Remembering Michael - Magazine

I got that magazine while I was just on my way to the post office to send gifts to Michael at Forest Lawn and send my entry to Shonen Jump for the Cover contest.
I'm in the US and I did find it (and buy it) today when I went grocery shopping. :) I was at Fry's, which is Kroger's in most other states. If it was there, I don't see why it wouldn't be in all other book stores or news stands.

I agree with the OP. It's nice. It does have wonderful pics. Granted, I've seen them all before, but only on the internet so it's nice to have some of them in print. There was some unnerving stuff, like the "crime scene photos" didn't sit well with me, and some of the text, but it's only $6.99.
Im gonna try and get it today when my dad comes home, or if not tomorrow.
Beautiful photos. Thank you for posting! I'll try looking for this over the weekend.
I was able to get this magazine for free. Nobody but Michael and his family will be receiving a dime or any 'blood money' from me. Especially since they have pictures of Michael's body bag splattered on a couple of the pages. So insensitive and disgusting! Once again, I was able to get it for free... but I'm not paying a dime for any of his memorabilia publications that will be spewing out left and right. I'll continue to let my friend from B & N get them for me. She understands, and that is all I need.
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I completely understand that others do not have this option, so by all means, if you need this, please take it. I'm glad I do have the option of not paying for this stuff. Somebody is watching out for me, for sure. ;) :angel:
grrrrr ive looked all over for this and still can't find it. So annoying. Hopefully they will have some in, in the next week or so!

I bought mine in Sainsbury's earlier. They had it on a promotional stand where the magazines are.
None in Walmart when I was there, better ring the fam back home and ask them to get it for me! I'm assuming what's in England is in Ireland!
Can you post more pictures from the magazine for those who don't live in the US?
For exclusive pictures, it sure is a way cheaper option then the OPUS!!!!!!!

I want one!!!!!!!
the New York daily news is having a tribute to Michael in this sundays newspaper June 20 . its called Michael Jackson in pictures in sundays paper. just a heads up
You know what guys, i've been all over looking for this magazine. I've search 8 stores and still can't find it. I'm about to give up :(. I would really appreciate it if someone could send me a copy, I would be willing to pay for the magazine and postage.
My brother surprised me and got me a copy from Walmart! Haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I did thumb through it.
I brought the Remembering Michael magazine from WHSmith (in Leicester, UK) Today!!!!!

I would recommend going to the biggest WHSmith Store you know!!!!!!!!
I'm hoping to get another magazine uploaded some time today so watch out for it and others.
I saw this in the store last week to. I looked through the magazine and almost jumped out of my shoes lol the pictures are beautiful and some I had never seen. I HAD to get it lol