Remembering Michael - Magazine


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
I just got this over my local shop..
I will post some pictures from inside soon.


Some negatives and positives about the Mag.

The pictures are great, quite a few that I have not seen before. Over 200 pictures.
They call Murray "Dr. Death"
No mention of the allegations.
Touching foreward by Tito.
Mentions the facts that Michael did have vitiligo and lupus.

Speculation about Blanket's birth mother.
Speculation about prescription drug use.
Speculation about Michael's physical condition during rehearsals for TII.
Show pictures of the room that Michael died in, plus the bloody shirt.

^ Source:
who is the publisher? could you upload it? hope i'll get to see the unseen pictures which i haven't seen it yet.
OMG. Those photos are absolutely stunning. I sure hope my local shop gets a hold of it soon. I would love to sketch some of those pictures, or maybe just sit there like an idiot and drool over how handsome Michael is. :D
That looks/sounds like something I'd like to have too :yes:
Some of the photos are really awesome :wub: Well, pretty much all of them, but some I hadn't seen before either.
Thanks for sharing :)
Thank you for posting - this looks great...I hope they have printed plenty of copies!!!
Thanks for posting this. I'm gonna go and get it today.
It looks great! It's like your typical music/ entertainment/ games/ sports magazine with soft pages and card like covers. Well worth the £3.49 I think :)

Tito's forward is heartbreaking :(
Thank you Lorainne..those photos are absolutely beautiful.....but it made me cry..:boohoo:...I miss Michael so much...
Just finished it :( So many wonderful new pictures inside that I've not seen before. Although it's got "that last picture" (which was obviously found to be fake sadly :( That being it I loved it overall and would recommend it to everyone.

I'm thinking...if anyone overseas would like a copy I would be willing to get copies on first come first served type of thing? No profit for me whatsoever. If you are interested please comment in here then PM me.
I hope will sell it, or can I get from you Stephen ? I have a creditcard and paypal. I live in the Netherlands. will PM you.
I have heard that is it being sold in Walmart... If that is of any help to people outside the UK.
Bummer, that doesn't help me either. There is not a Walmart near by. :cry:

Thrillerchild, I guess I will need your help. Please!