Rolling Stone's 100 best albums of the '80s - Michael is Number 7!

I have nothing positive to say about Rolling Stone Magazine, how on Earth can then only put Thriller on spot 7 and totally forget Bad??? The Bad album included to many number 1 hits (Was it 7??) and make Michael go on the greatest tour at that time.
I personally believe Rolling Stone's bias against Michael is clearly a racist bias. (You remember the Justin Timberlake "New King of Pop" cover in 2003?) Sure they would defend themselves saying that they honor Prince and other black artists but thing is Prince and other black artists never were a threat to great white idols. (I'm white BTW.) The only black artist who was REALLY a threat to the status of great white idols was Michael and that's why they keep putting him down.
They should show some more respect! It annoys me because Rolling Stone Magazine is world famous and therefor a lot of people listen to them and makes their point of view because of them!
It would be nice if Rolling Stone didn't include Mike's name in their list next time and give that place to another Prince or Bruce Springsteen album because the guys obviously need it.

Yeah, they're kind of predictable, aren't they? U2 too. (One of the most overrated bands ever, IMO. I find Springsteen overrated as hell too.)
They should show some more respect! It annoys me because Rolling Stone Magazine is world famous and therefor a lot of people listen to them and makes their point of view because of them!

I don't really think a lot of people care about lists such as this. Not outside of the US anyway.
These lists made by "experts" really is worth nothing.

Not Many reads them, and even less care.
Actually it really should have been #1 (altough I like BAD more :D...)

"And perhaps more than any other artist, Prince called the tune for pop music in the Eighties, imprinting his sound on an entire generation of musicians, both black and white."
Those 2 sentences are not even worth a facepalm...
Yeah, they're kind of predictable, aren't they? U2 too. (One of the most overrated bands ever, IMO. I find Springsteen overrated as hell too.)

U2 are crap now but the Joshua Tree is an absolute classic and deserves to be right up there in this list. Born To Run as well. Another landmark album.

Why does everyone think Thriller HAS to be number one? Just cos it's Michael doesn't mean it's the best. And just cos it sold the most certainly doesn't mean it's the best - just look at how much the Westlifes and Robbie Williams of this world sell.

Other artists are capable of making great records, not just MJ. I mean, how many of you have actually listened to London Calling?

I don't really disagree too much with their top 10 (maybe Doolittle by the Pixies should be there). Some of you should think about taking the MJ cd out of the player for a while.
Why does everyone think Thriller HAS to be number one? Just cos it's Michael doesn't mean it's the best. And just cos it sold the most certainly doesn't mean it's the best - just look at how much the Westlifes and Robbie Williams of this world sell.

Um...EVERYONE doesn't think Thriller has to be number one. But when you're on a MJ board where there are many obsessed fans like myself, the majority thinking he should be #1 should NOT surprise OR annoy you.
Rolling Stone has lost all credibility. Their readership proves that point
But when you're on a MJ board where there are many obsessed fans like myself, the majority thinking he should be #1 should NOT surprise OR annoy you.

I don't recall saying I'm even remotely annoyed but thanks for your concern.

You can be an obsessed fan, fine, but that doen't mean you have to be deluded. In my opinion Michael is the greatest artist of all time, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the fact that there are many other great artists out there. And it doesn't mean I think everything Michael did was perfect or the best.

I'm not surprised that so many MJ fans have their heads in the sand. More disappointed.
RS is ridiculous. Thriller is the foundation for all modern pop, r&b, and hip-hop music. Every artist will agree with that. Rolling Stone lost touch with the people years ago. They are biased towards rock acts and have always had something against MJ. Thriller is the #1 selling album in history, and it's essentially created a whole new generation of artists. That's more than any U2 or Bruce Springsteen album could ever claim.

The Clash #1? Get real. MJ's Invincible album had more influence on pop music than this crappy LP. Rolling Stone are so insanely biased it's too much for words. 90% of the population would not be able to even recognize the existence of this Clash album.
U2 are crap now but the Joshua Tree is an absolute classic and deserves to be right up there in this list. Born To Run as well. Another landmark album.

Why does everyone think Thriller HAS to be number one? Just cos it's Michael doesn't mean it's the best. And just cos it sold the most certainly doesn't mean it's the best - just look at how much the Westlifes and Robbie Williams of this world sell.

Other artists are capable of making great records, not just MJ. I mean, how many of you have actually listened to London Calling?

I don't really disagree too much with their top 10 (maybe Doolittle by the Pixies should be there). Some of you should think about taking the MJ cd out of the player for a while.

I don't think the majority of us have problem with the ranking of Thriller. We have a problem that Thriller is the only thing that Mike gets credit for. I, for instance, believe that Bad is better than Thriller. But Bad didn't even made it in the list. On the other, you have other artist's albums listed again and again and some of those album i have heard and they don't even come close to Bad. But you are right. Rolling Stones must know something more than we do. After all is such an unbiased and fare publication, especially when it comes to MJ.
I don't recall saying I'm even remotely annoyed but thanks for your concern.

You can be an obsessed fan, fine, but that doen't mean you have to be deluded. In my opinion Michael is the greatest artist of all time, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the fact that there are many other great artists out there. And it doesn't mean I think everything Michael did was perfect or the best.

I'm not surprised that so many MJ fans have their heads in the sand. More disappointed.

My apologies if I misinterpreted, but you came off annoyed to me. My mistake, but I'm not concerned, just pointing out when you're on a artist specific board, you'll find that the fans tend to favor that particular artist. If you go to a Beatles board or lord forbid, an Elvis board and mention MJ's work even ranking near theirs on any list, many of their fans will consider it blasphemy.

It's no more deluded to feel that Thriller should be #1 than you feeling something different. It's all subjective opinion. To each his own. Nobody's head has to be in the sand because their musical tastes differ from yours. And I happen to agree there are many fantastic artists with many fantastic albums.
when you're on a artist specific board, you'll find that the fans tend to favor that particular artist. If you go to a Beatles board or lord forbid, an Elvis board and mention MJ's work even ranking near theirs on any list, many of their fans will consider it blasphemy.

So by your logic, if you're a fan of an artist, you will believe they should be number one on a list such as this. Whereas I'm saying, people should be more open-minded. You can be a fan of one particular artist but a lover of all music. I am a member of this forum - a Michael Jackson forum. But when I look at this list, I say "Yeah, they're all pretty good albums" not "MJ isn't number one, this list is crap." Thriller should be in the top 10 and is, who cares about specific placings?

Nobody's head has to be in the sand because their musical tastes differ from yours.

I never said anyone's head is in the sand because their musical taste differs to mine. I said those who blindly follow MJ and think no other music exists have their heads in the sand. And I stand by that.

On a side note, I agree entirely that Bad should be on this list. Not top 10 though.
Pfft... Rolling Stones. What the heck do they know anyway?
These kinda poll piss me off. I mean, seriously, how can the biggest selling album of all time, never gonna be touched by anything ever, released in the 80's, but not the best album of that decade...... I think u'll find it is. Like it says in the description, it still shifts units today, lol. Rolling Stone have always been a bit, er, retarded when it comes to that kinda thing though, so we shouldn't be to shocked. They were probably afraid to put Mj top through fear of being accused of trend following, as everyone puts him top now. Out of "respect" of course, nothing to do with sales or viewing figures.......
So by your logic, if you're a fan of an artist, you will believe they should be number one on a list such as this. Whereas I'm saying, people should be more open-minded. You can be a fan of one particular artist but a lover of all music. I am a member of this forum - a Michael Jackson forum. But when I look at this list, I say "Yeah, they're all pretty good albums" not "MJ isn't number one, this list is crap." Thriller should be in the top 10 and is, who cares about specific placings?

Well, it ties into why you become a fan, and logic doesn't always play a role because it's about emotionally connecting to a song or the artist. That is, if a particular artist's music (or the artist himself) strikes all those chords in you that make his music stand above all others FOR YOU, yeah, he'd be first on your list. Just like some people may feel Taylor Swift should rank #1 because for them, she does it for them. And apparently Justin Bieber does it for a lot of folks. It is an individual thing. So it makes perfect sense to me that "some" MJ fans on an MJ board think MJ's work should rank higher than others.

Rolling Stone lists are crap...their rankings supposedly go beyond individual appeal as they are an "industry" magazine who supposely view artists across all genres and music tastes, and they generally were NOT openminded about MJ until after he died.

I never said anyone's head is in the sand because their musical taste differs to mine. I said those who blindly follow MJ and think no other music exists have their heads in the sand. And I stand by that.

Nobody has said no other music exists, they're saying, for them, in comparison to Michael's his outranks theirs. That does not mean their head is in the sand or they blindly follow him. It merely means they like his music better, because well...they just do. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. And I stand by that.

On a side note, I agree entirely that Bad should be on this list. Not top 10 though.

U2 are crap now but the Joshua Tree is an absolute classic and deserves to be right up there in this list. Born To Run as well. Another landmark album.

Why does everyone think Thriller HAS to be number one? Just cos it's Michael doesn't mean it's the best. And just cos it sold the most certainly doesn't mean it's the best - just look at how much the Westlifes and Robbie Williams of this world sell.

Other artists are capable of making great records, not just MJ. I mean, how many of you have actually listened to London Calling?

I don't really disagree too much with their top 10 (maybe Doolittle by the Pixies should be there). Some of you should think about taking the MJ cd out of the player for a while.

You don't need to be condescending. You don't know anything about me or what I listen to. And why do you think just because you like an album or an artist everybody else has to hold the same opinion about them as you? FYI I like and listen to a lot of artists, most tend not to be either among public favourites or critic darlings. (Neither is a measure of greatness IMO.) I also realize what type of things tend to be critic favourites, it doesn't mean I personally have to like those. There's a lot of snobism involved in critic choices. And yeah, I find critics predictable.

Whether you like it or not my opinion is that both U2 and Bruce Sprinsgsteen are very overrated and overhyped and I stand by it. That's just my opinion. Especially U2 I find incredibly boring. I like Prince though. He's a genius. I have absolutely no problem with him being on the list.

It's Rolling Stone who starts these debates every time with these stupid lists as if music - especially quality of music - is something measurable that can be put on lists. It's not, so these lists are always bound to be controversial, drawing some agreements and lots of disagreements. You will have to live with the fact that not everybody will share your taste and also with the fact that on an MJ board - OMG! - MJ is favoured. It doesn't mean we only listen to MJ so you should stop with all these condescending posts about how fans are deluded and listen to only MJ. You are making unfounded claims about people you don't even know.
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I stopped caring about what "critics" said a long time ago. I think Thriller should be #2 and Bad should hands down be #1. I think Bad blows Thriller out of the water.
Isn't Rolling Stone a magazine that's written by music snobs?
wow, so it seems that no matter what the subject matter is, MJ fans will now bicker, argue and insult each other over anything. As if Rolling Stone mags opinion is worth anything in the music world these days.
Come on guys, enough is enough. Can't we all just agree to disagree (about everything i mean, the album, tii, what happens next, the lot) and start to get along once more.
Its all about personal opinion and Rolling Stone has always been rock music inclined anyway so it really isn't a suprise.
I never said anyone's head is in the sand because their musical taste differs to mine. I said those who blindly follow MJ and think no other music exists have their heads in the sand. And I stand by that.

Saying someone doesn't agree with the list or doesn't like some artists those are on the list is not thinking no other music than MJ exists...
Bad should have been on the list for sure. I think Thriller should have been higher than 7. Not just because it's Michael but the significance that album gave to the music industry. I was only 6 when it came out but I heard how the music industry was struggling at the time and this helped. The album created groundbreaking videos and a sound that people know. The music industry was changed and i think it should be higher. I know there are a lot of great artists who had great albums too. These lists are based on opinions and not everybody will have the same opinions.
I personally believe Rolling Stone's bias against Michael is clearly a racist bias. (You remember the Justin Timberlake "New King of Pop" cover in 2003?) Sure they would defend themselves saying that they honor Prince and other black artists but thing is Prince and other black artists never were a threat to great white idols. (I'm white BTW.) The only black artist who was REALLY a threat to the status of great white idols was Michael and that's why they keep putting him down.

I agree and I am white btw. Thriller imo, should have been in the top 3 and BAD should be in the top 25.

I think RS has always had a clear biased against MJ. They give perfect stars to Bruce S. and U2 even if some of their albums are crap. Michael's achievements in music are undeniable and his achievements in music surpass most white successful musicians. They praise Prince because he is good, but has never achieved the successes Michael achieved so to them he is in his place and no threat to their precious white musicians. Remember Michael had to fight to get his videos in MTV and why? but he did and because of his videos MTV survived and flourished. This is just another example of the pure bias Michael has had to contend with during his lifetime and afterward.
I'm not surprised. RS has always downplayed Michael's influence. I've never taken them seriously.
I agree that Pixies should be there, that band is really influent and nobody gives them credit.

About The Clash, I have London Calling and I think it's overrated as hell. Number one? Come on.

I don't think the majority of us have problem with the ranking of Thriller. We have a problem that Thriller is the only thing that Mike gets credit for.

This :yes:

and the wrong numbers :doh:
Its all about personal opinion and Rolling Stone has always been rock music inclined anyway so it really isn't a suprise.

In most cases though, Rock is the better form of music. The artist write their own music, play their own instuments and don't rely on image alone to sell records. Personally, with he exception of MJ, i hate pop and chart music. Rock and metal all the way, with a little rap thrown in for good measure =P