Send comments & Questions for the Rabbi to Larry King live (Sept 29th)

Now he's talking about MJ's death & the "why did he do this?" as in insinuating suicide.

F-k that.

WHY is he always pushing the suicide angle?

Message to SCHMUCK-LEY: MJ was MURDERED, you dumb-azz!!!

Who's agenda is the Rabbi trying to push?

Why does he always push the suicide angle when MJ was MURDERED ???????
Now he's talking about MJ's death & the "why did he do this?" as in insinuating suicide.

F-k that.

WHY is he always pushing the suicide angle?

Message to SCHMUCK-LEY: MJ was MURDERED, you dumb-azz!!!

Who's agenda is the Rabbi trying to push?

Why does he always push the suicide angle when MJ was MURDERED ???????

yeah he is like Michael had a death wish...this guy is an ass...he just wants to push that book.
I feel like we are invadin his privacy listening to him talking about Brooke. That should be left alone. How do you think Brooke is feeling now? This Rabbi has no conscious. He does not have the right to do this..
Now he's talking about Joe Jackson - this is like Dateline all over, same sound bites & same comments.
he wanted the world to hear were is the signed document saying so....where is Michael's signature saying it is ok to disclose these converssations
I feel like we are invadin his privacy listening to him talking about Brooke. That should be left alone. How do you think Brooke is feeling now? This Rabbi has no conscious. He does not have the right to do this..

I know - but we want to know if he'll answer questions about Heal the Kids & Schumuley stealing $$$$..
I feel like we are invadin his privacy listening to him talking about Brooke. That should be left alone. How do you think Brooke is feeling now? This Rabbi has no conscious. He does not have the right to do this..

Despite all the press, his book has fallen off's top 100 best sellers.

While MJ's autobiography (pre-order) has been on the top 100 list for 20 days and is now sitting at # 69.

I am glad most MJ fans are wise enough not to be fooled by this latest impostor.
why do I hate this Rabbi's voice? It is getting to me. Like he is desperate to get his bloody book sell..Duh!
Despite all the press, his book has fallen off's top 100 best sellers.

While MJ's autobiography (pre-order) has been on the top 100 list for 20 and is not sitting at # 69.

I am glad most MJ fans are wise enough not to be fooled by this latest impostor.

WOW. I know there must be other MJ fan boards boycottong & bombarding him with comments.

Oh well, Karma is a SHAMONE MO-FO SELECTA!
he made me cry when he said that Michael walked the streets of new york after thriller..saying see me the man....I am not just the Icon I am a man and I am lonely...:(
Boteach is just spectulating and talking rubbish. This man needs a psych evaluation.. He is obsessed with Michael Like Diane Demon..
Here is an Amazon beatdown review:

41 of 46 people found the following review helpful:
13 pieces of silver, September 26, 2009
By Cookie

"13 pieces of silver? I will gladly sell you my friend!"

I read this book because I wanted to know Michael the person, although it didn't feel right to pry this much into someone's private life. I wish I hadn't. Now I regret it.

I had read Shmuley's thoughts about MJ on his blog and knew what was coming, and indeed he didn't disappoint. Shmuley's writing is not so much a reflection of who Michael Jackson was, but more a reflection of how judgemental he himself can be. Instead of stating the facts or letting Michael's words speak for themselves, he has to tack on his own interpretation to everything that Michael said and did. Unfortunately, it is an interpretation that is judgemental, biased and sanctimonious to the extreme. He thinks he's so high and holy, he even puts himself above the court of law!

He delights in pointing out Michael's 'faults', and sees faults where there are none. I find it ironic that someone who always tried to see the good in others would seek help from a counsellor who always tries to find bad even in the good. This speaks more of Michael as one who always believed that there is good to be found in EVERYONE. This is not megalomania, as Shmuley would put it. It is love. Something that Shmuley is severely lacking.

Michael said that people do evil because they had not known love as a child. If their hearts were filled with love, they would not feel the need to hurt others. Shmuley could certainly have stood to learn a thing or two about love from Michael Jackson.

Instead, he uses Michael's 'failings' (at least in his mind) to illustrate his preachy "morality tales" of just what is wrong with society. (I wonder why he never writes about the morality of discussing other people's failings in public.) He even does this to some who are still living. If he gets a lawsuit out of this, he richly deserves it. Certainly there is a way to make a point without demeaning people like this. Crassness has achieved a new level. Extremely unbecoming behaviour, especially from one who calls himself a man of God.

Above all, it disgusted me how he could make public something which was shared with him in the strictest of confidence. He has not only killed his own career as a confessor, he has damaged the trust that people hold for the clergy and the counselling profession as a whole. Who knows if something you told your counsellor might one day be blared out for the entire world to hear? Stripped naked and held up for the world to judge and ridicule? Leave a legacy to remind your children how you failed in life? Oh wait, it's not for the world to judge, because Shmuley has ALREADY judged and is asking you to part with your money to hear HIS judgement. Nice... Aren't counsellors supposed to listen without judging? And maintain confidentiality? What's that sound? Oh, it's 13 pieces of silver tinkling.

One could easily write another book using Shmuley's life to illustrate what is wrong with society.

This book left me feeling sick to my stomach. More than being sick of Shmuley's hubris, I felt like I was reading someone's diary, stealing a look at their innermost secrets that no-one else was meant to see. It doesn't matter if it's Michael Jackson or anyone else. Reading something this intimate that was evidently not meant for your knowledge was extremely uncomfortable. I had to stop. I could not finish it.

Shmuley's intent is clear to see. He is making a quick buck off his "dear friend". If Michael were alive, he would've died of humiliation. It is "friends" like these that sent Michael to an early grave. Don't buy this book and give this bloodsucker another penny!! (Read comments for more details.)

If you're still in doubt about his intent... If this was really Michael's idea from the start, why didn't Shmuley list Michael as co-author so that Michael's estate can get half the profits?

If you want to know about Michael's private life, read La Toya: Growing Up in the Jackson Family (Signet). If you know what Michael endured growing up, you'll understand his pain. No sanctimonious judgements included.

**UPDATE** I just watched Meredith Vieira's Dateline interview where Shmuley talked about the book. This was interesting because there were three instances in which Shmuley clearly lied. The first was when the interviewer asked him, "Did you betray his confidence in any way by releasing the tapes now, after his death?" and he said, not with a very straight face, no. The second was when he said he ended their relationship because Michael completely lost interest in their philantropic project. (The truth is that Michael dumped him because Shmuley stole money from the Heal the Kids Foundation.) The third was when she asked him where the profits were going. There was a distinct change in his body language and tone of voice in all three instances.

Michael knew he was on tape, but he obviously did not intend for this to go public. Shmuley has unwittingly made that clear. His words say one thing but his body language says another. MICHAEL DID NOT INTEND FOR THIS TO BE MADE PUBLIC!!! He has been betrayed by a lot of people in his life, but this is by far the worst. Don't buy or even read this book!! Shmuley is just too disgusting for words!!!
True but Michael has said things like that in the past

well, we have no proof he said it THIS time.

The fake rabbi is trying hard to sell the books...oh well, he might not have realized that all the magazine covers selling out were purchased by MJ fans. You ain't gonna sell your damn book by lying and invading a dead person's privacy.

There is no doubt in my mind, MJ never agreed to the tapes being released. NO way...NO how. He was a private person.
lol i'd like to point out michael said lisa marie didn't take a penny from him =P
Here is an Amazon beatdown review:

41 of 46 people found the following review helpful:
13 pieces of silver, September 26, 2009
By Cookie

"13 pieces of silver? I will gladly sell you my friend!"

I read this book because I wanted to know Michael the person, although it didn't feel right to pry this much into someone's private life. I wish I hadn't. Now I regret it.

I had read Shmuley's thoughts about MJ on his blog and knew what was coming, and indeed he didn't disappoint. Shmuley's writing is not so much a reflection of who Michael Jackson was, but more a reflection of how judgemental he himself can be. Instead of stating the facts or letting Michael's words speak for themselves, he has to tack on his own interpretation to everything that Michael said and did. Unfortunately, it is an interpretation that is judgemental, biased and sanctimonious to the extreme. He thinks he's so high and holy, he even puts himself above the court of law!

He delights in pointing out Michael's 'faults', and sees faults where there are none. I find it ironic that someone who always tried to see the good in others would seek help from a counsellor who always tries to find bad even in the good. This speaks more of Michael as one who always believed that there is good to be found in EVERYONE. This is not megalomania, as Shmuley would put it. It is love. Something that Shmuley is severely lacking.

Michael said that people do evil because they had not known love as a child. If their hearts were filled with love, they would not feel the need to hurt others. Shmuley could certainly have stood to learn a thing or two about love from Michael Jackson.

Instead, he uses Michael's 'failings' (at least in his mind) to illustrate his preachy "morality tales" of just what is wrong with society. (I wonder why he never writes about the morality of discussing other people's failings in public.) He even does this to some who are still living. If he gets a lawsuit out of this, he richly deserves it. Certainly there is a way to make a point without demeaning people like this. Crassness has achieved a new level. Extremely unbecoming behaviour, especially from one who calls himself a man of God.

Above all, it disgusted me how he could make public something which was shared with him in the strictest of confidence. He has not only killed his own career as a confessor, he has damaged the trust that people hold for the clergy and the counselling profession as a whole. Who knows if something you told your counsellor might one day be blared out for the entire world to hear? Stripped naked and held up for the world to judge and ridicule? Leave a legacy to remind your children how you failed in life? Oh wait, it's not for the world to judge, because Shmuley has ALREADY judged and is asking you to part with your money to hear HIS judgement. Nice... Aren't counsellors supposed to listen without judging? And maintain confidentiality? What's that sound? Oh, it's 13 pieces of silver tinkling.

One could easily write another book using Shmuley's life to illustrate what is wrong with society.

This book left me feeling sick to my stomach. More than being sick of Shmuley's hubris, I felt like I was reading someone's diary, stealing a look at their innermost secrets that no-one else was meant to see. It doesn't matter if it's Michael Jackson or anyone else. Reading something this intimate that was evidently not meant for your knowledge was extremely uncomfortable. I had to stop. I could not finish it.

Shmuley's intent is clear to see. He is making a quick buck off his "dear friend". If Michael were alive, he would've died of humiliation. It is "friends" like these that sent Michael to an early grave. Don't buy this book and give this bloodsucker another penny!! (Read comments for more details.)

If you're still in doubt about his intent... If this was really Michael's idea from the start, why didn't Shmuley list Michael as co-author so that Michael's estate can get half the profits?

If you want to know about Michael's private life, read La Toya: Growing Up in the Jackson Family (Signet). If you know what Michael endured growing up, you'll understand his pain. No sanctimonious judgements included.

**UPDATE** I just watched Meredith Vieira's Dateline interview where Shmuley talked about the book. This was interesting because there were three instances in which Shmuley clearly lied. The first was when the interviewer asked him, "Did you betray his confidence in any way by releasing the tapes now, after his death?" and he said, not with a very straight face, no. The second was when he said he ended their relationship because Michael completely lost interest in their philantropic project. (The truth is that Michael dumped him because Shmuley stole money from the Heal the Kids Foundation.) The third was when she asked him where the profits were going. There was a distinct change in his body language and tone of voice in all three instances.

Michael knew he was on tape, but he obviously did not intend for this to go public. Shmuley has unwittingly made that clear. His words say one thing but his body language says another. MICHAEL DID NOT INTEND FOR THIS TO BE MADE PUBLIC!!! He has been betrayed by a lot of people in his life, but this is by far the worst. Don't buy or even read this book!! Shmuley is just too disgusting for words!!!

thank you for this post....shmuley just sucks...
I posted on Amazon and everyone is very angry there. He is painting Michael like a drug head..damn the bloody man..I told Michael to stop!! My foot. damn he made those comments in 2000, not now..These are old tape and people change their mind.