Sneddon Expresses Sadness over MJ's Passing

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I don't think he meant he is personally sad. I think he meant generally he understands that death is a sad event. I think the "dignified silence" thing implied that he's trying to be silent because otherwise he'll be talking trash about a dead man.
How DARE should be HIM passing away and not that incredible good hearted man, goddamn...this world is so damn unfair, it truly is.
FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK HIMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He helped cause it, and if he truly thought Michael was a child molester, he wouldn't be sad. It just shows that he KNEW he WASN'T!!!!!! Saying he's sad because of it... BULLSHIT! How stupid does he think we are???!!!?
He feels sad? I can't believe this statement. First and foremost, he's jsut one of the REASONs why Michael has left us. You can't tell me that a person's heart and soul doesn't take a beating by the events Mike was put through over the years. The man simply wante to smear his name in the hopes of getting on the cover of a mag, and a rewarding retirement party. He has NO right, what so ever to make any comment about a man like Michael. He isn't get enough to do so.
Keep the words and saddness to yourself, Tom Sneddon, because we really couldnt care less about what you have to say.. You're a piece of shit.
I don't think he meant he is personally sad. I think he meant generally he understands that death is a sad event. I think the "dignified silence" thing implied that he's trying to be silent because otherwise he'll be talking trash about a dead man.

That's how I understood the article, too.
He makes me feel sick to my stomach.
Tom Sneddon IS a cold man, and who does he think he is to even speak of Michael after what he did? How dare he.
That son of a....Is there any wonder he's getting threats from fans? He ruined Michaels life, and I'm almost positive he damn well knew Mike was innocent. How bold it was of him to do that to my Michael, I hope God has mercy on him because I don't.
Don't mess with Michael fans. :D
what?this man is really stupid?he wanted to kill him in jail and now he says is sad?
CLOSE THIS THREAD! for Michael sake!

This retard does not need a own thread here!
There's an old saying in Korea

A person who is going to die soon say odd things before he dies.

... Don't want him die though. I'm a Christian so never hate people that much in my life. I'm just saying.
cuz' that old saying just popped up in my head when I saw this thread.

He can't die before he pays off the sin.
Life must be the real hell for great people like MJ and so many good others die, and inhumante beings like sneddon still be alive. I truly hope MJ is in a better place...
He just wants more money.
I would pay him just to shut up.
You're next Sneddon!
*Phones the Grim Ripper*
I just truly wonder what the hell was he thinking when he got up that morning put on his funky clothes walked out the door and came to do an interview, to speak about Michael Jackson and express sadness. was he looking for a moment of fame? Was he trying to avoid a serious ass whooping by Michael fans? What was on his mind. Million dollar question.
I just truly wonder what the hell was he thinking when he got up that morning put on his funky clothes walked out the door and came to do an interview, to speak about Michael Jackson and express sadness. was he looking for a moment of fame? Was he trying to avoid a serious ass whooping by Michael fans? What was on his mind. Million dollar question.

are you serios? Do you have this clip? I cant belive it if he really said this.
ill be the first to dance on his grave. the only time i wanna know about him is when hes dead and what he did to mike the thread shouldnt even be on here

Just grabbed my shotgun and called a hotel to sleep at it.
Just want you to know that you can dance as the first one on his grave.

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