Recording What Can We Do? (song for Haiti)

So do you guys think we should do it acapella ? now that I think about it I think it would sound really good acapella. what do you think ?
So do you guys think we should do it acapella ? now that I think about it I think it would sound really good acapella. what do you think ?

It's worth trying it out before you throw away all the work that's been done on the music. There isn't a lot I can do now but I'll be home tomorrow. If it's ok with you I'll listen to both tracks tomorrow and let you know if I come up with anything.

It might just be that you're used to hearing it fast. I've often done that with songs. When I slow them down, it seems to be dull but it's only because I'm used to it being faster.

If you like the idea of it being acapella you could always do the intro, the chorus after the bridge or the end with no music.
It's worth trying it out before you throw away all the work that's been done on the music. There isn't a lot I can do now but I'll be home tomorrow. If it's ok with you I'll listen to both tracks tomorrow and let you know if I come up with anything.

It might just be that you're used to hearing it fast. I've often done that with songs. When I slow them down, it seems to be dull but it's only because I'm used to it being faster.

If you like the idea of it being acapella you could always do the intro, the chorus after the bridge or the end with no music.

please do, I would love to use the backing music, I just can't see the two together. If you think you can make the to work please record it and post it :)
If we used that backing track it would have to be really slow and I kind of think its a little better at a faster tempo.
i've been looking through this thread and im just wondering how everyone is recording? it seems like ppl are having problems with matching up acapellas to the instrumental? if this is true id love to give some advice/pointers/help cuz i record for a living you can say, so if u need any help dont hesitate to ask!
I think this whole thing here with the charity song won't work anymore, right?
A pity...
well, Im not sure it seems to have died down hasn't it. I really wanted to do it aswell :(
well at least there is a song coming out that will help alot, its just the backing music we need :(
It's only finished if everyone gives up. If people still want to do it then they will probably have to bend a little to get anything out of it. Lets not forget why we're doing this and allow changes so we can put a song together.

Raz and MJultimatemusiclegen, your two tracks are not gelling at all. It's highly unlikely those two tracks can be put together without making changes.

MJultimatelegen did you write the music for the vocals or just write it? If you wrote it for the vocals maybe you can hear it working? If you can, it would be great if you could record rough vocals over it so we can hear what it should be like.
It's only finished if everyone gives up. If people still want to do it then they will probably have to bend a little to get anything out of it. Lets not forget why we're doing this and allow changes so we can put a song together.

Raz and MJultimatemusiclegen, your two tracks are not gelling at all. It's highly unlikely those two tracks can be put together without making changes.

MJultimatelegen did you write the music for the vocals or just write it? If you wrote it for the vocals maybe you can hear it working? If you can, it would be great if you could record rough vocals over it so we can hear what it should be like.

I 100% agree I am not giving up, I don't. But like you said the 2 don't gell together. Like you said I think if MJultimatemusiclegen knows how the 2 could work together he needs to a record rough demo. even if your not the best singer it doesn't matter, I just need to know how they can work together because I don't see it. then I can record a demo and then we can get back on track and the singers can get their parts done and get What Can We Do? out there and helping the victims of this terrible disaster.
I 100% agree I am not giving up, I don't. But like you said the 2 don't gell together. Like you said I think if MJultimatemusiclegen knows how the 2 could work together he needs to a record rough demo. even if your not the best singer it doesn't matter, I just need to know how they can work together because I don't see it. then I can record a demo and then we can get back on track and the singers can get their parts done and get What Can We Do? out there and helping the victims of this terrible disaster.

Yepp, it's true!
Of course we can change the song or the melody or whatever needs to be changed...let's just make this somehow! :)
It doesn't matter if you can't sing. You don't have to upload it publicly, you can PM the link. If we can hear what you hear we can fix up the lyrics a bit to fit better so it's not so wordy.

Thanks :)
I get what you're saying. It would definitely help if the words are too rushed.