
I quit two months ago after smoking since I was a teen. I smoked anywhere between a half a pack to two packs a day just depending. Worst part was the weight parts are I don't smell like smoke, food tastes better, I don't cough all the the time or run out of breath as quickly...
But the last few days I've found it really really hard to not light one up. In times of stress I've caved before after trying to quit.... but I really don't want to this time.
Any other ex smokers have that the same kind of problem when under stress??
i quit 2 weeks ago but the night michael died i bought a packet,but i havn,t smoked again since,friday morning,but i need one,
I smoke now and enjoy it, but will quit later on because i know i can.
Because of Mike and a thousand things that concerns me alot at this
time like overweight and so on, i dont have the courage to do it right now, because i know i would fail
I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with the smoking right now. I want one so badly, I keep telling myself reasons not to or find something to keep my hands busy. I know that having one won't fix a damned thing anyhow.
Yeah you have to be ready to quit. You can have good intentions but if you aren't really ready and really want to stop.... chances are you will start again. This is at least the fourth time in my life I've tried to quit. I'm pretty sure this is the longest amount of time though.
I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with the smoking right now. I want one so badly, I keep telling myself reasons not to or find something to keep my hands busy. I know that having one won't fix a damned thing anyhow.
Yeah you have to be ready to quit. You can have good intentions but if you aren't really ready and really want to stop.... chances are you will start again. This is at least the fourth time in my life I've tried to quit. I'm pretty sure this is the longest amount of time though.

And i'm pretty sure that you will quit forever this time.

Obama would say: "Yes we can"! :)
I smoke, I'm not particularly proud of it, but I'll never smoke around someone who doesn't like it, I always ask if they mind before I do it.
Im totally against smoking, I dodnt even like touching the things. I Think they are evil :|
Well i never smoked and i never will. Sometimes people offer me a sigarette though, mostly for joking, but i never take it. I also never had the urge to even try to see how it is like. I love it that we have so many non smoke area's now.:yes:
I don't smoke. I've never even tried it, and I know for a fact I never will. I wouldn't date a smoker either.
Thanks :) So far so good, just keeping it in perspective. I really don't want to be a smoker anymore so I keep reminding myself that. I quit May 1st...hit two months today.

How is it going? :)

I will try to quit on 25th! First time was 3 weeks ago and i managed not to smoke for only 7 hours! It was not a real attempt though, cause i knew that i just want to see how long i can not smoke. :)
Oh I will never smoke. The smell is unbearable for me. I have family members who smoke and sometimes they light one up right in front of my face, it's horrible. Second hand smoking is just as bad...

I try to avoid it as much as I can.
Wow I totally forgot about this thread. Happy to say I still haven't had one. It was terrible for a while but now it's very easy. The odd thing is, I like the smell when I walk by someone who is having one but it doesn't make me want one.

I'm determined to never go back to them. EVER. I gained a good amount of weight from quitting but I will get it all off in time. Important thing is I can breath so much easier, don't wake up coughing, don't smell like stale smoke, my nails seem to look better, etc.

Anyone who wants to quit....DO IT. It's only hard for a while! I smoked between 1 and 2 packs a day for over ten years. If I can quit - anyone can quit. :)
I smoke occasionally. It's more of a social thing for me. I like stepping outside with someone to have a smoke and a chat. I also really like the smell of cigarette smoke. Some people hate it. But I love when I've been smoking out on my balcony with some friends and we walk back inside and the unit smells vaguely of cigarette smoke. I like it and it covers up the other weird smells that are in my unit. But I don't smoke on my own. I don't even buy smokes. I just accept smokes if they're offered to me and when I do, I enjoy it. I don't care much for the social stigma about smoking these days. Whatever. My choice bitches.
What kind of smoking are we talking about? lol

I smoke ciggs, just started back too! I couldn't stand the smell when I was prego and thought I wouldn't touch anothor after my pregnancy, but here I am almost 7 weeks later puffing gunna quit...again...soon lol
well august the 22nd i would of been quite for a year,i stop when i found out i was pregnant but sadly i lost my baby angel,and even though i really need one i havent,dont know how i done it to be honest,i had been smoking since 13 and i am now 29 years old,deffly with everything that has happen i really want one but i know one puff and i will be hook again grrrrr i have a big problem with addictions :-( but now i cld really do with one but i wont xxx
Im a non smoker but everyone in my family smokes.
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I don't smoke and I'm not planing on doing so. In my opinion it's kind of pointless to breath in toxic gases. I don't even understand why that stuff is legal. I've seen my father smoke a lot and die because of cancer. I know how much he suffered and I don't want to boost the chance of suffering the same fate.
It might sound boring but I also don't drink alcohol. I'm proud that I can resist these drugs. I hope you people who are smoking can somehow see the danger and try to stop once and for all.
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I hate smoke, and I hate when people smoke. I hate everything about it. I will never smoke. Never.
I smoke as well. Weirdly, I've smoked for a few years on and off and I'm not addicted. I can not have one for weeks then buy a pack which can last me anything from a week to a few months. I guess it depends what else is going on in my life at the time. I know its bad, but meh, I enjoy it. I never smoke around other people unless they're smoking too and I always put the stubs in the bin! I hate when people just drop them on the floor. Even though I smoke I hate sitting with people who are smoking when I'm not which might sound weird, but that's why I'm very considerate of others.
I'm quitting on monday, me and my two housemates are doing it together.

33564834th time lucky!!!