Since MJ seems to be partnering up with Pepsi...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I can see some endorsements in the future? Possibly?

Well, maybe maybe not. But what if????

What if MJ started doing commercials again!! :D :D :D

What kind of products do u see him advertising? :lol: How would the commercial look like?

I mean I think MJ advertising stuff could be pretty dang funny. The whole pepsi thing, when he redid the words to bad was SO FUNNY. Here i am, jamming to the bad song "You know I'm bad! I'm bad! You know it!"...and then MJ busts out singing "and pepsi's COO'L! it's COO'L! You know it!" :lol: I'm like WHAT? :lol:

But that made me laugh. And another commercial prospect i find funny is MJ doing hair products. Check out my Herbal Essences siggy. I think he'd be a good spokesman :lol: Check out this commercial idea:

Imagine MJ in the studio, and he keeps messing up while he's recording, and the producers like..."Hey what's wrong mike?"

MJ's like "Man something's bugging me."


"I'm having a bad hair day. Me and my hair has just had a complicated relationship. Remember when i rocked the jheri curl until it long went out of style? I dunno man...I just have the urge...."

"The urge to what?"

Then a bunch of girls appear of no where singing a MJ styled version if "he's got the urge! he's got the urrrrggee to herbal!!!" and they wash his hair while he's saying "WHOO HOO! OW!!! HEE HEE!!" instead of "yes!" :lol:

Then MJ comes out having long luscious hair full of volume :lol: Then he says, "I think i'm ready to make another hit album!" (insert cheesy wink here ;) )

Yeaaah! :lol:

So what are ur ideas? (keep them tasteful okay? No viagra or trojan products, mkay???? ) LOL This is a fun thread ya'll, have at it! :D
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nobody gots nuthin' ??

c'mon nah :lol:

Then a bunch of girls appear of no where singing a MJ styled version if "he's got the urge! he's got the urrrrggee to herbal!!!" and they wash his hair while he's saying "WHOO HOO! OW!!! HEE HEE!!" instead of "yes!" :lol:

after the hee hee we need the, arms out to both sides and the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!" with the foot stomp action
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It Would Be Off The Hook If They Would Promote A Tour For Michael!!!!!!! Like They Did For Victory,bad And Dangerous

Here's one. Not great but...

There used to be a commercial for Memorex tapes, where a singer would have her voice recorded, then they would play it back, and the high note she sang would break a glass! Well, they could do one for an mp3 player or something with MJ doing a reeeeally long woohoooooo! And then Smash! :eek: :lol:
after the hee hee we need the, arms out to both sides and the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!" with the foot stomp action

ROTFLMAO...all while he's got a bunch of shampoo in his hair. :lol: And he could shake his head from side to side and smack one of the girls in the eye with shampoo foam :lol:

There used to be a commercial for Memorex tapes, where a singer would have her voice recorded, then they would play it back, and the high note she sang would break a glass! Well, they could do one for an mp3 player or something with MJ doing a reeeeally long woohoooooo! And then Smash!

Or just like the SNL skit i made up in another thread, Michael and Prince could have a shriek-off :lol:
Like MJ's loudest shriek i think was in Come Together...he should do one of those :lol: At the end of he bridge of Come Together he goes "OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" like had an extra intense paper cut :lol: THAT would break a glass :lol:
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three letters ...


**pictures Michael saying, 'Finger Lickin' Good !!**

Don't know about you guys, but I could totally see MJ saying 'Headon, apply directly to the forehead, headon, apply directly to the forehead!' :p

Ok, maybe not.

How about... an infomercial!

Seeing MJ trying to work a blender or something, that would be just too cute. :D
I see MJ doing Iphone :p

MJ's doing the voice over and all u see is his hand holding the phone and using the touchpad.

"So I'm walking along listening to the biggest selling album of all time, which happens to be mine....Now I'm wondering what my friends are doing (pulls up Face book and Chris Tucker's profile appears)...ahh i see he's on vacation, that reminds me I need to book a trip (pulls up hotels and stuff)....A hotel on a remote island sounds good. Oh what the heck, I'll just buy the whole island....all that shopping is making me hungry, maybe i'll get some chicken....(touch pad displays lists of chicken places around the place)....Sounds good now all i need to do is arrive in style...(looks up limo driver's number and picks up the phone to call him) Yeah, it's mike. Feelin like drivin' to KFC? 2 piece wings only 2.99!"

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"Coka cola classic is aaallllways the one! Da! He he! When ever there is fun there's always coka cola yeeeeeaahhh! SLASH! *guitar riff*"
well if he does work officially with pepsi, just watch those sales rocket!!! or anything
he could advertise for some body wash with him in the shower singing to billie jean and they show off his chest :p
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J5 Master your posts keep cracking me up!
That would be a cool commercial hahaha!
BTW, it would be great if Michael did some commercials for Pepsi again. I don't see it being impossible ;)
While A Pepsi indorsment is great.. I would like Michael to do something newer and just different..

I would like to see MJ in ipod commercials.. With Apple..

Also some type of indorsment with Walmart..

Why walmart??

Think of it this way.. Walmart is the #1 venue of music sales. More people buy music from walmart than any other place.. Even over #2 iTunes..

Now if he does commercials with APPLE (ipod).. What's the #2 largest venue of music sales.. iTunes..

He would be indorsed by the 2 LARGEST music francises right now..

MJ not in WALMART commercials, but have special things supporting his album, such as MJ stands holding the albums.. Pre-order specials, midnight opening.. (most Walmarts are all ready open 24hrs. So they can advertize his album being stocked for MIDNIGHT 12am the day it goes on sale... Stuff like that.

Interesting though, for the first time yesterday I saw a Walmart commercial advertizing music they can buy there.. They played a video clip and song of Billie Jean in the commercail..

Now indorsment with APPLE could be huge.. With ipods being as big as they are, and ipod touches getting really popular.. For the next years they will get bigger and bigger, possibly beat Walmart for #1 spot in music sales.

MJ appearing in ipod touch commercials etc.. Or whatever is bigger and newer at the time the album is out.... + it's music related.
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Or how about Gatorade? LOL

U know u gotta have a slow motion, black and white shot of MJ dancing...and he's all sweaty, in an undershirt....he grabs the gatorade and pores it all over himself...:lol:
How about Pepsi? :lol:

Michael Jackson gets off stage, he takes a sip of pepsi. Suddenly, he gets all crazy and starts going outside wiggiling all crazy. Some guy says, 'whats wrong with him?' MJ says, 'I just had pepsi'.
I can see some endorsements in the future? Possibly?

Well, maybe maybe not. But what if????

What if MJ started doing commercials again!! :D :D :D

What kind of products do u see him advertising? :lol: How would the commercial look like?

I mean I think MJ advertising stuff could be pretty dang funny. The whole pepsi thing, when he redid the words to bad was SO FUNNY. Here i am, jamming to the bad song "You know I'm bad! I'm bad! You know it!"...and then MJ busts out singing "and pepsi's COO'L! it's COO'L! You know it!" :lol: I'm like WHAT? :lol:

But that made me laugh. And another commercial prospect i find funny is MJ doing hair products. Check out my Herbal Essences siggy. I think he'd be a good spokesman :lol: Check out this commercial idea:

Imagine MJ in the studio, and he keeps messing up while he's recording, and the producers like..."Hey what's wrong mike?"

MJ's like "Man something's bugging me."


"I'm having a bad hair day. Me and my hair has just had a complicated relationship. Remember when i rocked the jheri curl until it long went out of style? I dunno man...I just have the urge...."

"The urge to what?"

Then a bunch of girls appear of no where singing a MJ styled version if "he's got the urge! he's got the urrrrggee to herbal!!!" and they wash his hair while he's saying "WHOO HOO! OW!!! HEE HEE!!" instead of "yes!" :lol:

Then MJ comes out having long luscious hair full of volume :lol: Then he says, "I think i'm ready to make another hit album!" (insert cheesy wink here ;) )

Yeaaah! :lol:

So what are ur ideas? (keep them tasteful okay? No viagra or trojan products, mkay???? ) LOL This is a fun thread ya'll, have at it! :D
girl you crazy:rofl:

No trojan what?..My mind did think trojan but I see why you said it.:lol:
chevy impala commercials instead of mary j lol hahaha i loveher but mj wud be cool in it
How about MJ becomes a sponsor for K Mart?

Then we might get to see him in one of these commercials, lol

Nothing against this dude, but how many of us would rather see MJ in that getup instead, dancing to, say, Billie Jean? Or pretty much any song. :lol:


OMGGGGGGGGGG :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
How about MJ becomes a sponsor for K Mart?

Then we might get to see him in one of these commercials, lol

Nothing against this dude, but how many of us would rather see MJ in that getup instead, dancing to, say, Billie Jean? Or pretty much any song. :lol:

I'm sorry, but the mental image I had of that commercial and MJ is hysterical. :lol:

More ideas-

He teams up with Energizer... because like the bunny, he just keeps going, and going, and going... :)

Or Heinz ketchup... because he keeps us waiting for new albums and performances with...*sings aaantiiicipaaatiooon...* :D

Ooo I got the perfect idea.

MJ gets in a car. Starts driving. And we all know he can't drive (well), so he ends up running into a mailbox. The mailbox's owner comes out of the house and starts tripping and MJ's pleading his case :lol: "I'm sorrrry! I really am! I didn't even SEE the mail box!"

Then Dennis Haysbert comes in the scene...


...and says "Luckly for Mike, he knows where All State stands...are you in good hands?" :lol: