Schmuley's Book A Good Read

Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I was piss when shumely said on larry king he was angry at michael cause he knew the drugs was going to kill him thats when I lost respect for shadyshumely

Right, like he's just saying that Michael died from an addiction to painkillers. Not talking about how people killed him.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I went into the book store at the mall to see how much of th book was the rebbi dude and I read a bit of what he said. As far as his stuff, its no more than 75 Pages of him talking about Mike. The rest contains transcripts of the tapes. I wont buy it, but I'm gonna read the transcrpt part
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

If anything, I can honestly say, after experiencing what happened with MJ, I would NEVER EVER want to be a celebrity or even mildly famous, lol. There's enough drama in my life being plain ole me.

I have to agree with you 100 percent on all of this. I've felt this way for a long time now, though. Michael's hardships only confirm this to me. :(

And, LOL, my brother and I are BOTH Virgos like MJ--my brother even shares the same exact birthday as Michael, and his name is also Michael (no joke, lol)... so I can definitely understand where you're coming from there as well. :lol:
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I wouldn't buy this book too!

Theres something very wrong with smuley...i would really like to know what the big BANG between Smuley and Michael was?!?
But in the End, Michael hated this guy!!!!!

And we shouldn't buy products from him using Michaels Name, i think thats wrong!

And i also think that Michael should R.I.P. now....its not okay to pop up old quotes, he allready said, what he wanted to say to us the Fans and the media!
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I am not going to spend one single penny for this book. I am very interested in transcripts and I hope I will find them on the net later. This is how I am going to deal with another Michael's "friend" LOL
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Shmuckey needs to get his ass over to the left where the haters are!!! :throwingstones
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Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Sorry, I've never been a fan of Shylock , so I won't be buying the book.
again, are in your wordings an antisemitic touch?

Influence on antisemitism

Regardless of what Shakespeare's own intentions may have been, the play has been made use of by antisemites throughout the play's history. One must note that the end of the title in the 1619 edition "With the Extreme Cruelty of Shylock the Jew…" must aptly describe how Shylock was viewed by the English public. The Nazis used the usurious Shylock for their propaganda. Shortly after Kristallnacht in 1938, "The Merchant of Venice" was broadcast for propagandistic ends over the German airwaves. Productions of the play followed in Lübeck (1938), Berlin (1940), and elsewhere within the Nazi Territory.[8]
The depiction of Jews in English literature throughout the centuries bears the close imprint of Shylock. With slight variations much of English literature up until the 20th century depicts the Jew as "a monied, cruel, lecherous, avaricious outsider tolerated only because of his golden hoard". [9]
from wikipedia
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I will not buy this book I do not believe the Rabbi has Michaels best interests at heart. He did not believe in Michaels innocence years ago and I believe now he is simply out to make money. Well he will not be getting my money NO WAY!! Poor Michael it seems he could not trust anyone. I wish these so called friends would just go away.

Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I will go to B&N and read it but I won't buy it.I hate this shamul guy.he was not a friend of him. He just wanted to use him like so many people around him.the saddest thing is he is rabbi and MJ trusted him and now he is making money out of his death.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

'To read to sanctifies it ... Why do we keep fooling ourselves ...' Tabloid Junkie by Michael Jackson
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Just as I said earlier, let's make it available for download for free. I mean, if the rabbi can get Michael Jackson's words for free on tape, we can get it for free on internet.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Since we haven't heard all of the tapes, how do we know that he is actually quoting MJ and not making it up?
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I definitely don't want to buy this book. I just want to know one thing that seemed interesting to me..what MJ think of himself, including physical appearance. Could someone who read the book share MJ's thoughts on that..
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Its disrespectful.. he betrayed Michael. I would NEVER buy this book
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I definitely won't buy this book. And honestly I think if all fans had united and made it loud and clear that there would be 0 tolerance and absolute boycott to any trashing of Michael we probably wouldn't have seen so many trashes written about him and he could be still alive.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I definitely won't buy this book. And honestly I think if all fans had united and made it loud and clear that there would be 0 tolerance and absolute boycott to any trashing of Michael we probably wouldn't have seen so many trashes written about him and he could be still alive.

U r so right...we fans have made these detractors,liars and theives milloinaires..and Michael paid the price everytime..
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Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Is it a negative book? Its Michael's own words isn't it? The exerpt posted on here was nice to read, it wasn't negative it was very good, and people who don't know this side of Michael would see him differently. It was the press who twisted quotes from the book.

The problem I have is that it is another sell out friend and he doesn't seem to have proof that Michael wanted this released.
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Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

He is being blasted on the Tom Joyner show. He was rude. Anyway, he got an ear full. And the callers are going off on him. Like one person said, "blacks folks do not need this man to tell us about Michael". Michael is not going to used by this people. Tom is going to send all his book back and not give them to his audience. Sybill was really mad. It was great.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Since we haven't heard all of the tapes, how do we know that he is actually quoting MJ and not making it up?

That's what concerns me. Although nothing on the tapes is anything we haven't heard before how do we know that Schmuley did not edit the tapes we heard on TV to fit his anaylsis?
Anyone can write a book and say what someone else says. Since he has 30 hours of tape and we don't I doubt the book encompasses all of the tapes just those that help him sell his book.

I won't buy the book because it's going backwards in time. Michael had lots to say after that time period and some of it is in contrast to things he allegedly said on the tape and shows his views had changed or evolved in many aspects. For me the book has no added value and of course I will not provide funds to someone who Michael severed relationship with and whose moral compass is in question when it comes to his alleged conduct with charity funds.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Is it a negative book? Its Michael's own words isn't it? The exerpt posted on here was nice to read, it wasn't negative it was very good, and people who don't know this side of Michael would see him differently. It was the press who twisted quotes from the book.

The problem I have is that it is another sell out friend and he doesn't seem to have proof that Michael wanted this released.

Michael's own words aren't negative but some of Schmuley's commentary is very negative.

There is a link to the fan version of the books. Schmuley's commentary is not included.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Is it a negative book? Its Michael's own words isn't it? The exerpt posted on here was nice to read, it wasn't negative it was very good, and people who don't know this side of Michael would see him differently. It was the press who twisted quotes from the book.

The problem I have is that it is another sell out friend and he doesn't seem to have proof that Michael wanted this released.

The Rabbi is lying. Michael did NOT want this released. Come on... if Michael actually confesses to The Rabbi, "I wish for these tapes to be released after I die...", then I'll retract my words. I call *cough* BULLSHIT *cough*.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

He is being blasted on the Tom Joyner show. He was rude. Anyway, he got an ear full. And the callers are going off on him. Like one person said, "blacks folks do not need this man to tell us about Michael". Michael is not going to used by this people. Tom is going to send all his book back and not give them to his audience. Sybill was really mad. It was great.

oh that's awesome! wish it was up on youtube! good to hear people are speaking up about this to him! :)
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I was just at Barnes & Noble's, I stopped my friend from buying this book. I had to give her a mouthful, it was well worth it. I did skim through it, but I don't trust it and no way will i give or let anyone else give money to this guy
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

From the time those tapes were made, with or without Michael's permission, I am quite sure that Michael had changed his opinion on some of those topics. Now why would we buy some thing that is not valid. Everyone changes their mind from time to time, and so to Michael.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

tbh bar the odd sections theres was nothing amazing in this book. and dont buy it when u can download it on the net for nothing

tom joyner cant say anything the way hes treated mj and the comment from the listener sounds more racist than anything.mj was used by everyone
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

I think, that Shmuley want money and nothing else...
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

The problem with Smuely is the TIMING. He look like he is trying to cash in and that is what pissing people off. HIm and Tom Joyner got into it.
Re: Shumely's Book A Good Read

Michael didin't want to make public his confessions. He said this clearly on the tape. Shmuley is very disrespectful to the Michael's memory. It's very very sad.