Raymone Bain Sues MJ Estate

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Dangerous Incorporated

MJ Most Trusted Flack Files Estate Claim

Posted Apr 9th 2010 8:37PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson
's longtime publicist/manager/friend has jumped on the creditor's claim train ... and wants $360,000 from the Michael Jackson estate.

Raymone Bain worked for Jackson for many years and says her salary was $30,000 a month. According to legal papers, Bain claims she wasn't paid at all in 2008.

Bain filed a $44 million lawsuit against Michael Jackson just shy of two months before he died, claiming she did everything for Michael and was grossly shortchanged.

Bain, who is quite the character in her own right, credits herself in the documents as "personal general manager to Michael J. Jackson."

'Nuff said.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/04/09/micha...licist-creditors-claim-lawsuit/#ixzz0kefjKwoG

Quite the drop from $44m.

There is no TMZ thread for this story.
Wasn't there a cut-off date for claims against the estate? Isn't she a bit late? I could have sworn Raymone signed a piece of paper stating that Michael didn't owe her any money.
Yes she did and she was paid almost a half a million dollars. And was she even working for him in 08?
mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jackson smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com
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mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jacksom smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com



mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jacksom smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com

I loved it. :wild:

mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jacksom smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com

Mickey Mouse?


mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jacksom smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com


Don't forget that Michael's sparkly glove is also expected to make a claim against the estate. The glove is officially a Michael Jackson trademark. All these years Michael has used it to help him in his rise to unparalleled fame. The glove has NEVER been credited for Michael's success. It has NEVER been compensated for the crap it had to put up with. Michael treated the glove as if it was nothing more than a piece of clothing. On one particular night, Michael maliciously REPLACED the original glove with a similar one. The original glove was never officially dismissed. It was never paid for it's services. Not once did Michael apologise. Not ONCE did he ever think to thank the glove after all those years of loyalty. Well guess what? The glove does not want to live the rest of it's life surrounded by rejects in a salvation army joint down the street. The turmoil, the unfair dismissal, the rise and fall, the depression, the feelings of worthlessness, the replacements... Michael how could you? Michael owes the glove. He owes it, BIG TIME. The glove will have priority over the likes of Raymone.

Sorry lol. Just had to join in the fun :D
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Big Update in Raymone Case! MJ Responds

Posted by TSCM

Major Court Update June 18, 2009

Today, several key motions were filed by Michael's defense to both respond to and oppose Raymone's claims. A summary of the VERY REVEALING claims as made by Michael's attorneys is included below:

- On December 27, 2007 both Michael Jackson and Raymone Bain entered into a "Payment and Release Agreement" whereby Raymone acknowledged that she was "not owed any additional monies under any other agreement from the beginning of time until December 27, 2007." As such, Michael's team claims that "any monies allegedly owed under the May 30, 2006 agreement between the parties were extinguished under the Payment and Release."

- The defense notes that this Payment and Release form is, not surprisingly, "completely and conspicuously absent from any of Plaintiffs’ pleadings and filings with this Court."

- More legal jargon which ultimately reiterates their stance that Raymone's claim is legally "not only without merit, but is frivolous."

- A deposition from Londell McMillan confirmed that Raymone Bain, as part of the Payment and Release Agreement she signed into in 2007, was paid $488,820.05 and was fully satisfied, with total acknowledgment that NO OTHER MONEY was owed to her under ANY past agreements. This makes it clear why she avoided mentioning that release agreement in her complaint.

- The actual payment and release agreement states, in part:

Mr. Jackson shall render a payment made payable to you [Plaintiffs] in the amount of four hundred and eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and twenty dollars and five cents ($488,820.05) as full and final satisfaction of any and all monies, known or unknown, to be owed to you by the Jackson Parties with respect to any and all agreements whether verbal or written that you may have entered into with the Jackson Parties from the beginning of time until December 27, 2007 (the "Payment").

Except as otherwise set forth herein, in consideration of the Payment and other consideration provided herein, you [Plaintiffs] on behalf of yourself, your respective predecessors in interests, successors and assigns, representatives, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, members, officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, insurers, donees and licensees and each of them as applicable, do hereby absolutely, fully and forever release, relieve, waive, relinquish and discharge the Jackson Parties and each of their respective predecessors in interest, successors and assigns, representatives, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, members, officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, insurers, donees and licensees and each of them as applicable of and from any and all manner of action or actions, suits debts, liabilities, demands, claims, obligations, costs, expenses, sums of money, controversies, damages, accounts, reckonings, and liens of every kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected which you shall or may have, own or hold, or which they at any time heretofore had owned or held against the Jackson Parties by reason of, arising out of or in connection with any matter whatsoever.


This agreement contains the entire understanding between and among the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior understandings, agreements, representations, covenants, warranties, and releases, express or implied, written or oral, between any of the parties...

The defense argument goes on to describe how the court will have to uphold the agreement put in place by Raymone and Michael Jackson in 2007, and how her claims exist based on "hearsay lacking any evidentiary support." Also, information and past court cases are cited as to why she cannot freeze any of Michael Jackson's assets or accounts without first obtaining a judgment, which again would be very unlikely given the release agreement acknowledging that she was owed nothing more regardless of any past agreements.

In conclusion, with this BINDING AGREEMENT now revealed and on the table, Raymone has "no viable case against the Jackson Parties and are therefore unlikely to succeed on the merits."

So when is the cut off date? I feel like making a claim myself. Don't know what yet, I'll think of something though and make it sound ultra pretentious.
mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jacksom smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com

Don't forget that Michael's sparkly glove is also expected to make a claim against the estate. The glove is officially a Michael Jackson trademark. All these years Michael has used it to help him in his rise to unparalleled fame. The glove has NEVER been credited for Michael's success. It has NEVER been compensated for the crap it had to put up with. Michael treated the glove as if it was nothing more than a piece of clothing. On one particular night, Michael maliciously REPLACED the original glove with a similar one. The original glove was never officially dismissed. It was never paid for it's services. Not once did Michael apologise. Not ONCE did he ever think to thank the glove after all those years of loyalty. Well guess what? The glove does not want to live the rest of it's life surrounded by rejects in a salvation army joint down the street. The turmoil, the unfair dismissal, the rise and fall, the depression, the feelings of worthlessness, the replacements... Michael how could you? Michael owes the glove. He owes it, BIG TIME. The glove will have priority over the likes of Raymone.

Sorry lol. Just had to join in the fun :D
You made my day!!! :flowers:

This was expected ... all for $$$$ :censored:
mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jacksom smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com

mickey mouse and minnie mouse going to sued his estate because they wasn't happy when they took pictures with Michael throughout the years their claim is when the saw that the powerpuff girls was going to make an appearance in Michael Music video scream Mickey and Minnie became fed up their publicist by the name of Dick Tracy is very up set because he felt Michael Jacksom smooth Criminal was a spin off from his movie even thro he was an made up characther. Next Raymone Bain is working on her documentry witch features MJ moments when Michael knock her over the head with a soda bottle because she stole chocolate cookies from his cooke Jar.

Source CTNW.com

Oh jeez, not Mickey Mouse. I thought he and Michael settled this!?

How ridiclous.


Don't forget that Michael's sparkly glove is also expected to make a claim against the estate. The glove is officially a Michael Jackson trademark. All these years Michael has used it to help him in his rise to unparalleled fame. The glove has NEVER been credited for Michael's success. It has NEVER been compensated for the crap it had to put up with. Michael treated the glove as if it was nothing more than a piece of clothing. On one particular night, Michael maliciously REPLACED the original glove with a similar one. The original glove was never officially dismissed. It was never paid for it's services. Not once did Michael apologise. Not ONCE did he ever think to thank the glove after all those years of loyalty. Well guess what? The glove does not want to live the rest of it's life surrounded by rejects in a salvation army joint down the street. The turmoil, the unfair dismissal, the rise and fall, the depression, the feelings of worthlessness, the replacements... Michael how could you? Michael owes the glove. He owes it, BIG TIME. The glove will have priority over the likes of Raymone.

Tisk, tisk. Michael how dare you.

You guys crack me up. :p

Don't forget that Michael's sparkly glove is also expected to make a claim against the estate. The glove is officially a Michael Jackson trademark. All these years Michael has used it to help him in his rise to unparalleled fame. The glove has NEVER been credited for Michael's success. It has NEVER been compensated for the crap it had to put up with. Michael treated the glove as if it was nothing more than a piece of clothing. On one particular night, Michael maliciously REPLACED the original glove with a similar one. The original glove was never officially dismissed. It was never paid for it's services. Not once did Michael apologise. Not ONCE did he ever think to thank the glove after all those years of loyalty. Well guess what? The glove does not want to live the rest of it's life surrounded by rejects in a salvation army joint down the street. The turmoil, the unfair dismissal, the rise and fall, the depression, the feelings of worthlessness, the replacements... Michael how could you? Michael owes the glove. He owes it, BIG TIME. The glove will have priority over the likes of Raymone.

Sorry lol. Just had to join in the fun :D

I have to admit that this is quite good. Quite good indeed!
We often wondered why people who worked for Michael would always stab him in the back, but it was'nt about Michael himself at all, it was all about how MJ's level of fame just drew out the radioactive toxicity in these people. Unfortunately, these types of people were just drawn to his fame like a moth to a flame.

All that time Raymone was there on t.v. etc. representing Mike, it just seems as though she was just there representing herself!
is this ontop of the old lawsuit or instead?

So when is the cut off date? I feel like making a claim myself. Don't know what yet, I'll think of something though and make it sound ultra pretentious.
cut of date is well past.month or 2 ago

Don't forget that Michael's sparkly glove is also expected to make a claim against the estate. The glove is officially a Michael Jackson trademark. All these years Michael has used it to help him in his rise to unparalleled fame. The glove has NEVER been credited for Michael's success. It has NEVER been compensated for the crap it had to put up with. Michael treated the glove as if it was nothing more than a piece of clothing. On one particular night, Michael maliciously REPLACED the original glove with a similar one. The original glove was never officially dismissed. It was never paid for it's services. Not once did Michael apologise. Not ONCE did he ever think to thank the glove after all those years of loyalty. Well guess what? The glove does not want to live the rest of it's life surrounded by rejects in a salvation army joint down the street. The turmoil, the unfair dismissal, the rise and fall, the depression, the feelings of worthlessness, the replacements... Michael how could you? Michael owes the glove. He owes it, BIG TIME. The glove will have priority over the likes of Raymone.

Sorry lol. Just had to join in the fun :D

:toofunny: u got me dying over here fam

Breaking NEWS The makers of the simpsons also suing MJ estate their claim Michael never sang "lisa its your birthday" live at none of his concerts this track went gold over sea's every girl in town with the name Lisa celebrated this song and how much MJ met to them. A girl by the name Lisa buckethead Miles said " I love michael music sense i was a child i am sadden that he did this but i still and always will love him". Next Michael Jackson secert wife aka baby mother of his 15 kids is back in full effect her name is PatRat piddy pack polly pocket Jackson she suing the state because she is not allowed to get her 11inch nails done and weaved wrap she claims she met Mr. Jackson outside of a night club parking lot once inside the parking lot Michael touch her arm with his Magic white glove and Boom she poped out 15 Jacksonbabe kids. Patrat piddy pack polly pocket Jackson said " I ain't gonna let tat estate stop me from gettin my money I lovdided tat man he will always be my mud muffin pie" sources behind his estate says she has a 4 grade level education and MJ met her one day inside walmart and brought her some learn2read books.

source: NickJR.com
I'm making a claim too. You see Mr. Jackson never came to my country. He should have performed in the city I live in. That was a vary malicious and inconsiderate act on Mr. Jackson's behalf. I ask the estate that they compensate for the emotional implications of Mr. Jackson's behavior. I want $300,000 for all the suffering I was subjected to by Mr. Jackson.
is this ontop of the old lawsuit or instead?

cut of date is well past.month or 2 ago

The 4-month limit is not set in stone. It all depends on the letters sent out to the potential creditors.


One thing I just read, if the estate does not have money to pay ALL the creditors, they might have to sell some properties. There are so many claims filed in MJ's case, I hope the administrators will not have to sell anything.
That may explain why they concluded the contract with Sony so rapidly. they will probably use the advance payments from Sony on "This is it" & the upcoming new album, to pay all creditors and don't forget the HUGE death tax that will be slapped on MJ's estate. in 2009, the death tax was 45% ...45% of the remaining value of the estate. Wonder if they will have to pay taxes on his portion of Sony/ATV...???

Do I need to file tax returns for the estate?
It is likely that you will have to file at least one tax return as personal representative. The taxes to be paid by the personal representative are frequently thought of as only death taxes, i.e., federal estate tax and California estate tax.

However, you also may need to file income tax returns for the decedent and/or the estate. The representative must file all tax returns due and pay all taxes due. As personal representative, you may become personally liable for the payment of taxes if, before the estate is distributed and you are discharged, you had notice of any tax obligations or failed to exercise due diligence as to whether any tax obligations existed.

You may also become liable for any penalties or interest that may assessed on account of late filing, undervaluation, or other deficiencies in the filing of returns.

A common area of misunderstanding lies in fixing the responsibility for filing various tax returns and other documents required for federal and state tax purposes. It is strongly recommended that you retain a professional tax preparer or accountant who is familiar with the tax requirements that apply to a decedent and his or her estate.

However, some general information follows as to the requirements for filing the decedent's final income tax return, fiduciary income tax returns, and estate tax returns.

I wish people would read on these things before they accuse the estate admins of selling MJ off to Sony and other nonsense. They will need lots of cash...to settle the estate & pay the death taxes. And while MJ had some very valuable assets (Sony/ATV, MiJac, Neverland and other properties) most fans would be up in arms if they sold these. So they need to get cash and LOTS OF IT one way or another. Yes..MJ sold 31 Millions records...but not all the money is going to the estate. They probably need a lot more just to settle the 45% death tax.

I really think these two men are doing a great job for MJ's kids.
I'm making a claim too. You see Mr. Jackson never came to my country. He should have performed in the city I live in. That was a vary malicious and inconsiderate act on Mr. Jackson's behalf. I ask the estate that they compensate for the emotional implications of Mr. Jackson's behavior. I want $300,000 for all the suffering I was subjected to by Mr. Jackson.

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