Several MJ fans Commit Suicide

Obviously, Rev. Jesse Jackson has more information about it than we do. I'd hardly think a man of GOD would lie? Maybe they won't name them to protect privacy?

It's not up to us to go on a mission to find out who committed suicide. This message from Rev. Jackson is to prevent anymore from happening.

trust,being a man of god dont mean a thing,ive seen pastors lie cheat and steal. not saying thats wat rev jj is doing. just syaing jus cuz pple say they are a man or woman of god doesnt mean the live like1
From what I've studied, suicidal souls do not go to "Hell" as we know it. They're receiving healing and care on the other side, like most tortured souls. They're not exactly doomed forever in eternity. What kind of God would do that? However, for them it's way more too difficult to snap out of their difficult situation and progress in a higher level in the spiritual world.
I pray this doesn't reach worldwide news and stays within the community (though I think I'm too hopeful). The last thing we need is the world calling Michael a murderer....and I know they won't refrain from doing that.

Be strong guys, be strong.
I pray this doesn't reach worldwide news and stays within the community (though I think I'm too hopeful). The last thing we need is the world calling Michael a murderer....and I know they won't refrain from doing that.

Be strong guys, be strong.

Don't think they'd call MJ a murderer but most would probably say the usual you know about how MJ fans are all loony and too obsessed,etc. I don't see how they could blame Michael for people offing themselves. Anyone who would do that--kill themselves I mean--- has serious problems in the first place that have nothing to do with MJ.
^ This is cause we judge the situation with logic and common sense. The press judges it with $$$ in their eyes and ears.

But I can only hope you're right.
by the way, NO ONE said these people are committing suicide to go to heaven and see michael.

ever thought that once michael died, they simply couldn't stand the pain in their life (for many reasons), and had nothing left to turn to, or nothing to keep them going, so they quit?

come on people, dont be so quick to judge that these people had unrealistic/naive/selfish motives or intentions when they made that big horrible decision to end their life
This is so sad,it must be tragic for there families,
I know it is difficult at the moment,but time is a healer!

remember how scared Michael was when he was afraid he was going to end up in prison? but he never gave up on the fight, even when he hit rock bottom he still kept on fighting he always found strength in something, that's the kind of spirit Michael had and if you live by this principle that's the best tribute you can pay to him, it's our time now to pass the test
remember how scared Michael was when he was afraid he was going to end up in prison? but he never gave up on the fight, even when he hit rock bottom he still kept on fighting he always found strength in something, that's the kind of spirit Michael had and if you live by this principle that's the best tribute you can pay to him, it's our time now to pass the test

Your so right!
if michael got through it we can to,keep the faith!!
by the way, NO ONE said these people are committing suicide to go to heaven and see michael.

ever thought that once michael died, they simply couldn't stand the pain in their life (for many reasons), and had nothing left to turn to, or nothing to keep them going, so they quit?

come on people, dont be so quick to judge that these people had unrealistic/naive/selfish motives or intentions when they made that big horrible decision to end their life

I finally making my first post since Michael's death.

My story might end up being a long one as I never told anyone this, I find it easier to write it out then say it.

Here is my story which I felt should be in this thread. On Friday, July 19th I went to the doctors to put myself on pills that deal with depression and anxiety. I was on these pills two years ago, but only for a month then I quit because I didn't think they were working so I thought I would try them again. I am 22 and I have always been a very shy person since I was born, it all really started just before I started High School. I thought about killing myself at this time, and this was before I came a fan of Michael Jackson. This was the first and only time that I ever hurt myself by cutting into my skin on my arms. I stopped as I didn't like the scars they left behind. I had lost my two friends that I had since public school within the first few months high school started because they decided to go to smoking and drinking and partying like drunks and that just wasn't me. They also got dated many guys, and I was shy to do that. Because I was shy it was hard for me to make any new friends, so I just became a loner. My mom helped me through it because all I wanted was to just quit school, but she said I needed it to get a job. My grades were still good, because thats all I had to focus on.

It wasn't until the last year of high school that I started to like Michael Jackson, I already liked his music before but I only heard his main few songs. I then started to get heavy into collecting him, getting all his songs, videos, pictures, merchandise, etc. He became my life over the past 6 years. Because I felt that he was my only friend. I only got out of my house once a week, I live out in the country. I do not do a whole lot of things, and don't have much other hobbies other then what had to do with Michael. Now this is happening, I don't know what to do. The only two people in my life that I love is my mom and my sister. And the reason why I feel that it is okay to go on killing myself is because my sister is married to a great guy and likely to have children very soon. My mom will still have her daughter and my dad. She has 3 sisters and 2 brothers that she is very much close to. Also she just might get her grandchildren soon. Just last year I bought a pug as I thought a puppy might cheer me up, and I called him Jackson of course. My parents both love him very much, so they will still have him too. My mom knows how I feel as I told her all this last night. I know she tries really hard to help me, and she knows how suicidal I am right now especially just trying these pills for a week, I won't know if they are helping me know becuase of this happening. She told me for the first time that if I did do something bad to myself that there was nothing she could do for me. But everyone dies I keep telling myself, what is the difference if I have to watch my mom die first, or she watches me? If I lost my mom then I would be done.
What a tragic decision though :no: there are still many people on this forum that i am worried about!

Same with me, I remember I'd just gave a PM to somebody on here since Friday and I told that person TO PLEASE DON'T DO IT, PLEASE KEEP THE FAITH! I never had a message back since, so I don't know.:mello:
It truly is sad:(... it's just so difficult to focus everyday.. especially when you have never lost a loved one....but I guess you just have to keep solidering on is really difficult though...

Grieving Jackson Fans 'Commit Suicide'

The man behind the world's biggest online Michael Jackson fan club has said heartbroken followers of the star have committed suicide because of his death.
A plea goes out to Michael Jackson fans amid fears a dozen have committed suicide

Gary Taylor, president and owner of, said he understood the tragedies had mostly taken place outside of the UK but he believed one may have been British.
"I know there has been an increase, I now believe the figure is 12. I believe there may have been one Briton who has taken their life," he said.
"It is a serious situation that these people are going through but Michael Jackson would never want this. He would want them to live."
Jesse Jackson, a friend of the singer, has recorded a YouTube film on the site urging fans not to "self destruct".
He said: "This is a time when hearts are heavy. There is great pain but great cause to celebrate Michael's life.
"It made Michael happy saying 'We Are The World'. Don't self destruct.
"We fall down sometimes, we get back up. That's the right thing to do. In Michael's name let's live together as brothers and sisters and not die apart as fools." was formed 10 years ago by Mr Taylor, a London office manager, and has more than 14,000 online users and 30 staff worldwide.
He said the singer's death had left his fans on the forum "in a surreal place".
"They can't accept it, they feel in some sort of different reality," he said.
"I'm stunned that he's dead. One minute he is coming here for concerts and the next he is gone.
"I think the funeral will be where the reality kicks in that he is gone and won't be coming back, there will be a huge depression in the fan community when that happens."
Thousands of Michael Jackson fans are expected to gather for a vigil on July 13 at the O2 Arena where the star was due to perform.
They will assemble at Canary Wharf from 1pm before moving on to the 02 from 6pm.
I finally making my first post since Michael's death.

My story might end up being a long one as I never told anyone this, I find it easier to write it out then say it.

Here is my story which I felt should be in this thread. On Friday, July 19th I went to the doctors to put myself on pills that deal with depression and anxiety. I was on these pills two years ago, but only for a month then I quit because I didn't think they were working so I thought I would try them again. I am 22 and I have always been a very shy person since I was born, it all really started just before I started High School. I thought about killing myself at this time, and this was before I came a fan of Michael Jackson. This was the first and only time that I ever hurt myself by cutting into my skin on my arms. I stopped as I didn't like the scars they left behind. I had lost my two friends that I had since public school within the first few months high school started because they decided to go to smoking and drinking and partying like drunks and that just wasn't me. They also got dated many guys, and I was shy to do that. Because I was shy it was hard for me to make any new friends, so I just became a loner. My mom helped me through it because all I wanted was to just quit school, but she said I needed it to get a job. My grades were still good, because thats all I had to focus on.

It wasn't until the last year of high school that I started to like Michael Jackson, I already liked his music before but I only heard his main few songs. I then started to get heavy into collecting him, getting all his songs, videos, pictures, merchandise, etc. He became my life over the past 6 years. Because I felt that he was my only friend. I only got out of my house once a week, I live out in the country. I do not do a whole lot of things, and don't have much other hobbies other then what had to do with Michael. Now this is happening, I don't know what to do. The only two people in my life that I love is my mom and my sister. And the reason why I feel that it is okay to go on killing myself is because my sister is married to a great guy and likely to have children very soon. My mom will still have her daughter and my dad. She has 3 sisters and 2 brothers that she is very much close to. Also she just might get her grandchildren soon. Just last year I bought a pug as I thought a puppy might cheer me up, and I called him Jackson of course. My parents both love him very much, so they will still have him too. My mom knows how I feel as I told her all this last night. I know she tries really hard to help me, and she knows how suicidal I am right now especially just trying these pills for a week, I won't know if they are helping me know becuase of this happening. She told me for the first time that if I did do something bad to myself that there was nothing she could do for me. But everyone dies I keep telling myself, what is the difference if I have to watch my mom die first, or she watches me? If I lost my mom then I would be done.

thank u so much for bringing urself to write your experiences. please try to hold on... we love u, u have so much support here even if u cannot find it anywhere else. your mum loves u, its not the same for her to have just one daughter, ur more important than a number. i really realy want u to copy and paste what u jsut wrote and put it into this thread
it's for people who are struggling deeply and are considering suicide. mechi is wonderful she is so understanding and there are so many people on that thread who want to listen
i love u, we all love u. take care ok and please go to that thread and even read other poeples stories. i find that helps
awe i feel so sorry for the people who want to or do commit suicide

they wont get to see MJ in heaven and they probably dont realise that in their state of mind :(
I finally making my first post since Michael's death.

My story might end up being a long one as I never told anyone this, I find it easier to write it out then say it.

Here is my story which I felt should be in this thread. On Friday, July 19th I went to the doctors to put myself on pills that deal with depression and anxiety. I was on these pills two years ago, but only for a month then I quit because I didn't think they were working so I thought I would try them again. I am 22 and I have always been a very shy person since I was born, it all really started just before I started High School. I thought about killing myself at this time, and this was before I came a fan of Michael Jackson. This was the first and only time that I ever hurt myself by cutting into my skin on my arms. I stopped as I didn't like the scars they left behind. I had lost my two friends that I had since public school within the first few months high school started because they decided to go to smoking and drinking and partying like drunks and that just wasn't me. They also got dated many guys, and I was shy to do that. Because I was shy it was hard for me to make any new friends, so I just became a loner. My mom helped me through it because all I wanted was to just quit school, but she said I needed it to get a job. My grades were still good, because thats all I had to focus on.

It wasn't until the last year of high school that I started to like Michael Jackson, I already liked his music before but I only heard his main few songs. I then started to get heavy into collecting him, getting all his songs, videos, pictures, merchandise, etc. He became my life over the past 6 years. Because I felt that he was my only friend. I only got out of my house once a week, I live out in the country. I do not do a whole lot of things, and don't have much other hobbies other then what had to do with Michael. Now this is happening, I don't know what to do. The only two people in my life that I love is my mom and my sister. And the reason why I feel that it is okay to go on killing myself is because my sister is married to a great guy and likely to have children very soon. My mom will still have her daughter and my dad. She has 3 sisters and 2 brothers that she is very much close to. Also she just might get her grandchildren soon. Just last year I bought a pug as I thought a puppy might cheer me up, and I called him Jackson of course. My parents both love him very much, so they will still have him too. My mom knows how I feel as I told her all this last night. I know she tries really hard to help me, and she knows how suicidal I am right now especially just trying these pills for a week, I won't know if they are helping me know becuase of this happening. She told me for the first time that if I did do something bad to myself that there was nothing she could do for me. But everyone dies I keep telling myself, what is the difference if I have to watch my mom die first, or she watches me? If I lost my mom then I would be done.

I just wanted to thank you for sharing this with us. I know that we have one thing in common, we both love Michael Jackson. Therefore, I love you. I don't know how much this means to you but It would tear me apart to learn that you did something harmful to yourself. I care about you and every other MJ fan out there and I want you to live. Life is precious and you have to understand that once you are gone, there is no coming back. You have a lot more smiles left in this life that your family, and me, want you to experience. Please reconsider your decision. Think about all the times you have been happy. Your family needs you, we need you.......YOU ARE LOVED!
Are you crazy? if you kill yourself you will be in the hell not in the heaven!

I totally agree with you. I had wanted to kill myself the second I had heard the horrific news. But 2 things had stopped me. Michael I knew he would not want his fans killing themselves over him. And knowing where I would end up if I had killed myself. I was brought up as a Brethren (German Baptist) and in my religion we believe you will go to hell if you commit suicide. God should be the only one that should take someone's life.
This is the time for all of us to stick together.
If anyone feels like just having a serious rant, feel free to PM me, im more than happy to listen to anyone. We've stuck by together during the trials, and although this time is completely different, i know we can count on eachother.
This is the time for all of us to stick together.

easy to say...not all fans have that feeling of solidarity Michael wanted us to have, and that makes things very confusing in an already confusing time
@ tru_faith86

Don't rely to much on those pills right now and please fight through this.
If these pills are anti depressive medication, then be carefull.
It could take a couple of weeks before these pills do their job and the first 5 or so weeks your depression could even get worse (it's a well known side-effect).

So hold on, things will get better if you give your medication some time.
Are you crazy? if you kill yourself you will be in the hell not in the heaven!
its a belief and nothing else. i doubt ppl in a suicidal state are gonna care about other ppl religious beliefs.

ey wont get to see MJ in heaven and they probably dont realise that in their state of mind
well according to mj old beliefs if he still felt that and the service they had for him he ont be heaven either.
Fans who killed themselves obviously had other issues as well. It wouldn't have been just because of Michael. I love Michael just as much as they did and I know that a healthy happy person would not kill themselves because Michael Jackson died. Again, I love him as family so it does feel like Ive lost a family member, not to the point if I lost my own father but pretty close. Yet still, no way would I do such a thing, under any circumstances you just don't when you mind is healthy.

These poor fans must of suffered in their personal lives, probably with depression too and Michael would of brought them comfort and happiness. Once that comfort and happiness died, they probably couldn't take the pain. It's so sad because I will never understand depression, Ive never been there. I always see the bright side to life, especially the future, with so many personal goals to achieve and such a big world to see and people to meet, I'll never understand why.

But its hard enough, losing someone, when you are a happy person little own someone who is not. I just pray God gives all Michael's fans the strength and love to get through this especially those who are too weak in spirits to reason with themselves.