Several MJ fans Commit Suicide

Im worried about my friend who lives for Michael too.
He hasnt been on youtube or msn in days or responded to my letters.
The last time I talked to him he told me he has nothing to live for now.
Im so worried about him :(
Im worried about my friend who lives for Michael too.
He hasnt been on youtube or msn in days or responded to my letters.
The last time I talked to him he told me he has nothing to live for now.
Im so worried about him :(

I hope you're friend is alright! Hugs!!
all this is so sad. as someone said these fans have other problems in their life. it is not just because of Michael's death they're doing it. the core reason for it happening is lack of love in their lifes. they might be bullied in school, or may be their parents are too busy and don't care or even are hostile to Michael. or their friends are not supportive at all.

all this is what Michael was always talking about - lack of love in some people. That's why he was so concerned about parents and their care about their children. He was so right. It's really true - if you know you are loved - you can deal with anything.

I only pray for these guys. I wish fans who are suicidal would come forward and keep talking on the forum, so we can show them that we care and that they can find new friends here, new reasons to live. New hope.

Hope is only to be found in the eyes of another human being.
which members here committed suicide? surely some sort of reflection thread should be started with their names, so they can also be mourned and their losses reflected upon?
which members here committed suicide? surely some sort of reflection thread should be started with their names, so they can also be mourned and their losses reflected upon?

I would just like to know a number so i can take a candle tomorrow for each person
Im afraid my ex boyfriend Mark Scannell aka Agent MJ and Prince Michael is dead ..... :O haven't heard from him since all of this
Cindy, I remember Prince Michael in the chat... I think it was the one like mjifc that came right after it... Sebastians chat.. I hope he is ok, He may be just not coming online, can't say I blame anyone from staying away from the comp. It's too much sometimes.
these poor people need to be mourned and remembered, I think. It's so tragic... I wish I'd been able to reach out and help them. The internet is good, but it has NOTHING on actual physical contact. You really can't help people over the internet properly :(
yeah Im afraid I know 2 people on here that did :(
and my good friend from youtube is missing, I miss him alot.
I thought that was not true... but it seems to be real.
I will pray for the people
Guys... We could have shared so many pleasant things together. Why?
God, I do hope everyone is ok and struggling to deal with this :no:

There are a couple of people I haven't heard from in a long time, but I know they are abroad and with no Internet connection. I hope it's something similar for the others who have gone "missing" as well :(
yeah Im afraid I know 2 people on here that did :(
and my good friend from youtube is missing, I miss him alot.

we need to name these people. we need to remember them. we need a memorial to them as well. I don't want them to just slip into anonymity - we need to mourn them because these were our beloved friends in this community :(:(:(
I understand that some of you would like to mourn a maybe known someone.

However it will be up to their families and those left behind now to decide about naming them on a board like ours or not. I'd strongly advice noone to step forward with a name without making sure with the family that it is ok. We could get into legal trouble and maybe even more important we could cause pain.

To me there is a reason why ppl do just leave without a huge drama saying good bye or something.

Personally I think that should just be respected.
I agree with what other people have said on here. If a person suicided its likely there was other issues happening in their lives and the death of Michael Jackson was just the last thing that pushed them over the edge. Some people commit suicide on spur of the moment but most have long histories of depression or other psychological problem. Its also believed by many that if a person suicides they go to hell but I dont believe that. I think its more a revenge tactit by people who have to deal with the fallout and they get frustrated by people taking their own lives and the misery they leave in their wake. My hope is that people would have more understanding and compassion for those doing it tough and feeling suicidal because its a cry for help.
How tragic it is that people feel that their lives are no longer worth living now Michael is gone, he would hate to think that others relied upon him to keep them alive, he wanted to make people happy through his music, but sadly some people have always had a virtually obscene obsession with Michael. I always found it terrible and such a tragic shame that people could not merely love and respect and admire him without going to such extreme lengths with their feelings. It would have saved so much heartache all round.
all this is so sad. as someone said these fans have other problems in their life. it is not just because of Michael's death they're doing it. the core reason for it happening is lack of love in their lifes. they might be bullied in school, or may be their parents are too busy and don't care or even are hostile to Michael. or their friends are not supportive at all.

all this is what Michael was always talking about - lack of love in some people. That's why he was so concerned about parents and their care about their children. He was so right. It's really true - if you know you are loved - you can deal with anything.

I only pray for these guys. I wish fans who are suicidal would come forward and keep talking on the forum, so we can show them that we care and that they can find new friends here, new reasons to live. New hope.

Hope is only to be found in the eyes of another human being.

You know what, so many times I read your posts and just want to applaud you. Seriously, I love your input on things around here lately.
I agree with all that CatherineNZ said, especially if you know you are loved you can deal with anything. So true. :(
I'm praying that everyone is doing ok with this.
Please understand, we have no real way of knowing who, if anyone, committed suicide. The figures were just an estimate from CNN, and they don't know, either. I'm pretty sure we have lost some, but whether from MJJC or not, we don't know. We may never know, for sure. . . . .

If you are searching for somone, please go to the Support Forum. There we have a "check-in" thread for people to post and let others know they are ok. You can search for your friends, there. We also have an ICQ thread where we can post names of those we are concerned about. For example, GuardianAngel is OK! You may find someone you were worried about, and that can ease your mind?


yea please dont name them here as this is a public board and we should let there familys grieve in peace and not give the media another story to chase, you can still morn there loss by thinking of them and dedicating your prayers to the family(if you pray that is)
Im so glad that im a member of this site.
I seriously hope this place never ever shuts down, there is still so much to share and talk about with eachother
Well, there is one guy who contemplated committing suicide for some days after the 25th, and then his last post here is one informing everyone that he will do it... So heartbreaking. I'm not going to name him but I think it's pretty safe to say we know what happened.
well, there is one guy who contemplated committing suicide for some days after the 25th, and then his last post here is one informing everyone that he will do it... So heartbreaking. I'm not going to name him but i think it's pretty safe to say we know what happened.

its a rough time for michael jackson fans. i think as a community we need to pull together and support one another and be there for one another