be over the top, like the 'cracked mirror' referenced in LGG's and B's conversation, showing the viewer how ridiculous (broken?) pop culture looks. The video was basically a crazy 'fun-house' vision of culture seen through one of those wacky mirrors. After all the song is about being inundated w/ technology. Lady Gaga pretty much says this herself about the song/video:

"the idea [is] that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology . . . [and to] turn [the song/video] into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are".

As for the bad dancing, it's on purpose and basically making fun of how cliched the bikini-clad choreographed dancing has become in videos.

I guess powerful art evokes a strong reaction in people either way, so it looks like the Lady did her job :)

I like your explaination about this video. I think it's a good one to me and I kinda agree with you a bit. :D
I'm not surprised that it's vulgar...I mean, we seen all this before though...How much heavy rotation can it really get though? I mean, it's not appropriate to show on TV..So I really don't get what kind of audience she's trying to relate to. Certainly not widespread fame...Gaga's gotta be careful...she is going to BURN out faster than she came in...I love her music, but I don't like her performing..I think she's trying too hard by throwing in a whole bunch of no nonsense elements in her video/live performances...She CANNOT dance, but at least she can sing, and her songs are good....But nothing special to me at all....