Self Written tracks vs Co-written tracks vs tracks written by other people

What is MJ's best songs

  • The songs he writes on his own

    Votes: 102 91.9%
  • The songs he co-writes with other people

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • The songs that other people write for him

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
The self penned songs are the REAL Michael Jackson songs because you know, they come from his heart.
The songs written by him have something that maybe others doesn't, I think in every song Michael tries to leave sthg to the listener, and I don't think every songwriters writes a song with that objective. That's why maybe the songs written by him are better, but I kind of contradict myself because Man In The Mirror is possibly my favorite song ever
Until HIStory I felt that the songs written by others were generally at a similar level as the songs penned by MJ himself. It is mainly with Invincible, which of course leans much more on other songwriters, that I find the material too generic and not sounding like a Michael Jackson record.

Overall I prefer the songs Michael wrote himself. At the same time, Man in the Mirror and Human Nature might be my two favourite MJ tracks...
I voted "The songs he writes on his own" because his best tracks in my opinion are self penned (Billie Jean, Who Is It, Hollywood Tonight, Stranger in Moscow, TDCAU...), but it's all three actually. Because you have brilliant co-written songs (Remember The Time, Ghosts, Blood on the Dance Floor, We Are The World) and songs he didn't write at all (Lady In My Life, Human Nature, Butterflies...). He had the best in all three categories.
I have to go with songs he wrote.... How can I not? Though some of his best songs are written or co-written with other people. I can't help to have a special place in my heart for songs that came from his heart... His words!!

And think about how many great songs he wrote vs. any specific writer on his albums. He wrote a good amount of those songs man!!! I'd like to see all the writers from MJ albums Off The Wall - Invincible and see how many songs each writer did.. I know I've done the math before but I don't remember..
I chose songs Michael wrote himself, as a over-arching response....taking his entire discography into account.

That being said, there are many songs of his that I adore, which were written by others, or with others, such as MITM, For All Time, On the Line, We've Had Enough, etc.
Self written no contest. One of my favourite things about Michael's music is feeling, the hope, despair and inner conflict within his lyrics. The man was a genius
This is not a black and white question if you ask me. Because it depends on your definition of "written".
Did he do the basic mellody? The chorus? The lyrics?

Someone mentioned Stranger in Moscow as one of his best self-written, but from what I've read, the basic mellody was not written by him, he just got the end credits.
And I doubt that any song is 100% his own work, there are surely at least some fine touches here and there from other people. Is Thriller his song? Because he did write Starlight which is basically Thriller with different lyrics.

I see the appeal of asking such a question but find it ultimately pointless. Every song has his touch in one way or the other.