
I quit smoking the first time in oct 2006 for about 7 months. I was so depressed becasuse I gained A LOT of weight and I started again. This years end of january I quit again but on June 28th I smoked one cigarettes and since than I smoke now and then, I'm not buying any, just when I find someone who gives me one. It's not good. I feel bad about it. I don't want to be a "regular smoker" again :(
I always hated the smell of the stuff. But while drinking one time I had a few with a good friend of mine...yeah I dont know what I was thinking....nothing apparently. I wasn't all that impressed with it. And I would have one a few weeks later without the drinking and I hated it. I haven't touched them since and never will. They're disgusting and expensive as hell. I start coughing now whenever I smell them...which I didn't do before I tried it.

It's amazing. A good friend of mine; her family is really struggling to purchase food right now...but her, her mother, and her brother all smoke! They all smoke different things so you can imagine where all the money is going to. It's pretty sickening actually. My mother used to smoke and now she has heart problems so she hasn't smoked in 8 years or so.

What I really hate is people that will do it around you...knowing you don't like it and without a care in the world. You want to smoke? You have a right too. I don't smoke and I also have a right not to smell yours. It's a shame when you can't open your own bedroom window for fresh air because your neighbors are right under you (Apartment) smoking outside. I'm not saying all smokers are inconsiderate and best friend goes out of her way to make sure I can barely smell it. But I have noticed that a lot of smokers aren't considerate at all when they smoke.
I hate smoke. I just don't understand how someone can not realize how dangerous it is, not only for themselves but for everybody around, for the environnment etc. But hey, it's like anything else.. just like people who don't realise Diprivan is dangerous until they die...
Everyone in my family are smoking except me :D And I'm so proud of that. My mother always telling me that I'll be smoking some day and I hate when she's doing that. I hate it and avoid like a fire!
yep i need to give it up too stinking weed
I hate smoke. I just don't understand how someone can not realize how dangerous it is, not only for themselves but for everybody around, for the environnment etc. But hey, it's like anything else.. just like people who don't realise Diprivan is dangerous until they die...


How do you mean bad for the environment? Is it pollution? Sorry if that's a dumb question lol.
I always hated the smell of the stuff. But while drinking one time I had a few with a good friend of mine...yeah I dont know what I was thinking....nothing apparently. I wasn't all that impressed with it. And I would have one a few weeks later without the drinking and I hated it. I haven't touched them since and never will. They're disgusting and expensive as hell. I start coughing now whenever I smell them...which I didn't do before I tried it.

It's amazing. A good friend of mine; her family is really struggling to purchase food right now...but her, her mother, and her brother all smoke! They all smoke different things so you can imagine where all the money is going to. It's pretty sickening actually. My mother used to smoke and now she has heart problems so she hasn't smoked in 8 years or so.

What I really hate is people that will do it around you...knowing you don't like it and without a care in the world. You want to smoke? You have a right too. I don't smoke and I also have a right not to smell yours. It's a shame when you can't open your own bedroom window for fresh air because your neighbors are right under you (Apartment) smoking outside. I'm not saying all smokers are inconsiderate and best friend goes out of her way to make sure I can barely smell it. But I have noticed that a lot of smokers aren't considerate at all when they smoke.

I second this post all the way.
One thing I hope everyone agrees with, smoker or not, is that smoking laws and taxes are getting ridiculous.

In my state they're bringing in new laws to ban you smoking in your car. Soon they want to ban smoking in your own house. That's private property. I can do whatever I want on my private property, and in my personal space (such as my car). Speaking of private property, a pub is private property. Why can't the owner of the pub decide whether people can smoke in there or not? Same goes for restaurants and all places that are run by private individuals. I can understand the government banning smoking in public places that are state-owned. But I can't stand private individuals being told how to operate their place of business or what to do in their own homes or cars. It's over the line.

I think taxes have gone way too far as well. The only legitimate reason for government to introduce a tax is to raise revenue. Anything else is a corruption. The tax on cigarettes is a corruption of the market and people's free choice to make purchasing decisions based on their market price, rather than their market price plus taxes. And someone addicted to cigarettes will pay whatever price you put on them so all you're doing is running them out of money.

My classically liberal, do what you want, way of thinking also makes me against banning the advertisement of cigarettes. But I'm willing to be reasonable and let the control freaks out there have their advertising regulations, but I definitely think cigarette taxes need to be cut (I'd want them cut all together but again, I'm willing to be reasonable and say just reduce them enough to take the burden off addicts) and ease up on the laws regarding smoking on private property. That's all I'm asking for. And I think it's reasonable enough. I'm sure most people feel that anti-smoking laws and taxes have gone too far. Whether you're against smoking or not.
^ I completely agree with you. The taxes on them here in the UK is friggin ridiculous! I think alcohol will be just as bad soon too. As for the laws thing, I can kind of see the point with pubs, except for the fact that smokers were the main people in pubs, and now they're suffering because smokers don't go so much anymore, and non smokers generally speaking don't go to pubs as often. It's hit the trade really badly and it's a shame. A lot of pubs are closing down because of bad business. As for your own car and house, that's ridiculous! How would they even enforce that?
I'm quitting on monday, me and my two housemates are doing it together.

33564834th time lucky!!!

Keep us updated! Good luck!

BTW: on 25th, i'm "cutting" my smoking on half. So instead of 25 daily, i try with 12.
I'm sure it will be very easy. When i tried to quit 3 weeks ago, i managed not to smoke for 7 hours and it wasn't hard at all!
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I have been smoking socially since I was 17 (am 21 now). I enjoy a cigarette and a chat sometimes, although I went through a phase recently where i was lighting up when i was nervous or unhappy. Not good! I'm not one of those people who claims to be a non-smoker even though they smoke fairly regularly though. I will give up when i go back to uni next month as one of my housemates is really anti-smoking and it's a good opportunity to give up fully.