Rolling Stone's 100 best albums of the '80s - Michael is Number 7!

I agree and I am white btw. Thriller imo, should have been in the top 3 and BAD should be in the top 25.

I think RS has always had a clear biased against MJ. They give perfect stars to Bruce S. and U2 even if some of their albums are crap. Michael's achievements in music are undeniable and his achievements in music surpass most white successful musicians. They praise Prince because he is good, but has never achieved the successes Michael achieved so to them he is in his place and no threat to their precious white musicians. Remember Michael had to fight to get his videos in MTV and why? but he did and because of his videos MTV survived and flourished. This is just another example of the pure bias Michael has had to contend with during his lifetime and afterward.

RS is ridiculous. Thriller is the foundation for all modern pop, r&b, and hip-hop music. Every artist will agree with that. Rolling Stone lost touch with the people years ago. They are biased towards rock acts and have always had something against MJ. Thriller is the #1 selling album in history, and it's essentially created a whole new generation of artists. That's more than any U2 or Bruce Springsteen album could ever claim.

The Clash #1? Get real. MJ's Invincible album had more influence on pop music than this crappy LP. Rolling Stone are so insanely biased it's too much for words. 90% of the population would not be able to even recognize the existence of this Clash album.

100% agree. The Clash? seriously! LMAO!! Thriller and Michael have influenced countless musicians probably more so than any other artist in history, but of course RS turns a blind eye to that little fact. RS has no credibility, if they had it in the first place, ha ha.
I agree and I am white btw. Thriller imo, should have been in the top 3 and BAD should be in the top 25.

I think RS has always had a clear biased against MJ. They give perfect stars to Bruce S. and U2 even if some of their albums are crap. Michael's achievements in music are undeniable and his achievements in music surpass most white successful musicians. They praise Prince because he is good, but has never achieved the successes Michael achieved so to them he is in his place and no threat to their precious white musicians. Remember Michael had to fight to get his videos in MTV and why? but he did and because of his videos MTV survived and flourished. This is just another example of the pure bias Michael has had to contend with during his lifetime and afterward.

I agree 100% and it's sad it comes across that way.
In most cases though, Rock is the better form of music. The artist write their own music, play their own instuments and don't rely on image alone to sell records. Personally, with he exception of MJ, i hate pop and chart music. Rock and metal all the way, with a little rap thrown in for good measure =P

This is sarcasm right? Or just a very clever troll?
I mean, how many of you have actually listened to London Calling?

I have and I still prefer MJ's music, as a whole, by far.

Either way, Rolling Stone magazine isn't bias because of mad MJ fans, it is and it always has been. Its entire existence is based on a racist ideology. The only reason they put Thriller up there is because of what it's achieved, as well as Janet's Control album. Prince is different, because Purple Rain and Prince, in general, are the kind of music that they like to listen to and fulfills their opinion about music that is 'real art.' That and he isn't Michael Jackson. It's stupid, but that's the way they are. I just can't for that magazine and way of thinking to finally grow out of style. Yet it won't because music critics will always be the ones locked up in their rooms listening to music with an overly bias ear while everyone else is outside and enjoying it.
Insanity. Let this be a lesson. Anyone who writes about music really doesn't have the faintest idea what they are talking about, if they did, they would be making music and not writing about it. Be very very suspicious of all journalism. If you can't figure out that MJ was the most influential artist of all time, most certainly through the 80's, and if you can't understand the artistic integrity of Thriller and Bad above the 6 albums listed before it, well, you just aren't that bright. Sorry.
"And perhaps more than any other artist, Prince called the tune for pop music in the Eighties, imprinting his Minneapolis sound on an entire generation of musicians, both black and white."


These lists aren't worth s--t. They're the opinions of uneducated (or frighteningly amnesiac, either way it's not good) individuals. Quite frankly, they don't deserve our indignation--instead, we ought to pity the poor simpletons who truly believe the tripe which emerges from their mouths onto print. They must truly be seriously deluded. Let them believe what they want.
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Fuck Rolling Stone............

What chance did Michael have when the hatred towards him came from within the Music Industry itself????
The article was originally published in 1989, and is only online as an archive. Obviously the rankings today would be different, so no need to complain.
Why would it be either of those things? Because my taste in music doesn't fall into what u deem as "normal"? Or just because ur trying to be funny?

Why sarcasm? I don't like pop music too, except very few artists
Queen, Deep Purple, Whitesnake... old school rock ftw!

I really don't care about what kind of music any of you like tbqh. I, too, like a lot classic rock bands and music as well. But to say something like this:
In most cases though, Rock is the better form of music. The artist write their own music, play their own instuments and don't rely on image alone to sell records. Personally, with he exception of MJ, i hate pop and chart music. Rock and metal all the way, with a little rap thrown in for good measure =P

None of that is, in any way, factually correct. Actually, it's that kind of thought in which why black music, besides jazz, is always seen as a lower form of art, because it's not seen as real music. Especially when all of that rock music is just based on old r&b.
What, not a single Beatles one in the top ten? Come now. Good thing Michael's in it though.
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Rolling STone is weird. They always have lists the public doesn't agree with, but because they're Rolling Stone they have it right. Sure... Keep dreaming. Thriller should have been 1 and Bad top 5. No album had so many hits.
Thriller should have been 1 and Bad top 5. No album had so many hits.

At the risk of sounding anti-MJ, I do agree that Bad should have been on the list (although not top 5). But posts like this frustrate me. Just because an album is popular doesn't make it good. I mean Jedward are popular for god's sake! If it's your opinion that Bad should be top 5, fair enough. I think The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths should be top 5. But to say Bad should be up there BECAUSE it had a lot of hits is silly in my opinion.
I think Thriller should have been in the top 5 and Bad should have been on the list period. To be honest I don't like these kinds of lists.
As the years go by, MJs music will slip down on many lists and charts (which isn't fair at all), but his music will live forever. Generations to come will know the name Michael Jackson and his music will still sound good and be listened to. He is that very special one that really lasts. I believe it will be like.....we still see Einstein's picture hanging here and there but he has long been dead...but his genius has not been forgotten. MJs genius will never be forgotten either.
Here is how the list should have went down..
1. Thriller - Michael Jackson
2. Purple Rain Soundtrack - Prince
3. Faith - George Michael
4. Bad - Michael Jackson
5. Madonna - Madonna

This is strictly my opinion.