Several MJ fans Commit Suicide

If it's real why isn't it worldnews there is nothing about it in the news!
yeah i heard 10 fans already have commited suicide...

god help is hard but dont give up guys, Mike wouldnt want that! :no:
They are happy and with Michael!
Do you realize what you just said?

Michael would be very upset if he met fans in Heaven who took their lives just so they could be with him. He would ask them, "Do you think I ever wanted you to kill yourselves? What about your families and friends? Do you realize how much pain you've caused them just because you want to be with me? Do you realize what you've done?!"
well, i dont know what was going on in those people's lives so I wont condemn them, and I wont speak ill of them.

MJ was an artist that attracted people who were misunderstood and perhaps downtrodden by society because in many ways MJ was also in the same boat. Im not saying I condone it, but that I can understand.

What star is there left in the world who the outcasts of society can identify with?
It's absolutely awful. So very sad. The first thing my brother said when he heard of Michael's passing was 'there'll be a few fans who take their lives on hearing the news'. It isn't what Michael would want at all, but I hope in my heart of hearts that people in this forum realise the effect this would have on family and friends. Heartbreaking.
Yes I heard of this and it's terrible. Michael would not want anyone to kill themselves at all. MJ was all about enjoying life and living it to the fullest.
Oh dear God, please help us all! Give all fans strength and courage to live our lives to the fullest.
please be strong people
we are all devastated
but dont give up your precious life
it is a gift
Dont give up. How can you enjoy his music if your dead? And like someone said, you wont be with Michael if you kill yourself. Everyone has a different destiny.
don't do it, people :no:
or you'll be separated from him forever :(
we still have mission here on Earth, to Heal The World.
and Michael from Heaven watching us.
excuse me for being sceptical but where does that info come from?
If I was younger I really dont know what I would do. Because from 80's to 90's (before the internet started to grow really) I was a bit crazy. Probably I would have killed the doctor or something. But now I'm grown up man and understand life much more. I am not saying Im not crazy anymore but very different way.
If they killed themselves they will never be with Michael.

Your right. They would go somewhere else. If you want to see him again you must live and do what you know is right until your time comes.
I just want you to know what your life is precious to Michael. All of his fans were so special to him, he would not want anyone to hurt themselves, but instead to go on and allow him to live on in you. I know it's hard. Michael had to deal with alot of loss, alot of physical and mental pain and he kept on going. U can to... Keep the faith. I'm here for you *hug*
Obviously, Rev. Jesse Jackson has more information about it than we do. I'd hardly think a man of GOD would lie? Maybe they won't name them to protect privacy?

It's not up to us to go on a mission to find out who committed suicide. This message from Rev. Jackson is to prevent anymore from happening.
I'm pretty confident several fans have committed suicide, however I am just as confident that no one will ever know they we're MJ fans, if you understand what I mean.
I mean like... I don't think there's like statistics of how many MJ fans commit suicide, it ain't like there's a "score sheet" for this suicides.

It's very very sad, and I hope no one hurt theirself for Michael's sake - Because no one gain anything by doing this, and it goes against everything Michael believed in.