Release of William B. Van Valin II 's book Private Conversations in Neverland with Michael Jackson

Thanks for the reviews guys. It seems I will have to get this book too. Now let me be sure, this is not the dr who said Michael used to come to his home a lot & then one day asked him for some drug, and when he said no, Michael cut the relationship?

No, the relationship seems to have ended because MJ was no longer in Santa Barbara, and Valin was the local doctor.
Does anyone know what this dr.says about Billie Jean?
^^I thought Michael said BJ was influenced by girls in general who would come up to the compound stating one of the boys made them pregnant or they were one of the boys wife. There are so many reasons that I feel it is a combination of all these things.
^^I thought Michael said BJ was influenced by girls in general who would come up to the compound stating one of the boys made them pregnant or they were one of the boys wife. There are so many reasons that I feel it is a combination of all these things.

Sometimes I've wondered if this crazy Billie Jean that was around for the last 30 years was also there stalking him beforehand.

IDK from the story shared in the book, I wouldn't say it was like a definitive story about the song, but just more about the Billie Jean that stalked him after that and was always breaking into his house.
^^I thought Michael said BJ was influenced by girls in general who would come up to the compound stating one of the boys made them pregnant or they were one of the boys wife. There are so many reasons that I feel it is a combination of all these things.

Yeah I thought the question was based on what it said in this book about BJ, so that's how I answered, but yes I agree BJ was based on a combination. But the name BJ was a nickname Michael gave one particular girl who managed to get into the compound on more than one occasion.
^^That was one persistent girl. Why didn't I try these things? It seems so easy. Even the fan who was found in the closet in his house, I mean how did she do it? Why wasn't I a stalker...
^^^^ I'm sure you wouldn't want to scare him, you would want him to give you a hug not call security. Lol This one in the book had managed to get keys to all areas of the compound.... And nobody knew how!
^^^^ I'm sure you wouldn't want to scare him, you would want him to give you a hug not call security. Lol This one in the book had managed to get keys to all areas of the compound.... And nobody knew how!

Waw what talent that fan had!!!! It seems she infiltrated either one of Michael's brothers or the security & secretly got the keys from them. I have found that most times when a female gets her hands on top secret material, there is a horny man involved.
The Kindle version is available again, but priced higher than the hardcopy.
It's a lovely little book but I do think its expensive for what it is.
Self-publishing is always expensive.

BTW, here's Van Valin interview on TV in 2011

i always thought Billie Jean was a weird name and wondered how is the world did he come up with that name......

Hi, I don't know what part of the world you are from, but I have met several Billie Jeans. Of course they were born a very long, long, long long time ago. It was a time when people would be called Emma Mae, Sue Ella.... but people do not use these double names anymore. People like Michael's dad generation would have names like that in the South. Also, don't forget the Billie Jean tennis star of the 1970s. I don't know if you were born yet.
I love the sound of this book. I love when more people hear about THIS Michael that is so easy to love :wub: and unlike some people *insert Frank Cascio* this doctor sounds like he knows what it means to keep things private and confidential. It makes me sooooooo angry when people use Michael and things he has told them in confidence to make a quick buck :angry:
I love the sound of this book. I love when more people hear about THIS Michael that is so easy to love :wub: and unlike some people *insert Frank Cascio* this doctor sounds like he knows what it means to keep things private and confidential. It makes me sooooooo angry when people use Michael and things he has told them in confidence to make a quick buck :angry:

Don't forget to let the doctor know that you appreciated that he did that.
Does anyone knows if this book the same that was published like one or two years ago?
Hi.. I wrote this first review on (and UK) I just had to try to get across that this book about Michael was so different. And there are plenty of other 5*, extremely well written reviews there now .( I've also added a little bit to my original review on the 20 July.)

I do think it's unfortunate that the word Private is used in the title, and I understand why some would be wary especially as Barney is a Doctor!
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Barney wrote this book from the heart. No secrets are revealed, no confidences betrayed, and I feel he actually wrote the book for Michael as much as for himself, or Michael's fans..It is a joy to read, and Barney replies to everyone who leaves a review.

I've just joined this forum today..I hope I haven't put this in the wrong place !!

This is such a sweet book - I read the preview of the book on Amazon
My sis just gave me a Amazon gift card for my Birthday, I think Ill get this one

Someone left a Very nice Review

5 out of 5 stars A little gem, January 23, 2013
By Amazon customer (England) -

This is a very slim volume..95 pages in all and rather my first impressions were not that favourable... but I realise it's the content that matters as I was soon to discover..

I started reading it as soon as I received it, and kept dipping in throughout the day..if I could I would have liked to have read it all in one session. It is written in a very matter of fact and understated way , without any embellishments or sense of betrayal of confidences. It is simply a brief record of some of the times the author and Michael spent together.. sometimes just the two of them, sometimes with their respective families.. and the mutual enjoyment their friendship brought.

To me it is successful because it doesn't go into great detail, and doesn't need to. It effortlessly gets the message across that Michael Jackson was a kind and decent man ( a far cry from the cariacture portrayed by an out of control media)

I think true MJ fans would like this book, and once read in it's entirety, to dip into from time to time. If you want a "kiss and tell" or to read gossip then this is not the book for you.

To me it's a little gem and it's success lies in its simplicity. I get the impression that the author just wanted to tell us about this special friendhip, so that we could share a little bit of it too. ( For once the motivation behind it does not appear to be money).
^^Welcome MagUK.

I read the book and I enjoy it. It's sweet & funny. Wish there were more books like that.

What the heck are they?

They are yummy deep fried burritos! Mmmm... I'm getting hungry thinking about them.

^^ Yeah, they're good but to be honest they're more popular in the USA than here in Mexico :lol:

I always end up with a BIG smile when I read he LOVED Mexican food :wub: makes me proud :D anyway, this seems like a really good read, although it's a bit pricey... I didn't quite get though, if it's available on Kindle or not?
Thank you, that was a nice interview. Some of the stories/toughts he elaborated on in comments on Amazon:

"He once told me that he was investing in a very high end housing development outside of Las Vegas (all 2 -3 million dollar homes) and he was going to put in a very large lake that would have a grassy hill stretching up from it on one side on which people in the complex could come sit and watch as a massive movie screen would emerge from the middle of the lake and movies would play on it with a sound system like no other, hidden all around the hillside. There would be limosines owned by the residents, that would constantly go through the development taking people to the movie to be played and there would be a number of stores and a supermarket within the complex so no one would have to go all the way in to town for supplies and the limos would take them there. It was kind of like Wintoon, which I told Michael about and showed him pictures of once as my aunt had spent her teens there. it's still owned by Hearst Corporation. Though Hearst Castle was well loved by WRH, his favorite getaway was Wintoon, somewhere up near the base of mount Shasta. It had seven houses on a one mile driveway and a very lagre main house (that has since burned down). A limo would drive the one mile course all day long taking people to the main house or the other seven all positioned along a beautiful river that ran through the property. I remember when I showed Michael those pictures, we both thought the same thing at the same time. Buy Zaca Lake, a natural mountain lake up behind his property, and copy those 7 houses all along the lake's edge. He said the only problem was that the owner wanted 30 million dollars for the property and he was going to wait till the price dropped. It was already in his plans to buy it."

"The Shirley Temple story is my favorite one from the 5 years of stories he and I shared. When I asked him about her that time his answer went in far deeper than I had expected and it wasn't happy like I was thinking it would be. I thought he was going to tell me something like, "Oh yeah. Shirley and I, we had so much in common." Actually he did say that very thing, but not. That was one of those times I took his hands and told him, "Michael, I'm so sorry.""

"You mentioned the story about Criss. The actual conversation went this way. I said, "Criss, if you could use one word to describe Michael what would it be?" She put her hands out, palms up kind of shrugging her shoulders with a searching look on her face struggling for the right word among so many possible choices. In this position she kind of turned her head a little side to side and finally said, "It would have to be 'opulent' since I'm confined to one word. Barney, the thing about Michael is that it wasn't the fact that he was famous at all. You see Michael had something to him that would have drawn you in no matter what he did for a living. If he bagged your groceries, if he put gas in your car or was your teller at the bank, when you saw him you wouldn't have been able to look away. You would have been smitten by his presence." That's alot closer to our actual conversation than the book has it written."

"During the time of the trial, I was on the list of witnesses for the prosecution and the defence, so I got calls from every major news network asking for dirt and I always asked them, "Why? Don't you want to know the real story of who he is? I'll sit and do an interview on all the good stuff and in reality, everything is good stuff. None of what your looking for is available cause it didn't happen. If just one of you guys wanted to sit and interview me without your preconceived ideas and let me tell you my story, you'll be famous. It'll make your career cause no one's ever done that. You'll be the first!" Everyone said, "No, we just want to know about his medical issues." Can you imagine that? Chance of a lifetime in your hands and you blow it off cause you think some medical issue is more important. That then is the state of affairs in the news world. And don't think it isn't still happening. It's their identifying characteristic."

I hope he will be spared from the burden to testify this time...