~**~Seen Any Good Movies?? 2010*~~*

I was going to watch Valentine's day, but a bad review made me stop in my tracks. a reviewer wrote "Valentine's day is a farce of a movie, a steaming hot pile of utter crap, with big-name celebrities pasted over it to make it look good, but you can see the nasty cracks of this utter abomination right beneath this facade of big stars.......... yeah, i'm gonna spend my money on a movie after reading a review like THAT............ -.-)
I was going to watch Valentine's day, but a bad review made me stop in my tracks. a reviewer wrote "Valentine's day is a farce of a movie, a steaming hot pile of utter crap, with big-name celebrities pasted over it to make it look good, but you can see the nasty cracks of this utter abomination right beneath this facade of big stars.......... yeah, i'm gonna spend my money on a movie after reading a review like THAT............ -.-)

I saw valentines day, and it wasn't that bad lol! I quite enjoyed it! Although it was a little predictable as some rom coms are!

But dont always let a bad review stop u seeing a movie!
I used to be exactly the same, until i saw the 3rd Matrix movie - i heard the reviews and it was totally slated! But as i'd seen the first two films and loved them, i still went to see it and i loved it! I didn't agree with what the critics said at all!
So i learnt my lesson that day :)

Seen "How to train your dragon", "Nanny McPhee & the big bang", Avatar, Valentine's Day, Did you hear about the Morgans, Alice in Wonderland, When in Rome, The back up plan which I though was terrible, Invictus, The blind side best movie of the year along with Avatar & Alice in Wonderland & probably a few others.
The Remake of ''Nightmare On Elm Street'' is really good !
I'm also waiting for ''SAW VII'' on october !
New movies, in cinema: The last one I saw was "Clash of the Titans", another remake yep, but this one I really enjoyed it, I loved Pegasus and The Kraken, that ending was chilling.
Being myself a huge fan of Greek Mythology I know this movie is not accurate but it fulfil as good movie to watch and enjoy.

I love movies, I love to spend a lot of time watching movies whether on cable or DVD, or going to cinemas for time to time (Thoug I am very lazy to go to cinemas)
I saw "Letters to Juliet" last weekend. Sweet story and beautiful scenery, got me pining for all things Italian. :p LOL
I just saw "Valentines Day" and "Leap Year", they were ok and "Sex and the City 2" and I actually liked 2 better than the first one. :) I got a crush on Mr. Big. :p
"Eat, Love, Pray" is one movie I'm really looking forward to seeing when it comes out. :)
Inception is great. but I love 'The Dark Knight' more.

The storyline is absolutely great. Everytime I see Nolan's movie, I don't get shocked as people do. Memento was easy to follow and predict the ending.... ppl say it's complicated and shocking, but I don't think so. Some also says Inception is complicated and the ending is shocking. don't think so.... but I know he is another movie genius! His movies are so beautiful and precious

There's nothing as shocking as the 6th sense's ending, I believe!!!!
Yes. Toy Story 3. One of the top 3 best films of 2010. A must see! The ending made me cry like a f***ing baby in the theater--and I've never cried while watching a movie in theater before!
Yes. Toy Story 3. One of the top 3 best films of 2010. A must see! The ending made me cry like a f***ing baby in the theater--and I've never cried while watching a movie in theater before!

Oh yeah I went to see that movie Toy Story 3 about a week ago. And it was so good.... :yes: but last week I went to see Step up in 3-D & it was alwsome I mean I loved dance movies I even show all Step up movies! :punk: