"Say, say, say" ranked as MJ's biggest Billboard hit. WTF?!

first of all, billboard is a tabloid. second of all, they came up with a weird way of concluding that. thirdly, the american charts are suspect, and illegitimate. when they were not illegitimate, a song that went to number 1 was considered a number 1 song. and billie jean spent the most weeks there of all MJ's songs. so..it really doesn't matter what they say. they're just trying to sound important. and, anyway..anything MJ touches, turns to gold, so Say Say Say is a good song. but billie jean still sets the record. but ranking MJ songs, is like..well..ranking ur kids. they're all the best. so, it's a vain exercise, to try and do these stupid rankings. but that's why billboard does them.
i can see that song just for mj that says all and i don't need any billboard to tell me that.so they can go and................. :)
Ok guys can we keep it to a discussion about the songs please. I know its a song that most non fans do not know but it was still successful. I don't know how they work it out either but lets try and keep the negativity out please :) Thanks :flowers:
...i thought we were discussing the songs...why are we not allowed to not like what billboard does? the o.p. has a thumbs down symbol at the start of the thread. i'm surprised we're not allowed to feel that way. and yes, this mag just got finished leaving the subject of their song article, to trash MJ. we're allowed to challenge Roger Friedman, but we're not allowed to challenge billboard magazine?
first of all, billboard is a tabloid. second of all, they came up with a weird way of concluding that. thirdly, the american charts are suspect, and illegitimate. when they were not illegitimate, a song that went to number 1 was considered a number 1 song. and billie jean spent the most weeks there of all MJ's songs. so..it really doesn't matter what they say. they're just trying to sound important. and, anyway..anything MJ touches, turns to gold, so Say Say Say is a good song. but billie jean still sets the record. but ranking MJ songs, is like..well..ranking ur kids. they're all the best. so, it's a vain exercise, to try and do these stupid rankings. but that's why billboard does them.

I agree 100%, Well said 144,000;)
billboard is right, and also if you take the ages of people who listens michael's music, multiply them for number of Beatle's songs and then multiply again for alpha, you'll find out that best Michael song is Let it be
billboard is right, and also if you take the ages of people who listens michael's music, multiply them for number of Beatle's songs and then multiply again for alpha, you'll find out that best Michael song is Let it be

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

...but then again..that song is atv..hmmmm
...i thought we were discussing the songs...why are we not allowed to not like what billboard does? the o.p. has a thumbs down symbol at the start of the thread. i'm surprised we're not allowed to feel that way. and yes, this mag just got finished leaving the subject of their song article, to trash MJ. we're allowed to challenge Roger Friedman, but we're not allowed to challenge billboard magazine?

Well said!! I agree! :agree:
Crazy!! :D

Coincidentally, has anyone seen Macca play live recently? I'm really interested to see what he's like, cos i've only seen live footage. He sounded weak at Isle of Wight, but then I was watching from my living room! x

Actually he's amazing. I saw him live a few years ago when he gave a concert in the Red Square in Moscow and it was a fantastic concert. I am a huge Beatles fan (not a fan of solo Paul though) and I enjoyed that show very much. He sounded great.
this is just another example of the media bashing Michael and keeping him down. Yes, SSS is a Michael song - but with MCC. How dare a black artist beat any white artist? This world is still very racist.

The fact is Billie Jean spent 7 weeks at no. 1 . It was also tops in the R&B charts wasn't it? Did they mention that? Was SSS also the tops on R&B charts too? I wonder. Billboard tries to start controversy to sell copies simple as that. Nothing has changed.
I think this calls for another greatest hits package. But now with Say, Say, Say!

Ummmmmm............this is my reaction right now

Billboard just stop the madness as much as I love this song they are just reaching.
Lol, Paul MCcartney might have been a member of the Beatles, but I would say that as a solo artist MJ has outshone PM about a 100000 times... and as the song is written by solo Paul and MJ I'm not really sure what you want to say?? also bringing Elvis into this?? the man hardly wrote any of his material... so as a composer MJ for sure has outshone Elvis...

It surprised me to see that Say, Say, Say was MJ's biggest hit. LOL was my reaction. Sure, it's a good song, but biggest hit? Hrm.
As for Elvis, he never wrote any songs at all.
Why do white people have to do that, they do anything just to get paul mcartney on anything.... SaySaySay is a good song but MJ has had plenty of number one billboard hits..
I'm not gonna hang on about this but, how about they grade the song that is actually on Mike's album. I mean Say, Say,Say is on paul's album. and I am sure that it should be counted as paul's sells and not Michael's.
YES Say Say Say will now be able to open a whole new doorway for the under played Billie Jean, and Thriller. I can see it now "featuring iTunes exclusive track Say Say Say"

Yes! It's about time that Billie Jean and Thriller got some credit. Say Say Say's popularity just totaly over shadows both of those songs
Why do white people have to do that, they do anything just to get paul mcartney on anything.... SaySaySay is a good song but MJ has had plenty of number one billboard hits..

Because they are a bunch of racists. I'm not black but I can see that. Meanwhile the black community makes symposium to discuss gossip. It's disgusting.
i can't wait till this old generation of journalist die, because they are racist and hateful .
i believe the new generation will have a better prespective to "the other" especially the off the wall artists.
I think this calls for another greatest hits package. But now with Say, Say, Say!

Well, so right you are. Why didn't they include that all important song on Number Ones? It was co-written and co-produced by MJ correct? Michael is credited for the No. 1. Maybe McC. didn't give permission or just maybe only lesser known songs like Billie Jean and Beat It were included. HA HA
i can't wait till this old generation of journalist die, because they are racist and hateful .
i believe the new generation will have a better prespctive to the other.

No kidding. The same goes with those old-dinosaur of politicians and their constituency :evil: that won't give Michael the time of day!
I was surprised but looking at that list reminded of all the hits he's had
Michael kept his privet life privet, the media and many others hated this, they wanted more and more from him, witch he was not prepared to give, so they took it upon themselves to go after him in the meanest and cruelest ways. Putting down his music and saying slanderous things about him and his fans. I do not think it a raciest thing any of it, I hate to see such a powerful word as raciest used so freely, it weakens it. Those that have decided "Say, say, say" ranked as MJ's biggest Billboard hit, are more arrogant and ignorant than raciest.
I don't want to upset anyone just my point of view.
Well... whats with the "White people" remark? I find that offensive...
I've read racist stuff about MJ by Black writers, writers from all nations... it's not just "white people"! So seriously let that idea fly away...

As for Say Say Say... I bought a book by Billboard about 13 years ago and it listed all various artists biggest hits. For the MJ section it had Say Say Say at no1 because it had spent 8 wks at no1, thats all... it was just boring chart info and the various chart systems that had it at no.1... nothing to do with the quality of music... God, if the quality of music decided the charts there would only be 2 songs a week there... not a top 100
my memory just kicked in... I remember that Billboard book, it also had a top Beatles chart, and Say Say Say was the top Beatle song in that book! so think about that... i will try and get the book title for u it's at another house now, i'm rich and have lots of homes... not!
Those people who are now "rediscovering" MJ are not fans like us... so I don't expect them to feel like we do, but at least it shows we were RIGHT in loving MJ and his music so much...
What makes me laugh most is how MJ had 800,000 or so facebook fans on june 24 09, last time i checked it was 11+ million!

...they may all claim now to be "fans" after he died. The upside to this is we get the music back in the spot light and not the damn trials... the focus is on his genius more than ever, so that can only be a good thing. and with the album due for release soon it can only focus more attention on his music just a thought...

ps. I have yet to read article so I will judge i then.