Shouldn't the Jacksons bury Michael before they start announcing a reality show!?

IF the family had not been working on this BEFORE Michael's sudden passing, I would probably be more apt to agree that the timing is suspect.

But, this is something that has been in the works for months, with filming at least since January, and according to this, Michael was involved for 6 months (maybe as a surprise). I doubt very seriously that Michael would want them to just cancel the whole thing that they ALL apparently worked on.

As for the whole "making money" off of it issue, they should get paid for their work like EVERYBODY ELSE making money from any and everything Michael related. I say better his family than EVERYBODY ELSE!

I wish people would stop being so critical of Michael's family here. We never allowed that before and just coz Michael is gone, I don't believe that he would appreciate that now. Sometimes it's best not to say anything about them. They are still his family and he loved them.

The project, which was in the works with L.A.-based Point Seven Entertainment long before Michael Jackson's death on June 25, will now depict the impact of Michael's death on the extended Jackson clan.

A&E had planned to do at least an hourlong special focusing on the brothers' plans to mark the 40th anniversary of the group's breakthrough with its first Motown recordings.

The Jackson 5 reunion shows were to have coincided with Michael Jackson's big comeback push with his 50-concert stand at London's 02 Arena, which had been skedded to begin last month. Michael Jackson was to have taken part in the reunion shows with brothers Marlon, Tito, Jermaine and Jackie, and he appears in the footage shot for the special from January through early June of this year...

Gomes is a longtime friend of the Jacksons and a veteran producer who previously ran Magic Johnson's TV production shingle. She said the brothers gave serious consideration to tabling the show, but they recently decided to move forward in order to use it "as an outlet to communicate with their fans," Gomes said.

"The Jacksons have been courted to do a reality series for the past three to five years, but the timing was never right," Gomes told Daily Variety. "We got together last summer and started to plot out the 40th anniversary plans, and we decided it was time to do a show.

With Michael's death, a major focus of the hourlong series will be the impact of the pop legend's death on his brothers and their families, Gomes said.

Please say that again. That stuff in red.
Fans are not knowing their place. Michael was part of a package set whether they like it or not. His name wasn't Michael Michael, it was Michael Jackson of the Jackson Family.

That kind of talk really irks my nerves. :mat:
John Lucas
I was banned from kop board even though I was a memeber there since 2003 because I was outspoken about the family shady behaviour and the way they are trying to exploit MJ's death everyway possible , they did nothing but prove my point and this is another proof .

wait and see , everytime the producers feel there is no enough interest , Prince, Paris and Blenket will make an appearance to say hi to their "wonderful" uncles .
The documentary or reality show started early this year before june the 25th, they have a obligation to the a&e channel they signed a contract, most of the show was already filmed, how is that exploit of michael death ? the show did'nt start june the 25th it started around jan or feb 2009. jermaine was going to do a humanitarian award show in the same country before june the 25th, the title has change since then. they love there brother if they pay tribute to michael in these events they had already plan before michael death, To me they are showing love for michael. they could have chose to continue to these events without mentiong michael at all. if they honor there brother in these events that shows the love and respect they have for michael it also show he is not forgoting in the thing the brothers continue to do. thats how i see it.
I agree with Ms. Mo. This was something the brothers were going to do before Michael had passed away. I'm not a big fan of reality shows AT ALL. But this could be the family's way of countering all the negative stories and lies that the media have made up about Michael. They are not going to show their brother in a bad light, ever. Besides many people have grown up with the Jacksons and consider them a part of their family. This may be away for people to share in the family's grief and healing.

I think there are definitely negatives to doing the show, but also some positives.
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To be fair, they worked on this before Michael's passing. They also have to move on with their lives and A&E is showing an interest in making this a reality series. No one is questioning why Janet has gone back to work. The brothers need to work too.
I was up early around 5 am (as usual) and watching the news on TV while checking my email and twitter account... and saw words of Kennedy's passing. Then just as I was still trying to wake up with a cup of coffee taking all this in, on our local news they bring up Michael Jackson then on to the Jackson Family Reality show announcement. I dashed to hit record just in the nick of time.

It is quick and short, but I find it amusing that the news ONLY SHOWS MICHAEL in this news report:
Well they were a mess before the reality show. It did the reverse for them. Hahaha! :D
John Lucas
This is a little off topic, but I'm curious to know why you always put your name after your comments. I used to go to all the time and somebody there did that too.
The criticism here is unwarranted if you ask me because the Family had actually planned to do a reality show long before MJ died. News about their reality show was posted in 2300 Jackson street a while ago, so although the timing may seem off, they had been planning to do this for a while. This has been in the works for a while and they already shot footage earlier before Michael passed, so they aren't trying to capatilize off MJ's death in this situation like some think.
To be fair, they worked on this before Michael's passing. They also have to move on with their lives and A&E is showing an interest in making this a reality series. No one is questioning why Janet has gone back to work. The brothers need to work too.

They need to work too.

Thank you.
umm well before Michael had died i know the brothers wanted it to be a reality show and they wanted Michael in it, but he didn't agree to it. And now that someone said that it was going to be a documentary, that has now transformed into a reality show....well, it doesn't look really good on any of their part. And even if they weren't talking about Michael AT ALL in the show, it still looks really bad. Normal people wouldnt want to show the world their grief. Normal people, or anyone in particular wouldn't try to make money off of the death of another person ESPECIALLY if that person is your own brother. It all seems weird. I would never disgrace and use my sisters name like that. If it would have been me, i would have cancelled the entire production. And maybe, make a video tribute to Michael such as showing private but not so private videos of Michael while growing up. Similar to those that Michael showed us a few years back. I would donate money o charity, idk. I would do so many things but i'll never allow them to record me crying overthe death of someone i loved dearly. Or use their name for my own interest. I just can't accept it. If they go on with this then i don't think i'll be able to see the Jackson's, with the exception of Michael, his kids, and Janet the same. If they do do this then i'm going to have to agree with alot that Taraborrelli stated in his book. That the jackson's always wanted to use Michael's name for their own personal interest. I know they even wanted to do a comeback tour or a show right after Michael's trial with Gavin. I don't know, its sad that besides the fact that he had to watch his back from everyone in the world, he also had to watch his back from his own family. And that is probably the main reason why Michael viewed the world differently than others, because he had suffered so much.
umm well before Michael had died i know the brothers wanted it to be a reality show and they wanted Michael in it, but he didn't agree to it. And now that someone said that it was going to be a documentary, that has now transformed into a reality show....well, it doesn't look really good on any of their part. And even if they weren't talking about Michael AT ALL in the show, it still looks really bad. Normal people wouldnt want to show the world their grief. Normal people, or anyone in particular wouldn't try to make money off of the death of another person ESPECIALLY if that person is your own brother. It all seems weird. I would never disgrace and use my sisters name like that. If it would have been me, i would have cancelled the entire production. And maybe, make a video tribute to Michael such as showing private but not so private videos of Michael while growing up. Similar to those that Michael showed us a few years back. I would donate money o charity, idk. I would do so many things but i'll never allow them to record me crying overthe death of someone i loved dearly. Or use their name for my own interest. I just can't accept it. If they go on with this then i don't think i'll be able to see the Jackson's, with the exception of Michael, his kids, and Janet the same. If they do do this then i'm going to have to agree with alot that Taraborrelli stated in his book. That the jackson's always wanted to use Michael's name for their own personal interest. I know they even wanted to do a comeback tour or a show right after Michael's trial with Gavin. I don't know, its sad that besides the fact that he had to watch his back from everyone in the world, he also had to watch his back from his own family. And that is probably the main reason why Michael viewed the world differently than others, because he had suffered so much.

U need to stop trippin. :cheers:
the article is a bit, don't get mad at me, I didn't write it...I am just providing a link here guys.

IMO, the issue here is that the decision to turn a one-time special documentary into a series happened after the death of Michael. to quote the article:

"Shooting wrapped just days before Jackson's sudden death. After that, the production company behind the special, Point 7, started shooting more footage -- this time of the family dealing with the loss of Michael."
I dont wanna upset anyone, but who cares about the other Jacksons anyway?
It was only ever about MJ.

I know that's right. I don't get it. And the Jackson 5 tour.

Why are they going forward with this. Really you couldn't pay me to go to this. If Michael ain't there, I mean really what's the point.

I heard they are doing it for the fans.

Is this what the FANS want?

They ain't doing it for me, cause I don't agree with it at all.
"I told My Brothers don't you ask me for no favours.." Jam.
Never has this rung more true. As always, the brothers trying to make a buck off Michael & his name. Talk about exploiting his death and the renewed interest.
They must be seriously desperate for cash.
Why don't they get a job? I hear McDonalds are looking. But of course, a normal 9 to 5 is beneath them...

:clapping: haha...

i dont really mind this show.. as long as MJs kids arent in it.. seems it was planned before the death.. up to them i suppose

its jermaines links to colony, thome, grace the nanny etc etc that trouble me

i do understand why MJ often didnt want his family around so much

I really recommend EVERYONE watches a programme that was on UK tv called "The Jacksons come to Devon" (or something like that)... the brothers are pretty ... errmmm.. well.. watch it and make your own mind up
reality show.

I feel like puking. Kinda.

As much as am disgusted with all the media crap, the media crap is something you'd expect to happen, but this is his family. Eww.
You know what... I use to like Jermaine because I'm such a big fan of the Jackson 5.

But after reading Jermaine's ex-wife's books, I really cant help but question his intentions. I remember reading a part where Jermaine blasted Mike with his song 'Word to the bad' and Michael went up to Hayvenhurst to asked him why he would do that to his own brother, Jermaine acted as though Michael deserved to be treated like that despite Michael paying for his family expenses. (At that time, Mike was paying for the family's expenses- the maids, the cook etc.)

And sometimes Mrs. Jackson is manipulated easily by her husband and son. After reading her book, it seems that she wants to have peace in her family that even if she sees something wrong within her family, she would not approached the problem but instead forget about it.

I respect the family and I understand Michael forgave his Father but sometimes I can't help but question their actions.
Honestly, I don't really care.....

What matters to me right now is that all those involved in MJ's demise get whats coming to them! 'cause for some reason I think the authorities are gonna drop the ball on this and we've seen evidence of this already!
Yea I agree. I really don't care about any of this crap.

Cause I'm not going to the tribute, the J5 tour, or watching the reality show.

My only concern is finding out what REALLY happened to Mike
I really recommend EVERYONE watches a programme that was on UK tv called "The Jacksons come to Devon" (or something like that)... the brothers are pretty ... errmmm.. well.. watch it and make your own mind up

Honestly, I don't really care.....

What matters to me right now is that all those involved in MJ's demise get whats coming to them! 'cause for some reason I think the authorities are gonna drop the ball on this and we've seen evidence of this already!

yeah good point
U need to stop trippin. :cheers:

lol no dude or dudette, im just saying. I wouldnt like it if someone in my fam died and then someone else comes nd says, "hey can we record your life?" i'd be like wtf? get out of my face!
or after he died they say something like "oh so now that your brother is dead and ur and sad and junk, lets keep recording and while we are at it, lets talk about his death and ur grief". I would be like seriously? wtf! and i do think they all love Michael dearly, but I also believe they were always jelous in their own way. Jermaine was meant to be the lead singer, and his 5 YEARS OLD brother took the spot. Instead of the jackson 5, the world started viewing them MICHAEL jackson and the jackson 5. And i do feel jermaine was one of the most jelous ones because he felt he had the same potential to do everything Michael did. That doesn;t meant he didn't love him and cared for him. and don't judge me on what i say because all this is what I feel and its all based on MY opinion. That's why this is an OPEN GROUP discussion.
It seems that Jermaine's meeting with Mamma Jackson not only got him a seal of approval for his "tribute" but I'm guessing she also allowed him to go ahead with his reality show. Should the brothers (especially Jermaine) be using Michael's passing to get their toes back out in the spotlight? I think it's very bad taste....

Jacksons reality show announced

Michael Jackson's brothers all donned white gloves for his memorial service

The brothers of late pop star Michael Jackson are to appear in a reality TV series, US network A&E has announced.
The cable show will be expanded from a documentary Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon Jackson filmed prior to their sibling's death in June.
It is not known when the show will air or how many episodes it will contain.
It is also unclear whether Michael was filmed for the original documentary, which focused on his brothers as they prepared to reunite for a concert tour.
'Unprecedented access'
Footage from the original documentary was aired on the Tuesday edition of CBS show Entertainment Tonight.
Described as "exclusive new video", the excerpt showed the Jackson's mother Katherine at home with Jermaine, Jackie and Tito.
A&E announced the original documentary in May, saying it would "allow unprecedented access" to the Jacksons as they embarked upon "their most personal album and tour".
A spokesman for the network confirmed the series is in production but claimed the footage had been "leaked" without its consent.
Jermaine Jackson is currently planning a tribute concert to his brother, to be held in Vienna on 26 September.

out of respect for MJ i haven't posted anything negative about Jermaine. But this is the last straw.

i really do not expect decency from Jermaine!!!! knuff said.

bloody *******
If all this stuff was filmed before MJ died, then it's likely more to do with A&E deciding now is the time to air it since there is public interest in the Jackson family (despite the reasons for such interest being morbid).

The Jacksons likely have little say so in this going forward or not.
the article is a bit, don't get mad at me, I didn't write it...I am just providing a link here guys.

IMO, the issue here is that the decision to turn a one-time special documentary into a series happened after the death of Michael. to quote the article:

"Shooting wrapped just days before Jackson's sudden death. After that, the production company behind the special, Point 7, started shooting more footage -- this time of the family dealing with the loss of Michael."

Thanks for posting this. Based on this the documentary was already finished but the Jackson brothers decided to film new footage for a separate (or as an add on to the documentary) reality series.

@ MJJ2theMax, is 'The Jacksons come to Devon' on YouTube?
Thanks for posting this. Based on this the documentary was already finished but the Jackson brothers decided to film new footage for a separate (or as an add on to the documentary) reality series.

@ MJJ2theMax, is 'The Jacksons come to Devon' on YouTube?

i want to know too! lol i tried looking for it on youtube and couldnt find it.
the article is a bit, don't get mad at me, I didn't write it...I am just providing a link here guys.

IMO, the issue here is that the decision to turn a one-time special documentary into a series happened after the death of Michael. to quote the article:

"Shooting wrapped just days before Jackson's sudden death. After that, the production company behind the special, Point 7, started shooting more footage -- this time of the family dealing with the loss of Michael."
What i read before the documentary could become a reality show a&e left that open. the main point of the show is about the brothers working on a album and planning to tour, if there is a reality show it will be more about the album and tour.
@ MJJ2theMax, is 'The Jacksons come to Devon' on YouTube?

just had a look, cant find it :(

if it's ever repeated on TV.. its so worth a watch

one of the strangest programes ive ever seen

so pleased katherine telephones MJ and told him not to come down. she really showed her colours there. seemed like a lovely woman. not so sure about the rest....
i dont get the whole reality show thing personally. not just this one but any of them. but each to their own.
I feel like puking. Kinda.

As much as am disgusted with all the media crap, the media crap is something you'd expect to happen, but this is his family. Eww.

Oh but they are certainly going to film all the tears & in front of A & E's cameras.

Meanwhile, they are dancing over Michael's grave.