Sign in here if you are an old bugger like me and over 18 LOL

:lol: Stop with that racket or you won't get any licorice! When is the Price is Right coming on and where are my vitamins? If you are good, I will cook some muffins with you later :yes:
Imagine being called down on the price is right they would run outta film filiming the show waiting for us to get down :lol:
:O Bob Barker is GONE???? I suppose Vanna is too? I really didn't know that. I must have slept through that happening. :( *cries* that is sad.... just won't be the same. Those two WERE the price is right. OK!! THat's IT! Break out the re-runs!!
oh I must have forgotten in my old age. I don't watch TV anymore since all these new fandangled channels have come on. It flares up my arthritis changing channels. It is packed away under doilies.

:( I miss my gramma.
We all need to strive for more laugh lines! Seriously. :) Welcome to the old folks home Thriller and Dangerous (and everyone else too!...even the youngins. :yes: )
You're welcome! Now don't spend that check all at once! Put some away for your college fund :yes: *pats you on head* :lol:
hello to the funniest group of oldies all over the net :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I also belong officially to oldies, because I'm 30
That one is in the dry cleaners :lol:
I was thinking maybe this one...


I am taking poppy out with me today, My poodle.... we will match :wub:
*Takes tumbling dentures back into my mouth* Ohh Yes child, you know my teeth are mobile! *Puts on bifocals*