Since MJ seems to be partnering up with Pepsi...

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Even if Michael's new PR team contacted Pepsi, first, Pepsi decided that Michael was worth the chance. And I don't think that Pepsi would use Michael to sell a drink if they didn't have bigger plans for the trying to position themselves to be the sponsors of his next tour. Pepsi is about selling drinks. And there are way too many other stars out there that they could have chosen to push the Sobe Life water. But they went with Michael. And I believe that the Pepsi is testing the waters with this ad collab. I believe they wanted to see how the public will react if they work with Michael again. And so far, I didn't see any family values organizations or other zealots out there campaigning against the ads. The ads were shown to the most US citizens possible by being shown at the Superbowl, so if anyone was gonna complain, they have had ample time to do so. So I think Pepsi got what they wanted. Now, I look for them to be the sponsors of the tour.

Pepsi aren't using Mike to sell drinks and they aren't using Mike to push SoBe water.
they are using Thriller.
THAT is why there aren't any pictures or clips of Mike anywhere in the campaign. They acknowledge the success and popularity of Thriller and they are capitalising on that, it has nothing to do with them wanting to use Mike for a campaign in the future. They won't do that.
Hey, you're not the only one! :mad::p

How about MJ endorses some kind of fragrance?

Picture MJ in one of those weird, artsy fartsy Chanel commercials that make no sense. lol

Classical music is playing, MJ is in a tux. A beautiful woman in a long gown appears and says harshly to him in French 'Tu es egoiste!' And then they dance, swirling in a gigantic ballroom with chandeliers and ice sculptures of dolphins and swans.


Now that's an idea! That's exactly the kind of image that works with Michael I think. Either that, or a Pepsi singing one. I think if we saw Michael in a shower saying 'Yes, yes, yes!' then there would be uproar from the public saying 'I knew it, I knew it!!!' You know what I mean...
Hahahahah i got it!

MJ walking around by his expensive car in THESE glittery pants:


Then MJ looks at the camera and says, "How do YOU wear your Billie Jeans?"

(Shin Guards Not Included)
Now that's an idea! That's exactly the kind of image that works with Michael I think. Either that, or a Pepsi singing one. I think if we saw Michael in a shower saying 'Yes, yes, yes!' then there would be uproar from the public saying 'I knew it, I knew it!!!' You know what I mean...

They knew MJ is a sexy mofo?

Yeah we all knew it ;)
Pepsi aren't using Mike to sell drinks and they aren't using Mike to push SoBe water.
they are using Thriller.
THAT is why there aren't any pictures or clips of Mike anywhere in the campaign. They acknowledge the success and popularity of Thriller and they are capitalising on that, it has nothing to do with them wanting to use Mike for a campaign in the future. They won't do that.

umm?? I wouldn't be so sure about that..

Thriller = Michael Jackson... not anyone else..

and Sony along with one Michael Jackson.. had to give the approval for Pepsi to use the Thriller theme..

but if you feel better thinking Michael is not involved .. thats fine
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J5master, I love your ideas lol. I say the herbal essences one should be commissioned right now.

Okay here's my idea for a KFC commercial with MJ and some members of the Jackson family hehe:

Let me set the scene; Michael, Tito, Jermaine and Janet are in crusing in an SUV all gangsta' lol and talking amongst each other.

Jermaine (in the back seat with Janet): Mike, so when is this reuinion tour gonna be happening man. We ain't toured since 1984 bro'.

Michael: I've been busy man.

Jermaine: Busy?

Michael: Yeah, you know making the 2nd biggest selling album of all time, making the 3rd biggest selling album of all time, breaking my own biggest tour record twice, making several groundbreaking videos, making the longest video of all know just the usual.

Janet: Oh, Mike you forgot to mention you just re-released Thriller, the biggest selling album of all time and that breakin' records too.

Michael: Yeaahhhhh baby (rubs his hands) ching-ching.

Tito (raises his voice): JANNNETTT DON'T BE ENCOURAGIN' HIM, JESUS, we already know he damn well own guiness book of records mannnnnnn

Janet (puts hands up): 'kay 'kay, just sayin'


Jermaine: Soooooooooo............when we touring maaannnn

Michael: (shaking its head) DON'T BE PRESSURIN ME MAN, DON'T BE PRESSURIN!!!

Janet: AHHHHH OHHHHHHH (shakes her finger quickly and snaps her fingers) You better not make Mike angry now, cos there gonna' be a hella lot of drama 30 mile per hour winds and shouting. Last time he was going all incredible hulk on us.

Jermaine: What like when he said 'gimme a quarter' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yeah that REAAAALLLL BADDDD Mike HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Tito and Janet in fits of laughter

Michael: Y'all stop laughing at me or I'mma.....I'mma....I'mma

Tito: Go all Jackie Chan on our asses.


Michael: (looks out of the window and sees a KFC) STOPPPPP THE CARRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Tito: Woaaah tone it down Mike you nearly burst my eardrum

Mike: Y'all want me to tour with you right

Jermaine, Janet, Tito: Yeah, yeah

Michael: I can't be making no decisions until I get my KFC.

Janet: Ohhhh mannnnn, Mike you always make us go there when we go out, can't we go to sbarro or something else nstead.

Michael: I can't help its my life support and it finger lickin' good. You know the force has got a lot of power and it make me makes me wanna

Janet: I feel something profound coming on

Jermaine: (rolls his eyes)

Michael: (says it really fast) it make me wanna get a $9.99 family bucket with the 20 wings, 4 fries, coleslaw, corn on a cob and that BBQ sauce that nobody else can replicate, duplicate, negotiate, hallucin-

Jermaine: (cuts Michael off) yeah yeah we get the ideaaa

Michael: (points his finger straight ahead) Tittoooooo to the drive thruuuu

They pull up to the window and while they are waiting to be served Michael sings to the tune of PYT demo "Kaaaaaayyyyyy Eeeeeefffff Ceeeeeeeee, my prettaaaaaaaaaay little wiiiiiiiiiings, Kayyyyyyyyyyyyy Effffffffff Ce---(cut off by server) Janet, Jermaine and Tito all rolling their eyes

Server: Yes, can I take your order

Michael: I wan't a $9.99 family bucket please with the 20 wings, sweetcorn, coleslaw, 4 fries, BBQ sauce and a large Pepsi (winks to the camera).... that it?

Michael:eek:hhh and a warm apple pie with that yummy goodness you just can't deny....but not too toasty cos' I already be rockin the world at 100 degrees....oooo oooo and some vanilla ice cream please with some M&M's but not the yellow M&M cos they are a bit icky ...... soo what do you guys want????

Jermaine: I'll just have 4 wings with fries and sauce and herbal tea

Michael: You mean a Pepsi

Jermaine: Nooooo a herbal tea

Michael: Stop tryna' ruin my endorsements man.

Jermaine: I'm nottttttt

Michael (speaks to server): Mr Let's Get Serious want 4 finger lickin wings, sauce, fries and a PEPSSSIIIIIIIII

Jermaine folds arms huffs, puffs and mutters under his breath

Michael: Janet what do you want???

Janet: I'll have one of those caesar salads please with the 100% chicken breast

Michael starts giggling along with Jermaine and Tito

Janet: Mike watchu' laughin' at.

Michael: (acts all innocent)...nothing.......(then bursts into laughter again, then Janet smacks him over the head). OWWWWWWWW. WHAT'S That FOR???

Janet: Mike you were making fun of my chi chi incident again. Don't be making fun of my chi chissss cos' otherwise I'm gonna upside your head. Anyway, you sooooo need to get over it that was sooooo 2005.

Michael: Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry.....You want Pepsi with that

Janet: Do I have a choice????? (looks at MJ sternly)

Michael (speaks to server): Miss Rhythm Nation want a PEPSIIIIII with that

Tito: Oh, I'lll have a deluxe meal box and a..........

Michael: No no no, you can't have anything Tito

Tito: Why man, why????

Michael: You want to be fitting into those jeans from 1984, right???

Tito: Sure bro, course I do but I....

Michael: Then you can't have no KFC

Tito: Awwwwww, Mikkkeeeeee

Michael: Don't be cursing me Tito, you gotta learn to have some Discipline, ain't that right Janet

Jermaine: Yeah, she love to get Discipline late at night

Janet with cross face and smacks Jermaine.


Janet: Quit messin' Jermaine or I'll tell mother it was you that left the toilet seat in a mess

Michael: Tito will have a PEPSIIIIIIIIIII

Server: right ok is that all???

Michael: yeah

Server:hey wait a minute, aren't you Michael Jackson

Michael: Yeah

Janet (sits there praying): Oh Lord, please grant us safe passage from this druve thru KFC without 10 helicopters, 50 cars and an army of 300 trailing behind us



Janet sits there with eyed wide looking shocked lol

Michael: Yep, that's the one

Server: Omg man I own all your albums man, all of em', even Invincible

Michael: God Bless You

Server: I don't think I've ever said this to any other man before but.....I love you (says in serious tone)

Michael: (looks uncomfortable) errrrrr, yeah I love you too

Then a swarm of people start running after the car.

Jermaine: Tito put the pedal to the metal noowwwww

They drive away and there's people chanting "MICHAEL, MICHAEL"

They manage to escape and Tito goes "I don't get all this crazy sh!t when I go out with Latoya". Janet laughs, and then Jermaine says 'soooo....about that reuinion tour' and Mike just shouts 'JERMAINNNEEE, don't disturb my special moment, let me eat my wings and cob in peace'.

Then it cuts to KFC logo with MJ's voice saying 'There ain't no thang like a chicken wing'
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picture a Geiko commercial.. MJ as the celebirty guest.. lol!


(clicks, SAVE)

OMG that would be the longest commercial ever but a BRILLIANT ONE! NIIICEEE!!!

Then it cuts to KFC logo with MJ's voice saying 'There ain't no thang like a chicken wing'

There's no LIMIT to the amount of money i'd give to hear MJ say that :lol:

Jermaine and his persistence :rollin: " about that tour?" LMAOOOOO

MJ and his endorsements :rollin: I can totally see MJ singing JUST the word "pep-seeeeeee" everytime :lol: "Tito would like a pep-seeeeeeee" LMAO

And you got their ebonics ON POINT. rep points for you!
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Geico Commercial

Announcer: J5master is a real Geico costumer, not a paid celebrity. So to help tell her story, we hired...Michael Jackson.

(setting is in my living room. When the announcer said his name, MJ does the 'toaster' move from behind the couch :lol: 'Jam' jacket, gold thong, sunglasses, serious face and all.)

J5: I got into a car accident on my way home for spring break. Some guy was talking on his cell when he rammed right into me.

Michael: (jumps over the couch and starts doing the heel tap) Da, she was on her way home, da! This guy was on the phone, da!

J5: So I called Geico and they were very professional.

Michael: (starts jumping up and down, doing his 'Black or White' tantrum routine he always does :lol: ) HE!HE HE! Tell yo' brotha! Yo' sista'! Yo' PREACHA!

J5: I needed help quick--

Michael: She said, da! SHAMON!!!

J5: And they were fast and easy to work with. I'm glad I'm a customer.

Michael: (spins and lands in the arms-spread-out pose. Blows a kiss and says) She loves Geicoooo! She loves Geico, you all!!! (bows)

Announcer: Real service, real savings.
Ford Motor Company! Michael always drives around in a Ford SUV, so...

Ford is having an Expedition sale. Prospective customers are walking all around the show room floor checking out the new arrivals. Thriller is building up in the background.

Michael walks in with his entourage. He is dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and sunglasses. When he walks in, everyone just turns around, looks at him, and goes silent....surprised and waiting to see what he is doing there.

Michael goes over to a black Expedition SUV and jumps on top of it just like he did at the trial....then he just stands there a la the 93 Superbowl. He starts primping on top of it as if he is trying it out or something.

Then in his usual fashion, he starts waving to the crowd as if they were fans! :lol: He even does a little movement with his feet. The crowd goes absolutely nuts!

Then he jumps down and tells his secretary, "I want it" and she starts writing the check.

With Thriller still blasting in the background, the commercial goes like this....
"The 2009 Ford's a Thriller! ":punk:
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Burger King Commercial

(Michael and his friend, Jim, are sitting in a car)

Jim: Hey Mike.

Michael: Ya.

Jim: I'm hungry.


Jim: We should go for lunch you know. Wendy's...McDonalds...Burger King....

Michael: Yeah! Burger King!

Jim: Okay.

(They drive off)

(Later, at Burger King....)

Michael: Hi, I'd like ummmm...a whopper please. And my friend Jim...


(The Random Girl Fan attacks Michael)

Michael: I still want my whopper.....with fries.....and.....a......ohh.....can I......get.....a......toy...for.....Prince.....

Announcer: burger King, even the stars want it.

I know, I know. It sucks.
Geico Commercial

Announcer: J5master is a real Geico costumer, not a paid celebrity. So to help tell her story, we hired...Michael Jackson.

(setting is in my living room. When the announcer said his name, MJ does the 'toaster' move from behind the couch :lol: 'Jam' jacket, gold thong, sunglasses, serious face and all.)

J5: I got into a car accident on my way home for spring break. Some guy was talking on his cell when he rammed right into me.

Michael: (jumps over the couch and starts doing the heel tap) Da, she was on her way home, da! This guy was on the phone, da!

J5: So I called Geico and they were very professional.

Michael: (starts jumping up and down, doing his 'Black or White' tantrum routine he always does :lol: ) HE!HE HE! Tell yo' brotha! Yo' sista'! Yo' PREACHA!

J5: I needed help quick--

Michael: She said, da! SHAMON!!!

J5: And they were fast and easy to work with. I'm glad I'm a customer.

Michael: (spins and lands in the arms-spread-out pose. Blows a kiss and says) She loves Geicoooo! She loves Geico, you all!!! (bows)

Announcer: Real service, real savings.

Glad you liked mine J5master, I slaved away on it for hours for all of y'all hahaha.

OMG, this Geico one is hilarious. The 'toaster' move hahahahahaha. I'm loving all the 'da's' hahaha.
Ford Motor Company! Michael always drives around in a Ford SUV, so...

Ford is having an Expedition sale. Prospective customers are walking all around the show room floor checking out the new arrivals. Thriller is building up in the background.

Michael walks in with his entourage. He is dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and sunglasses. When he walks in, everyone just turns around, looks at him, and goes silent....surprised and waiting to see what he is doing there.

Michael goes over to a black Expedition SUV and jumps on top of it just like he did at the trial....then he just stands there a la the 93 Superbowl. He starts primping on top of it as if he is trying it out or something.

Then in his usual fashion, he starts waving to the crowd as if they were fans! :lol: He even does a little movement with his feet. The crowd goes absolutely nuts!

Then he jumps down and tells his secretary, "I want it" and she starts writing the check.

With Thriller still blasting in the background, the commercial goes like this....
"The 2009 Ford's a Thriller! ":punk:

OMG very funny!!! I could totally see this happening! If MJ actually does this commercial it would be THE most talked about :lol: MJ testing an suv to see if it's prepared for people to stand on :lol: He could even invite some of his entourage up and have him pretend to be a camera man :lol: