(Related to ATTN: Sony) Suggestions for other projects to the estate and Sony

'This is it' the directors cut edition! With every song rehearsed/part rehearsed with interactive angles so i can chose what angle to see MJ! (i think this is possible on the blue ray?)
bluray and dvd:
bad tour 88 in Paris or/and Wembley or/and bad tour 89 in L.A
victory tour 84
triumph tour 81
I was just thinking about this a couple nights ago before falling asleep. Everyone wants the tours on DVD/Blu ray, but I really want the E.T. Storybook on CD! :) I feel like it's always overlooked, and even though it won the Grammy for best children's recording in 84, most people think all those 8 awards were for Thriller and forget about E.T. :(
The 30th Anniversary of E.T. is in 2012, which would be the perfect time to release it, especially if there's to be a special DVD re-release that it could coincide with. The packaging could be 'hardbook' style like the This Is It CD (so it's a storybook, geddit? :p), each page with the transcript of Michael's narration and the movie dialogue on it. Pictures of MJ and Steven Spielberg together, screencaps from the movie, and that MJ and E.T. photoshoot can be used... A photo of the Grammy award it won at the end of the booklet. :D
And in true Sony style there are loads of ways to turn this into a money-spinner. A deluxe CD version including Someone In The Dark, a poster of MJ and E.T. (like the original Storybook release) and some badges or stickers or something, to appeal to kids, since it's a children's album after all, lol. An E.T. DVD/Storybook bundle. Maybe also a proper LP re-release.