Sneddon Expresses Sadness over MJ's Passing

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I'm really surprised that he wasn't murdered right after HIStory came out.
Let's face it, some fans are crazy as hell.
That shot gun blast in D.S. might have been a signal to some of Michael wanting someone to pull the trigger, I'm impressed no one did.
can we closed this thread? (no defense for the person who post this)
I just DON'T BELIEVE any word that came out of that man's mouth!
he shows his saaadness to...?
so fake to me
btw what I do want to share about this pig is that i remember when he was being interviewed a few years ago and that they would play D.S. was that he said something in defence of what Michael said in that song. Lol that means that Michael got to him!!!! Hahahahah Loser
F**K Sneddon!!! F**K him!!

It's because of his vendetta-driven ass that Michael was driven away from Neverland in the 1st place.

Screw that piece of dogsh*t!! Mad Dog.
SO glad Mike wrote that song D.S.
John Lucas
SO glad Mike wrote that song D.S.

And what a brilliant song that is - What a rock n roll moment it must have been in the studio when Michael recorded that song.
I can see it in front of me, Michael making gestures and face expressions of disgust and kickin' with the leg and shit. (Michael was "infamous" for dancing while recording songs :D)

Of course Slash was in the studio with Jack Daniels and cigarettes to secure that it in fact would be a true rock n roll moment. :D

Love when Michael performed D.S. live, peep 1:07 into video where he's making a firearm gesture with his hand and then puts the gun to his head, kind of like "oh please Sneddon, go shoot yourself" (or maybe he's just fixing his hair, I don't know hehe)
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