Reviews Of Man In the Music By Those Who Bought And Read the Book

kindofdisco;3547089 said:
You do know Michael didn't write One Day In your Life? LOL! I was talking his early song-writing abilities, things he had done himself or written by the brothers with him in mind. Blues Away, That's What You Get (For Being Polite), Destiny, Time Waits For No one....etc etc! Not enough is said about Michael's vocal strength and ability during this period. Even fans seem to lump Jackson 5 and Jacksons into one, big era before OTW and pretend that Michael was just a kid the whole time haha! It gets me so frustrated.

I find critics are quicker to lump praise on Thriller followed closely by Dangerous more than any other album. For me my favourite albums are OTW and Dangerous, so I kind of win in a way! I do think HIStory is very underrated. Never been a big fan of Earth Song though so I didn't read Joe's piece on it. I would love to hear his thoughts on Stranger in Moscow though!

Trust me&#8230; I know Michael didn&#8217;t write One Day in Your Life. I may not know the credits of all of his songs. But, I do know what the songs he wrote and co-wrote. When I re-read my post again, I understand it didn&#8217;t make sense for me to mention One Day in Your Life when talking about Michael&#8217;s song writing ability. I guess I just couldn&#8217;t help it. ODIYL is a beauty.</SPAN>

I guess my point is that Joe Vogel&#8217;s book is among the first book that focused solely on Michael&#8217;s music. It&#8217;s not like there are tons of literature out there in the book stores that talked about Michael&#8217;s arts. There are memoirs, so-called biographies and tabloids. But, there isn&#8217;t anything on Michael&#8217;s music until Joe&#8217;s book. That&#8217;s why his book is refreshing to me. It&#8217;s not perfect. I actually share some of your opinions. I do wish he could go more in-depth on each individual song, like the way he did in the Earth Song piece. But, it&#8217;s still a significant first attempt to finally write about Michael Jackson, the artist, the song writer, the producer and the visionary. </SPAN>

Also, I highly recommend his Earth Song piece. Even if you are not a fan of Earth Song, you can still learn about Michael&#8217;s song writing process, his inspirations and his perseverance. </SPAN>

Eventually, people will start talking about Forever Michael, The Jacksons, Destiny and Triumph. That time will come. But, before that, we need to see the interest shifting from the media caricature to the arts first.
love is magical;3547103 said:
Trust me&#8230; I know Michael didn&#8217;t write One Day in Your Life. I may not know the credits of all of his songs. But, I do know what the songs he wrote and co-wrote. When I re-read my post again, I understand it didn&#8217;t make sense for me to mention One Day in Your Life when talking about Michael&#8217;s song writing ability. I guess I just couldn&#8217;t help it. ODIYL is a beauty.</SPAN>

I guess my point is that Joe Vogel&#8217;s book is among the first book that focused solely on Michael&#8217;s music. It&#8217;s not like there are tons of literature out there in the book stores that talked about Michael&#8217;s arts. There are memoirs, so-called biographies and tabloids. But, there isn&#8217;t anything on Michael&#8217;s music until Joe&#8217;s book. That&#8217;s why his book is refreshing to me. It&#8217;s not perfect. I actually share some of your opinions. I do wish he could go more in-depth on each individual song, like the way he did in the Earth Song piece. But, it&#8217;s still a significant first attempt to finally write about Michael Jackson, the artist, the song writer, the producer and the visionary. </SPAN>

Also, I highly recommend his Earth Song piece. Even if you are not a fan of Earth Song, you can still learn about Michael&#8217;s song writing process, his inspirations and his perseverance. </SPAN>

Eventually, people will start talking about Forever Michael, The Jacksons, Destiny and Triumph. That time will come. But, before that, we need to see the interest shifting from the media caricature to the arts first.

You're talking to me as if I'm a new fan LOL. Boy, I've been here for a long time. I am very aware of the history of Michael's stature in the media and etc etc. Yes I know this book is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't mean I'll spend money on it. I only buy what's of interest to me, and after flicking through it at the bookstore honestly I felt like it was nothing special to ME. It's good that it's been published, I'm glad of that definitely for non-fans and more casual fans. But for me, it's not worth buying.

"Eventually people will start talking about Forever Michael...."

Why not now? Why not ten years ago? Twenty years ago? Forever Michael by the way isn't a stellar album, it's a bunch of tracks Motown slapped together ranging from 1973 up to 1975. It's pretty poor. The production is poor, Michael's voice sounds lost. It doesn't suit him at all. The only stand out track for me is Dear Michael. On the other hand, Moving Violation by the Jackson 5 released in the same year to me is MILES better. Forever Came Today, Honey Love, Time Explosion....there's some real undiscovered gems in there.

And you missed out Goin' Places. ;) That to me is my favourite Jacksons album, closely followed by Triumph. There's some great stuff on it - Different Kind of Lady, Even Though You're Gone.
@kindofdisco, sorry if you feel I'm talking down to you. It's not my intention at all. Of course, you are free to buy whatever interest you.
@kindofdisco, sorry if you feel I'm talking down to you. It's not my intention at all. Of course, you are free to buy whatever interest you.

No no, it's okay! I just get frustrated whenever I get into a good conversation like this - with intelligence! - and then I get thrown for a loop. I do enjoy this discussion however and I can see that you very much know your stuff, which is so refreshing. A lot of fans I come across can't even name a single song on a Jacksons album, save for Blame it on the Boogie or Shake Your Body, haha! So I really do value your insight and opinion here.
No no, it's okay! I just get frustrated whenever I get into a good conversation like this - with intelligence! - and then I get thrown for a loop. I do enjoy this discussion however and I can see that you very much know your stuff, which is so refreshing. A lot of fans I come across can't even name a single song on a Jacksons album, save for Blame it on the Boogie or Shake Your Body, haha! So I really do value your insight and opinion here.
Thanks. I also enjoy this conversation a lot. It's alright to have different opinions. You have just inspired me to reach out to the pre-OTW albums. Unlike you, I'm not a particular fan of the disco era. The sound from the 70's doesn't speak to me much. Although I have all the Jscksons albums, I don't listen to them much, except Destiny and Triumph. I do like the ballads like Bless His Soul, Destiny, Time Waits For No One.
^ Oh man we're like polar opposites! I'm not a big ballads fan at all, but I LOVE up-temo dance numbers like Different Kind of Lady, Jump For Joy, Keep on Dancing etc etc! I'm a big disco fan, not sure why because my parents don't particularly like it and I grew up on stuff like Phil Spector, Motown and the Beatles haha! Maybe it's my own slice of being a rebel!

I really recommend you check out Moving Violation, their last album on Motown and give Goin' Places a good listen. Music's Taking Over has a great jam in the middle!
^^Yeah... It seems we are the exact opposite in terms of musical taste; yet, we are fans of the same man. Isn't it amazing? Doesn't it show how diversified Michael's catalog is? Who else can switch from disco, to soul, to R&B, to AC, to rock, to funk, to pop, to gospel with so much ease?
^^Yeah... It seems we are the exact opposite in terms of musical taste; yet, we are fans of the same man. Isn't it amazing? Doesn't it show how diversified Michael's catalog is? Who else can switch from disco, to soul, to R&B, to AC, to rock, to funk, to pop, to gospel with so much ease?

And this is just one of the many reasons why I love this guy! I feel like I can never get bored of his catalogue because it's just so diverse. When I'm in the mood for 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's's all there! All genres, all decades. All styles. All moods and tempos and he does each one so WELL. That's the beauty of Michael Jackson!
The ladies at the 'Dancing with the elephant' blog spoke about Joe's book a few days ago.

Man in the Music: Joe Vogel&#8217;s Masterpiece « dancing with the elephant

Man in the Music: Joe Vogel&#8217;s Masterpiece

Joie: Earlier this month, something truly wonderful happened. An event that I had been waiting anxiously for, for several months. Author Joe Vogel&#8217;s long-awaited book, Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson was being released on November 1st and I had gotten the great pleasure of interviewing Joe for MJFC back in May. But even long before our interview, I was so excited about this book and I really pushed for an interview with him because I knew it was going to be something special.

I had been a casual fan of Joe&#8217;s for some time and I had read many of his articles about Michael Jackson on the Huffington Post. What I liked about Joe&#8217;s writing was that I always came away from one of his articles with the sense that he was a lot like me &#8211; just a student of pop culture who happened to be a Michael Jackson fan. His insights were really fresh and inspired and I found his writing style sort of &#8216;down-to-earth&#8217; and real, and reading one of his articles was always a treat for me. So, when I first heard about this book, I was crazy excited about it for two reasons: first, like I said, I was a fan. And second, it had never been done before. This is a book whose time had not only come, but was LONG overdue! And I knew that if anyone could do this book justice, it would be Joe Vogel; so I was extremely excited. In fact, after Joe granted me the interview for MJFC, I think I may have become sort of a mini-stalker, repeatedly asking him if there was anything I or MJFC could do to help promote the book. He may actually be a little bit afraid of me right now; I&#8217;m like a Man in the Music groupie.

Willa: I don&#8217;t know, Joie. Joe seems pretty steady to me. I think it might take more than a Man in the Music groupie to rattle him&#8230;. But seriously, I know what you mean &#8211; I love Joe&#8217;s book as well, especially the level of detail he provides about how every song of every album was meticulously created.

But the part I love most was entirely unexpected and, for me, a wonderful reaffirmation of the strength of Michael Jackson&#8217;s creative spirit: it was the very different look it provides of his creative life in his later years, particularly after the 2005 trial. Joe&#8217;s book completely contradicts the prevailing view of this period of his life. The narrative that has been repeated over and over depicts a man so hounded and harassed he was unable to stay in one place for more than a few weeks, unable to trust anyone, unable to work &#8211; just simply too hassled and distracted to create.

But Joe&#8217;s book paints an entirely different portrait of this later period of his life. What we see in Joe&#8217;s book is an extremely gifted, creative, and dedicated artist deeply engaged with a network of artists around the world, working collaboratively to produce exceptional work. In fact, Joe suggests that this later period was arguably the most productive of his life, even though very little of this work was released to the public.

Joie, I don&#8217;t know if this makes sense or not, but reading that part of Joe&#8217;s book made me so happy &#8211; it&#8217;s like I felt this load of grief lifting off me as I read it that I hadn&#8217;t even realized was there. I guess we all deal with grief in different ways, and for some fans, Dr. Murray&#8217;s conviction was able to bring about some sort of resolution, but that didn&#8217;t help me at all. I think in some ways I started writing M Poetica out of a need to try to deal with it. I think Michael Jackson&#8217;s work is so incredible, but nothing I was reading in the mainstream media even remotely corresponded with how I felt about him and his music and his visual art and what they meant to me, and that lack of appreciation added another layer of tragedy to the situation. So I started writing about how I saw things, and it did help me work through the sorrow of it all. But nothing has helped me as much as &#8220;The Final Years&#8221; section of Joe&#8217;s book.

To me, Michael Jackson&#8217;s creativity was the guiding principle of his life. People betrayed him over and over again, but that creative spirit never did. It was always there for him, nurturing and sustaining him. He said in numerous interviews that he was most happy when he was creating and performing, and that he was most comfortable in a studio or on stage, expressing that creative energy and letting it flow through him. That&#8217;s why all those reports of a person too harassed and distraught to create were so troubling to me. But Joe&#8217;s book gave me the reassurance I needed that, even after the 2005 trial and all the other horrors of those later years, that creative spirit was still there for him and stronger than ever.

Joie: I agree with you, Willa. It was a pleasant surprise to learn that he was still very much engaged in the act of creating beautiful music even then. And you&#8217;re right, we do all grieve in different ways so, it makes perfect sense to me that this section of Joe&#8217;s book would be sort of cathartic for you. I found it reassuring as well. Joe tells us that, not only was Michael in good spirits during that time but, he was also determined and excited about the work he was producing. I only wish that we could hear some of the music he was working on during that time, especially the classical album!

Willa: I agree. You know, I had heard rumors that he was trying his hand at composing classical music, but I had no idea he was so involved with that, or had a work so near completion. According to Joe&#8217;s book, all the parts for all the different instruments are pretty much worked out &#8211; it just needs to be recorded. Composer David Michael Frank, who was collaborating on the project, talked to Joe about it:
&#8220;I hope one day his family will decide to record this music as a tribute,&#8221; Frank concluded, &#8220;and show the world the depth of his artistry&#8230;. I told Michael I was going to use one of Leonard Bernstein&#8217;s batons I had bought at auction when we did the recording. I knew he would have gotten a big kick out of that.&#8221;
I hope they do too. I would love to hear it. And can you imagine if David Michael Frank conducted the orchestra holding one of Leonard Bernstein&#8217;s batons with a white sequined glove? What a wonderful metaphor that would be, and a great image as well.

Joie: I agree. I&#8217;m a fan of classical music myself and I think I would give just about anything to hear the classical music Michael composed; I would love that so much!

But getting back to what you were saying about his creative spirit, Michael himself often said that he never stopped working; no matter what was going on in his life, he never stopped creating. And I just love this quote from recording engineer Matt Forger from Man in the Music. He said,
&#8220;With Michael, he never stopped creating. He wasn&#8217;t an artist who said, &#8216;Oh I&#8217;ve got an album coming up, I better start writing songs.&#8217; The songs were constantly flowing from him, and if it wasn&#8217;t a song it was a poem, it was an idea for a story or a short film&#8230; It was a constant creative process.&#8221;
So it was as if life itself was a constant creative process for him and I find that fascinating!

Willa: Absolutely, and Joe really emphasizes that in his book, like with this example:
&#8220;According to Quincy Jones, Jackson was &#8216;writing music like a machine&#8217; during this period. He had begun composing songs as soon as Off the Wall was finished. In fact, Thriller&#8216;s first track, &#8216;Wanna Be Startin&#8217; Somethin&#8217;,&#8217; had been written and recorded during the Off the Wall sessions.&#8221;
Joe italicizes &#8220;during,&#8221; as if he can&#8217;t quite believe it. It&#8217;s like the songs are coming in such a torrent he&#8217;s starting work on Thriller while still recording Off the Wall.

Joie: I wonder if all great artists exist this way, where the art &#8211; whether its music or painting or poetry or whatever &#8211; just seems to pour out of them. I&#8217;m fascinated by that thought.

But, for me, what makes Joe&#8217;s book so special is the fact that it goes into such delicious detail for every single song of each album. Even giving info on many songs that were left off the albums. It&#8217;s almost like he&#8217;s giving you the chance to go into the studio and sit quietly by, watching as the entire album takes shape, as if you&#8217;re right there watching Michael work! That&#8217;s the feeling I get every time I open it up and begin to read. There has never been another book out there like it. It&#8217;s not merely a critique of Michael&#8217;s work; it&#8217;s more like a novel, a reference guide, a history text and a critical assessment all rolled into one. There is SO much information here, just a wealth of musical knowledge and insight into the creative mind and character of the greatest entertainer that ever lived. This book is incredible! And I love the fact that it never once strays into that uncomfortable territory of sensationalism and tabloid fodder that most other authors can never seem to resist when talking about Michael Jackson. But Joe never goes there; he remains completely professional and true to the subject &#8211; which is examining Michael&#8217;s craft.

Willa: I know what you mean about feeling like you&#8217;re peeking inside the studio as he&#8217;s working, and discovering what that environment was like. I&#8217;ve never been in a recording studio so that was entirely new territory for me, and it was so interesting. For one thing, I never realized just how many people are involved in making an album. It may be one person&#8217;s vision &#8211; and Joe makes clear that every track of every album was a reflection of Michael Jackson&#8217;s own artistic vision &#8211; but it really is a huge collaborative effort. And for me, that explodes another myth, which is that Michael Jackson was isolated and alone for most of his life, disconnected from the world around him. Obviously his fame had a huge impact on his life, but all that seems to drop away in the studio. He had many warm, strong, enduring relationships with people he worked with on song after song for years, even decades.

Joie: You&#8217;re right, it is a real collaborative effort, and what was astonishing for me to learn is how technical it all is. I&#8217;ve never been in a recording studio either and I was surprised to learn how involved Michael really was with the whole process. You know, he didn&#8217;t just go into the studio and sing the lyrics and then let everyone else do the rest. He was totally hands on throughout the entire process from start to finish, and he really knew exactly what he wanted from each person working with him, and what he wanted the final product to sound like. Here&#8217;s another quote from Man in the Music, this time from long-time collaborator, Bill Bottrell. He said,
&#8220;He has precise musical instincts. He has an entire record in his head and he tries to make people deliver it to him. Sometimes those people surprise him and augment what he hears, but really his job is to extract from musicians and producers and engineers what he hears when he wakes up in the morning.&#8221;
Willa: And sometimes he takes matters into his own hands. I remember hearing an interview with him one time where he said he worked on the bass line of &#8220;Billie Jean&#8221; for a solid week. He said that distinctive bass line is so important to the mood of that song &#8211; it&#8217;s like the foundation everything else is built on &#8211; so he worked and worked on it to get it just right.

Joie: I also think it&#8217;s really interesting that Michael always had this great love of sounds. He said many times that he just loved discovering new sounds and taking random sounds and putting them under the microscope and manipulating them and dissecting them. He obviously had a great ear for sound and in Man in the Music, Joe tells us that he even created an entire song out of sounds. Before reading this book I never knew that &#8220;She Drives Me Wild&#8221; was made up entirely from random street sounds! Joe tells us,
&#8220;&#8216;She Drives Me Wild&#8217; further extends this interest [in using everyday sounds to create compelling music]&#8230;. In place of traditional instruments, Jackson develops an entire rhythm track from car horns, engines, sirens, slamming doors, and other &#8216;noises&#8217; from the street. &#8216;Even the bass is a car horn,&#8217; says Teddy Riley.&#8221;
Willa: Isn&#8217;t that amazing? I had to go back and listen to &#8220;She Drives Me Wild&#8221; after reading that. I was really struck by this ongoing focus on found sounds too, especially since Ultravioletrae had posted comments about that very topic recently, especially the use of animal sounds and industrial sounds. As she wrote about &#8220;Unbreakable,&#8221;

Many MJ songs feature the sound of air, wind, breath as percussion or sound scape or expressive vocalization. At the bridge in &#8220;Unbreakable&#8221; we hear the artificial sound of gasping for air through an oxygen mask as if on life support. Chilling. And in the very opening intro sound scape, we hear the purr of an engine moving around in sonic space but layered on top is the sound of a cat purr, cat being another common symbol throughout his work&#8230;. This happens all throughout the work. What is the sonic message?

I&#8217;m really intrigued by this now and think it would be really fun to look at it in more depth sometime &#8211; at how he used different found sounds over the years, and the different soundscapes he created with them, and the ideas and emotions he was conveying with those sounds.

And this wasn&#8217;t a passing interest for him. On album after album, he says he wants to create &#8220;sounds the ear has never heard&#8221; before. I think Joe has that idea quoted three different times from three different sources working on three different albums. It was like a career-long mantra for Michael Jackson &#8211; to push the envelope and create entirely new sounds and new ways of engaging with music.

Joie: You know, Willa, I just finished reading another new book that was released recently by Michael&#8217;s long-time friend, Frank Cascio, and he actually talks a little about Michael&#8217;s obsession with finding new sounds too. Cascio says that when Michael was working on Invincible, he urged producer Rodney Jerkins to &#8220;Hit on random rocks or toys. Put a bunch of glass in a bag, add a mic to it, and throw it around.&#8221; He goes on to say,
&#8220;I had seen Michael play around with this kind of sound creation himself&#8230;. Once, we put a mic in a bag with rocks, toys and some small pieces of metal, taped it to the outside of a DAT machine cushioned in bubble wrap, and threw the whole contraption down the stairs. Michael then proceeded to take all the sounds from inside that bag, put them across a keyboard, mix them, and tune them. On Invincible, you can hear those one-of-a-kind sounds on &#8220;Invincible,&#8221; &#8220;Heartbreaker,&#8221; &#8220;Unbreakable,&#8221; and &#8220;Threatened.&#8221;
This is something that Man in the Music hits on as well, as Joe tells us that the &#8220;wildly ricocheting beats and sounds&#8221; on the song &#8220;Heartbreaker&#8221; feels like &#8220;a mad scientist&#8221; has gotten loose in the studio. Then he goes on to quote Michael, who said,
&#8220;A lot of the sounds on the album aren&#8217;t sounds from keyboards&#8230;. We go out and make our own sounds. We hit on things, we beat on things, so nobody can duplicate what we do. We make them with our own hands, we find things and we create things. And that&#8217;s the most important thing, to be a pioneer. To be an innovator.&#8221;
So, it was not a passing fancy for him; it was more like a life-long obsession. In fact, I believe that in his own book, Dancing the Dream, Michael talks about how he hears music in everything, in every part of nature. He writes,
&#8220;People ask me how I make music. I tell them I just step into it. It&#8217;s like stepping into a river and joining the flow. Every moment in the river has its song. So I stay in the moment and listen&#8230;. As long as I can listen to the moment, I&#8217;ll always have music.&#8221;
To me, this says that Michael had the ability to hear music in absolutely everything &#8211; a car horn, the crunch of leaves in the fall, the sound of the wind rustling through the trees, even a baby&#8217;s cry or his children&#8217;s laughter. I bet, if we could ask him right now, he would tell us that this was true.

Willa: I think you&#8217;re right, Joie, and I think he tried hard to share that with us so that we could begin hearing the music of the world around us as well &#8211; both the natural world, as Joe describes so well in the &#8220;lush production&#8221; of &#8220;Break of Dawn&#8221; (&#8220;It is as natural and beautiful as the birdsong that unobtrusively appears throughout the track&#8221;) and the man-made world, as we hear in that pounding opening trilogy of Invincible.

Joe&#8217;s book also shows that sometimes he incorporated these found sounds as is, and sometimes he experimented with them in the studio to push the envelope even further. As Michael Jackson himself says,
&#8220;I like to take sounds and put them under the microscope and just talk about how we can manipulate the character of it.&#8221;
And he didn&#8217;t just innovate in the studio. He was also constantly thinking about how to use new technology to share his music and ideas with his audience. In the 1980s, this new technology was MTV and the music video. In the 2000s, it was the Internet and music streaming and, according to Joe, he had a plan worked out for how to harness that technology to promote his next album, especially since he couldn&#8217;t count on Sony to promote it for him:
&#8220;He also had a unique plan in store for the new music&#8217;s release&#8230;. [H]is vision was to finish many of the tracks while his concerts were going in London and release them one-by-one as singles, not as a full album. It was a brilliant idea. Jackson, as always, was keenly attuned to the music industry and felt this was the ideal way to disseminate his music in the age of digital downloading. He also realized that with the publicity generated by his ongoing stay at the biggest venue in the world, the anticipation for each new song would be huge. Rather than give critics a chance to immediately dismiss his new album as a flop, he&#8217;d outsmart them by having hit single after hit single.&#8221;
Joie: Yeah, I read that and was amazed. What an incredibly brilliant idea that was! Especially since he was sort of a &#8220;free agent&#8221; at that time, the biggest artist in the world without a record deal.

Willa, this book of Joe&#8217;s is really the greatest comprehensive work on Michael Jackson&#8217;s solo career that we have ever seen. Honestly, I can&#8217;t think of any other book out there that rivals it. The only one that even comes close is Adrian Grant&#8217;s Michael Jackson: The Visual Documentary, which many fans refer to as &#8216;the Bible&#8217; because it&#8217;s so all-encompassing. But that book, though incredible, is completely different from Man in the Music because it doesn&#8217;t solely focus on Michael&#8217;s art or even attempt to look at it in any real or meaningful way; it&#8217;s merely a reference guide. There is also Cadman and Halstead&#8217;s Michael Jackson: For the Record, which is a wonderful book with lots of great information on chart placings and such for each song &#8211; beginning in the early Motown days &#8211; but again, it doesn&#8217;t really go into the extreme detail that Joe does. It&#8217;s also strictly a reference guide, whereas Man in the Music is so much more than that. So, actually, in terms of providing an in-depth look at Michael&#8217;s adult solo work &#8211; the creation of each song on each album and the possible meanings behind them &#8211; Joe&#8217;s book really has no equal. It&#8217;s just amazing. You know, I am so devoted to this book that I intend to &#8216;Pay Michael Forward&#8217; for Christmas this year. Everyone on my list is getting a copy!
Vogel has about a page on songs from triumph and destiny, but yes, the book begins with off the wall.
I hate to say it, but I was disappointed with the book. There just isn't that much new information in it; I was under the impression that the author had done extensive interviews with a lot of people, but I think he may have only gotten brief, general comments from them.

There's too much opinion in the book -- and a lot of it is preposterously pedantic -- and not enough info.

We still need a book where the creation of every song -- and especially every writer's actual contribution to it -- is discussed in details. To this day, we basically don't know what MJ's contribution to the Jerkins songs on Invincible was : did he write the lyrics? Did he come up with the vocal melody? Did he come up with the sounds on the backing track? We don't know : it's a complete mystery.
but I was kind of surprized at Joe's slight criticism of the film "Ghosts". It wasn't bad just that he mentions some things he considers flaws in it.

On the contrary, for me, another disappointment was that Vogel is not critical enough of the songs he talks about : he seems to love everything almost to the same degree. Now, maybe he does, but it would be a lot more credible if he could criticize some songs or videos for not being up to par with the rest of MJ's stuff. I mean, when even "Privacy" gets a free pass, you know you have a problem...
I hate to say it, but I was disappointed with the book. There just isn't that much new information in it; I was under the impression that the author had done extensive interviews with a lot of people, but I think he may have only gotten brief, general comments from them.

There's too much opinion in the book -- and a lot of it is preposterously pedantic -- and not enough info.

We still need a book where the creation of every song -- and especially every writer's actual contribution to it -- is discussed in details. To this day, we basically don't know what MJ's contribution to the Jerkins songs on Invincible was : did he write the lyrics? Did he come up with the vocal melody? Did he come up with the sounds on the backing track? We don't know : it's a complete mystery.

Funny, I thought that you had already made up your mind about MJ and the way he worked. I mean you said it quite a few times. You know, pay people to write things about him and then get credits that he didn't diserve? Same as Elvis did? You were disapointed that Joe Vogel didn't give you the plesure of confirming that, right ? Have you ever consider that MJ might actually have written songs by himself or it is difficult for you to imagine that? Well start thinking it because it is the truth.
Funny, I thought that you had already made up your mind about MJ and the way he worked. I mean you said it quite a few times. You know, pay people to write things about him and then get credits that he didn't diserve? Same as Elvis did? You were disapointed that Joe Vogel didn't give you the plesure of confirming that, right ? Have you ever consider that MJ might actually have written songs by himself or it is difficult for you to imagine that? Well start thinking it because it is the truth.

What are you talking about? Do I even know you?
^^No, you don't know me personaly. What i'm talking about? You know perfectly well.
Sorry souldreamer and marebare, didn't want to suggest mj wasn't loved in the US but it's undeniable that mj's sales were surprisingly low in the US after thriller considering he was such a huge global megastar. Usually countries support their own and mj was such a well-known personality in the US from his jackson 5 days. Off the wall sold around 8m in US, thriller of course went crazy with 29m but then bad and dangerous both sold around 8m each, whereas i know in the uk mj's albums and singles did really well after thriller.

Don't be sorry. I'm not because I know the real deal...and you say sales dropped after Thriller well Michael himself couldn't top Thriller because it was that huge! so it is normal to not sale as many for the next album. Simply untrue... BAD sold very well and was hugely popular is the states! Too Bad that MJ fans are divided and not united. but 8 million is a huge number and I bought the album in August of 1987 when it came out I attended the BAD tour concert Simply false about the whole Thriller after statement.
8 million for one country is great! this isn't about countries.. really it's more than that.

Bad is the seventh studio album by American songwriter and recording artist Michael Jackson. The album was released on August 31, 1987 by Epic/CBS Records, nearly five years after Jackson's previous studio album, Thriller, which went on to become the world's best-selling album of all time. Bad itself sold over 30 million copies *worldwide*, and shipped eight million units in the United States alone, and has been cited as being one of the best-selling albums of all time. Bad was the first album to have five of its singles peak at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Similar to Jackson's previous music material, the album's music features elements of R&B, pop and rock.

8 million is huge for one country - considering the rest of shipment went all over the entire world as a figure whole.

The album was released 31 August 1987. By 26 September it had debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 remaining there for the next six weeks. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Bad eight time platinum for having sold eight million copies in the United States alone.

Anyway.. Michael Jackson was united world wide by BAD

Dangerous Awwhh I remember watching Black or White aire on FOX and it aired the same time on FOX,MTV,VH1 BET
Dangerous was released on November 26, 1991 with record-breaking sales. Dangerous was Jackson's fastest-selling album ever in the United States with seven million shipped in under two months. This broke the sales record for Bad, which had also shipped seven million copies in 1987, but in four months.

1991 Black or White Ft: Slash Will You Be There from: Dangerous Michael Jackson MTV 10th Anniversary Performance:

Dangerous debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart, with 326,500 copies sold in its first week. It held the position for four weeks. Jackson promoted the album with a high-profile performance at the Super Bowl and an interview with Oprah Winfrey, but it did not return to the number 1 slot. However, it returned to the Top Ten after Jackson received the Grammy Legend Award at the 1993 ceremony. Dangerous spent 117 weeks in the Billboard 200, thirty more than Bad. The RIAA certified Dangerous seven times platinum (seven million copies).
Michael Jackson Halftime Super Bowl 1993


7 million plus is great for one country. What more could MJ do.. give? Nothing he gave his music.

48% of Bad's worldwide sales were in the UK and US - for Dangerous, the total was 33%, reflecting Jackson's growing global reach.

I disagree with these statement about MJ 'done' after Thriller in The States..
With the L.O.V.E
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Don't be sorry. and you say sales dropped after Thriller well Michael himself couldn't top Thriller because it was that huge! so it is normal to not sale as many for the next album. Simply untrue BAD sold very well and was hugely popular is the states! Too Bad that MJ fans are divided and not united. but 8 million is a huge number and I bought the album in August of 1987 when it came out I attended the BAD tour concert Simply false about the whole Thriller after statement.
8 million for one country is great! this isn't about countries.. really it's more than that.

Bad is the seventh studio album by American songwriter and recording artist Michael Jackson. The album was released on August 31, 1987 by Epic/CBS Records, nearly five years after Jackson's previous studio album, Thriller, which went on to become the world's best-selling album of all time. Bad itself sold over 30 million copies *worldwide*, and shipped eight million units in the United States alone, and has been cited as being one of the best-selling albums of all time. Bad was the first album to have five of its singles peak at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Similar to Jackson's previous music material, the album's music features elements of R&B, pop and rock.

8 million is huge for one country - considering the rest of shipment went all over the entire world as a figure whole.

The album was released 31 August 1987. By 26 September it had debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 remaining there for the next six weeks. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Bad eight time platinum for having sold eight million copies in the United States alone.

Anyway.. Michael Jackson was united world wide by BAD

Dangerous Awwhh I remember watching Black or White aire on FOX and it aired the same time on FOX,MTV,VH1 BET
Dangerous was released on November 26, 1991 with record-breaking sales. Dangerous was Jackson's fastest-selling album ever in the United States with seven million shipped in under two months. This broke the sales record for Bad, which had also shipped seven million copies in 1987, but in four months.

1991 Black or White Ft: Slash Will You Be There from: Dangerous Michael Jackson MTV 10th Anniversary Performance:

Dangerous debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart, with 326,500 copies sold in its first week. It held the position for four weeks. Jackson promoted the album with a high-profile performance at the Super Bowl and an interview with Oprah Winfrey, but it did not return to the number 1 slot. However, it returned to the Top Ten after Jackson received the Grammy Legend Award at the 1993 ceremony. Dangerous spent 117 weeks in the Billboard 200, thirty more than Bad. The RIAA certified Dangerous seven times platinum (seven million copies).

7 million plus is great for one country. What more could MJ do.. give? Nothing he gave his music.

48% of Bad's worldwide sales were in the UK and US - for Dangerous, the total was 33%, reflecting Jackson's growing global reach.

I disagree with these statement about MJ 'done' after Thriller

With the L.O.V.E

No one said he was "done" after Thriller and no one said the dramatic drop of his US popularity was Michael's fault. In fact, I think Dangerous was artistically his best album. But even if we analyze the numbers you cite here one must admit his popularity shifted from the US to the rest of the world after Thriller. Thriller is 30 times platinum in the US and Bad "only" 8 times, Dangerous 7 times. But in the UK, for example, Bad and not Thriller was his best selling album and Earth Song was his most popular single, while in the US it wasn't even released. Or let's see Germany: Thriller is certified for 1.5 million copies there, Dangerous for 2 million. So Dangerous was more popular than Thriller. Actually Dangerous was Michael's most successful album outside of the US. So it's not a global phenomenon that his popularity dropped everywhere in the world to equal amounts after Thriller. Michael became a lot more global after Thriller, but lost popularity in the US. And I think it's interesting to ponder the reasons why the US reacted to him so differently after Thriller compared to the rest of the World. Is it because of a different music taste in the US? Or are the reasons more deeply rooted in differences of people's perceptions in the US vs. the rest of the World - for example in terms of race, "normality" etc.? Because the shift in the perception of Michael happened when his skin lightened, when he started to be "eccentric". Was the US less tolerant of these things than the rest of the World? These are probably rather sensitive subjects but I find it interesting.
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No one said he was "done" after Thriller and no one said the dramatic drop of his US popularity was Michael's fault. In fact, I think Dangerous was artistically his best album. But even if we analyze the numbers you cite here one must admit his popularity shifted from the US to the rest of the world after Thriller. Thriller was 29 times platinum in the US and Bad "only" 8 times, Dangerous 7 times. But in the UK, for example, Bad and not Thriller was his best selling album and Earth Song was his most popular single, while in the US it wasn't even released. So it's not a global phenomenon that his popularity dropped everywhere in the world to equal amounts after Thriller. Michael became a lot more global after Thriller, but lost popularity in the US. And I think it's interesting to ponder the reasons.

Look if you'd like to go on and on about do so. :) Who said it was Michael Jackson's fault and what about? Yes it was mentioned that after Thriller MJ 'died' off in the States. and YEs Of course there was a dramatic Drop after Thriller because that was ICONIC for any artist! My point Is Not MJ's popularity Dropped globally or State side It's that it Joined forces. What you and many others don't want to See is that BAD UNITED MJ and the World. I know. I was there I lived it. Things you mention was due to Martin Barshir Later on Tom Sneddon The accussing families The MEDIA WORLDWIDE Sony etc. MJ's popularity didn't Drop after Thriller nor BAD nor Dangerous. With the L.O.V.E
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Look if you'd like to go on and on about do so. :) Who said it was Michael Jackson's fault and what about? Yes it was mentioned that after Thriller MJ 'died' off in the States. and YEs Of course there was a dramatic Drop after Thriller because that was ICONIC for any artist! My point Is Not MJ's popularity Dropped globally or State side It's that it Joined forces. What you and many others don't want to See is that BAD UNITED MJ and the World. I know. I was there I lived it. Things you mention was due to Martin Barshir Later on Tom Sneddon The accussing families The MEDIA WORLDWIDE Sony etc. MJ's popularity didn't Drop after Thriller nor BAD nor Dangerous. With the L.O.V.E

I'm not "going on and on about it", I'd just like to discuss this phenomenon without somebody taking offense, but you for some reason chose to be offended by the mention of Michael's popularity dropping in the US after Thriller. It's a fact. This subject wasn't brought up to say MJ "was done" after Thriller or anything like that (It was you who put it that way!). In fact, globally he was at his peak during Bad-Dangerous. And that's exactly what I find interesting in this phenomenon that there seemed to be a difference in the perception of MJ between the US and the rest of the World around this time. So you completely misinterpret the point of the discussion!

And for your information, I was there too, I lived it too. I'm a fan since the Bad era.
^^ Michael always reminds me of the biblical saying: "nobody is a prophet in his own home". Basically since Thriller each of his albums sold more outside of the USA than in the USA (although generally for every artist the US is the biggest record buying country). I wonder why is that. I have my ideas though. For example I think the US was more disturbed by his lightening skin and they didn't take a black man "turning white" and blurring boundaries between races so lightly than other parts of the world, because of US history with black slavery and racism (I'm not saying there is no racism elsewhere but for example in my country racism isn't directed at blacks, but at other group of people). Same with what people perceived as Michael blurring boundaries between genders. In the religiously conservative US this was less accepted than elsewhere.

Did you ever think some people just didn't understand with all the new media platforms blaring in their livingrooms - that's not to say everyone closed their minds either. There was ALOT to take in sort and understand.

Yes,There's racism and slavery in most countries histories. it's horrible.

This subject wasn't brought up to say MJ "was done" after Thriller or anything like that (It was you who put it that way!). So you completely misinterpret the point of the discussion!

And for your information, I was there too, I lived it too. I'm a fan since the Bad era.

Hello I am not taking any offense at all...and I'm not the least offended by you or anyone. :) you don't have to be mad. sorry maybe it's me,but i'm getting a bad vibe from you about this. you seem like you've just a have a personall issue with this. we all can disscuss a topic with our respective views.
I am not completely misinterpret the point of the discussion. and I didn't just 'make up' a statement about Thriller, it was not only me who put it out there. I am disscussing the topic just like everyone else and some see it like you and some see it like me and others see it another way. Big deal let everyone exchange their views on the topic of the thread and pertaining to the numerous posts before here. period. I still disagree with you and some others. Michael Jackson's popularity did not drop in the US after Thriller. it's true. If you would like to keep trying to make my view change it's not going to. There's no wrong with saying or stating Bad & Dangerous and Michael Jackson himself was majorly popular in the States during it's time... it's a fact. Great times back then. :) I greatly enjoyed the eras as I do all of them.

In fact, globally he was at his peak during Bad-Dangerous.
Once again since you stated and didn't read my prior posts I said BAD United Michael Jackson WorldWide. Also bringing up the rest of the World v/s the US is just crazy. Is that how you concieve your view I mean that's fine,but I myself look at 'The People' not labels nor country v/s country or nation v/s nation. I know some people want to confuse what the media said and reported on Michael as the The Peoples view..but that's not the way it is. Anyway, your post(s) contradicts and takes what I'm speaking out of context...everything that I said prior. Maybe you just aren't understanding me. ;)
and since we've gotta do the "I've been a fan since...[insert]" I've been a fan since Off The Wall :flowers:
Good day. :)
With the L.O.V.E

I was watching,listening and going to concerts of Michael during Bad & Dangerous like the rest of the world. MJ was a major force then.

American Cinema Awards 1990

MTV commerical during Dangerous era and making video for "Who Is It"

Dangerous era - Choose or Lose Vote USA

Bad era - "Leave Me Alone"

All Michael Jackson weekend Dangerous era

Bad world tour

American Music Awards 1993

The Cosby's went to see BAD too.


1991 Black or White Ft: Slash Will You Be There from: Dangerous Michael Jackson MTV 10th Anniversary Performance:

Michael Jackson Halftime Super Bowl 1993


Yes, i've only recently come to realise just how much mj's sales dropped in the usa after thriller. In the uk, bad outsold thriller when it came out, and his most popular single was earth song, beating even billie jean. I blame the relentless onslaught from the media - i'm sure there was a racial element, but also mj just didn't play their game and give interviews - he wanted to keep his mystique so they were never sympathetic towards him. The uk have a dreadful tabloid press that can easily rival any in the us i think, but if you don't buy the tabs you can avoid the worst of it. The US however seems to have the equivalent of tabloids on their tv - i think US had cable and multi-channels before us in the uk- and we don't seem to have all these entertainment shows that just seem to dissect everything mj did. It's harder to avoid the anti-mj media when it's in your living room.

Exactly. Think about growing up and you're Not used to so much Media and then it slowly starts getting bigger and bigger.. the media, so many shows start airing and everyone's like "What?" (speaking in general) All these media speaking shows bombard your homes at this time it's a new 'platform' and these people are out for a story a sensational one. I for one hated that, all those shows come about and look where it is today! There's no real press these days.

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Sooooo.....about the book :D..I've just completed the Invincible chapter. Overall, I think it's a good book for what it is. It definitely could have had more behind the scenes content substituted for critical opinion (or both..). But being the first of its kind, I think the book did an excellent job. Joe Vogel has also stated that he intends on releasing a second edition sometime in the future with a few changes and a lot more 'making of' information, so that's definitely something to look forward to. But overall, it was an enjoyable read. I would be lying if I said I had learned much new information from the book, because honestly, there wasn't much I didn't know. What it did do though, was present the information in an organized and cohesive manner that is accessible to everyone, like a reference book.
I saw this book today in Waterstones and had a good browse of it. It was refreshing to see a book on the shelves about his art, but having read a few chapters it's pretty obvious that any hardcore fan who's followed his career for some time would be able to write a book like this. It might serve as a good read for a casual fan or someone who is new to Michael's work, but the book offers little else of substance for the veteran MJ fan.

Also, I'm not sure if the author frequents MJ message boards, but I recognised a few of the critical analysis parts in the book which suspiciously resembled exact phrases I've come across on this forum.
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DeborahFfrench Deborah Ffrench
JoeVogel visits Spike Lee's class at NYU tomorrow. Many are gifting; to libraries, schools & colleges. Admirable.
6 hours ago