Randall Sullivan's book "Untouchable"

Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I think the fans who are buying this book, are the curious ones who are not aware of its contents. The book is at #942 now, I think it's because of the Katie Couric show from yesterday. It will not pass from that number, next week Bad 25 and the Michael tribute on Dancing with the stars will air on ABC and hopefully it will draw out the attention from this book.

Hopefully they won't use those to advertise the book... :-/
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

Someone claiming to be Mesereau has given the book 5 stars, saying everyone needs to read it.

I do know Mes did speak to Randall, but is it really him? Has he read the whole book? Randall was telling him he believed Michael was innocent, does Mesereau really realize what he wrote though? And who the other sources are?

Someone needs to speak to Mes. He shouldn't be involved in a trainwreck like this.

I really doubt it's him. It's an amazon verified purchase meaning that the guy bought the book on amazon. I found that dubious to say the least. Sullivan couldn't give him the book as a gift.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

Hopefully Mez will contact Amazon and have them ask this person to change his name. I cannot believe all the antics Sullivan is using to sell this sorry book. Clearly you can see some of the reviews are staged, either that, or the readers have sick minds.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

Just had a look at the tmez review, thought it was just someone using the name to get attention, but the reviewer is just straight impersonating the man. Isn't that illegal? No way cd that be tmez, he'll be really disappointed at the book i'm sure, after being interviewed by randall. Shows that they (randalls people or probably far more likely trolls) know damn well that the 'mj is probably innocent' claim, is just nonsense and a trick to appeal to the fanbase, and what this book clearly sets out to do is make mj seem like a freak by regurgitating every damn negative story that could be found in the tabs.

morinen said:
Sullivan plays all ways: he does say that MJ had vitiligo, but on the same page he says that MJ bleached his skin before that. He does say that MJ's experiments with his looks were due to his nonacceptance of any limitations rather than an attempt to distance himself from his black ancestry - but on the next page he says maybe Michael didn't want to be black. He does say that he thinks MJ was innocent, but he makes sure to quote every tabloid story about every boy Michael was (or wasn't) in contact with. That's why it's hard to counter him on inaccuracies - when fans call him out on these mistakes, he says "I did say he is innocent (had vitiligo/...). Look on page XXX! You didn't read the book!" The problem is not that he didn't say that or lied. The problem is the big picture. It's a distorting mirror.

Great post, morinen, totally agree. The bit i've read, i'm not getting any sympathetic feelings from randall towards his subject. All thelowlives he interviews he just accepts their accounts and does no independent fact checking, and makes literally constant digs at mj.
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Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I would love to see her reaction to that. She could get all angry on him lol

Actually some fans talked about Sullivan to her but she didn't answer until now. Honestly I don't expect her to. She said many times her marriage to Michael was real and doesn't have to repeat herself. But at the same I would love to see her reaction to that...I mean not knowing what sex is? lmao
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I remember TMez said something like he would go to small or large functions to talk about Michael. The size of the function does not matter as long as he could bring the truth about Michael's case to people. I think that is why he made an interview in the silly David documentary where you had the family saying their usual nonsense. TMez, it appears hopes his piece will set the record straight, but unfortunately his pieces are mixed up in all the trash that surrounds it, and the interviewer/author uses TMez presence, as a bait, saying "buy it because TMez is in it." In reality TMez is not approving the whole project, just the piece he contributes. It is just like in the legal debate with TMez and the other lawyers who were in the 05 case. The whole panel was anti-Michael and they trashed Michael, but TMez was there even though they made him talk last. All he cared about was representing Michael in a truthful way, so he would not give a thumbs up to the whole panel discussion, but to his piece on Michael which showed the truth. I have realized this about TMez, that is why simply because he is involved in a project, it is not a good idea to say the project/book/doc is ok. Lately, it seems he is in projects where the whole thing is a mess, and his contribution is the only shining light.

Sometimes I think that one day someone would misquote him or misrepresent him in a contribution, and then they will have TMez on their hands in a legal battle.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

Actually some fans talked about Sullivan to her but she didn't answer until now. Honestly I don't expect her to. She said many times her marriage to Michael was real and doesn't have to repeat herself. But at the same I would love to see her reaction to that...I mean not knowing what sex is? lmao

she doesn't need to respond.. she needs to never speak about MJ again..
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

From someone's review of the book on Amazon that I read Sullivan says that Lisa Marie is the only one that can say if MJ was a Virgin or not. o_O

But, how many times has this women said already they had sex, she even said before married too. So Lisa Marie would be wasting her time responding to Sullivan because he already ignored her previous statements. Simply and obviously because he just felt like it.

His book was just to start up crap and get easy money, not to educate anyone on real facts! That's why it's a real FLOP and soon will be forgotten, while MJ legacy continues to shine! That's why every now and then u get people like Sullivan popin up trying hard to ruin MJs rep, cause they just can't stand it. -_-
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

More trash from Sullivan on Daily Mail ugh!
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

They didn't release the tapes because she didn't know she was being taped, so she could sue them if they did, and you know Debbie would sue. Everything else she said there turned out to be true (name of the baby, miscarriage, when it happened, why Mike divorced Lisa, how he would have full time custody). Cascio also thinks Mike married Lisa because of Arabs and that Mike only pretended to be a drug addict to avoid returning and getting arrested in the US. The fact is she said those to this undercover journalist, believe whatever you need, but Randall doesn't even know she said them at all.

Right? I haven't had sex with some guys I've dated too, does that mean I'm a virgin? This logic is bizarre. And now Lisa Marie would know if he died a virgin or not? Only Lisa? No, wait - Jordan too. But Mike didn't have sexual intercourse with Jordan, and he tries to pass of what Mike did with LMP as possibly "sexual contact", which I imagined was at least like oral sex or something, so isn't that supposedly the same thing? And why didn't he believe Lisa but he believed Tatum (he doesn't mention she admits to making out with him) or Brooke (Mike's "real intimate" comment is ignored) - Randall claims he only held hands with the two women. What's so uncredible about Lisa's comments? Randall's ass doesn't make any sense.

The thing he quotes Ray saying that they're lucky they stopped Michael when he did or he'd have "anal sex" with Jordan was so disturbing and so intentional for this creeper Randall to quote it.

The only person who's ever alleged Mike had anal sex with kids is Victor Gutierrez, and we can see this disgusting Brett storyline on that penis drawing the Chandler's drew in October 1993, so we know they had contact. So we're still having Victor's bullshit pressed on us. He also says Mike was selective in who he molested, but of course we know from Jordan's interview he claimed Mike molested Brett, Wade, Mac, Corey Feldman, possibly Elijah Jackson, and I think Jimmy Safechuck. So all of them say they weren't molested, so those are the "selected" victims Mike had in his life, and they weren't molested, so Ray's argument there is also null and void, but of course, this bozo quotes it like it's a matter of fact.

What do you mean "we can see this disgusting Brett storyline on the penis drawing the Chandlers drew in October 1993"--how is Brett connected with the penis drawing? Thanks for explaining this.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

He also said that he is basing his died a virgin belief on Michael's relationships with Tatum Oneal and Brooke Shield

Oh yes sullivan you are one smart cookie.....................NOT!!!!!!!! :toofunny:
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

When I wrote it, I was kind of thinking mainly ABC network and tabloids. They seem to post snippets and comments of the book many times a day. I think they don't care about what kind of things are written of MJ as long as they have something. ABC already have SL document (good news for us) coming and now they investing the other side (bad news), so overall they get viewers and readers, and thats all they need and want.
Is there some sort of connection with OWN and ABC or OWN and certain tabloids?
I think all the networks and tabloids are connected and, as far as the major networks, people move from one to the other--from NBC to ABC to CBS to wherever.They are all in the 'big media club' IMO.
jamba;3739248 said:
What do you mean "we can see this disgusting Brett storyline on the penis drawing the Chandlers drew in October 1993"--how is Brett connected with the penis drawing? Thanks for explaining this.

At the risk of going a bit OT (though since Ray Chandler was one of Sullivan's sources, maybe it's not overly OT):

There is a drawing out there that allegedly the Chandlers made of Michael's genitalia in October, 1993: http://i45.tinypic.com/1hezop.jpg

That's IMO not the actual drawing the Chandlers gave to authorities in December, but appears to be some kind of rehearsal for that. It appears to be a brainstorming session of what they should say. (It says "my theory" etc. - why would they need a theory if Jordan had knowledge of what it looked like...?) Note: According to Ray's book Evan injected Michael in the gluteus one night when he stayed over at his house and complained of severe headache. So Evan had knowledge of how Michael's butt looked like. IMO on this drawing they try to derive from that how Michael's penis may look like. The drawing says: "my theory: ass blotched shades of brown – so how is MJ(?) p. V(?) be selective Orietta bleach"...

The drawing initially was published in VG's book together with the other documents he got or stole from the Chandlers. In 2005 Ray Chandler had a website and he too posted this drawing on that too, however in a heavily redacted version: http://i50.tinypic.com/2nb4mk5.jpg

What's that Ray deleted from the original drawing?

He deleted the note: "Mike circumcised"
The Chandlers said Michael was circumcised and it turned out he was not, so they needed to conceal that they ever claimed that. They did. Not only according to this document but also according to the affidavit on which the strip search of Michael was based on. So on contrary to media myth, Jordan's description did NOT match! That it was not a match is also supported by the fact that Michael was not arrested after the strip search. Sneddon started to build the myth that it was a match and spread that claim in the media only in the hindsight. It was NOT a match! It's also proven by the fact that in 1994 Katherine was asked by authorities if Michael chaned the appearance of his genitalia. In March 1994 the LA Times reported:

"Jackson's mother has frequently given interviews and made public appearances to defend her son, but a source close to the investigation said she may be questioned about Jackson's physical appearance. Investigators have been attempting to determine whether Jackson has done anything to alter his appearance so that it does not match a description provided to them by the alleged victim, who turned 14 in January."

What else was deleted from the original drawing? Well, the original drawing has some very graphic and disgusting claims about Brett Barnes and Michael. I'm not gonna repeat them here, you can read them if you click on the first link. However, Brett always denied that he was molested and he testified in support of Michael in 2005, so Ray needed to delete those claims of their drawing as well...
Those notes about Brett prove one thing though: it's the Chandlers (and their possible helper, Gutierrez) are who are total perverts! For some reason, the Chandlers and Victor Gutierrez appear to be obsessed with Brett Barnes.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

This bastard Sulliven was on AccessHollywood last night and said Debbie and Michael never had sex and Prince and Paris were by invitro fertilization. He said the kids didn't even know Debbie Rowe was their mother until they went online after Michael died. Billy Bush just stood there and said "interesting" Why doesn't somebody have the balls to stand up for Michael besides the MJFam?


I'm sorry but that bastard needs to shut the fuck up, Paris and Prince met Debbie in 2006 in London and maybe they did before, the thing about them searching about her to know who she is after MJ's doesn't make sense when they actually sat down with her after MJ's death.... AND they way he makes like the kids used the internet for the first time after their father death is completely false!!!! Paris said on Twitter MJ allowed them to use the internet for watching cartoon and stuff.

Let's not forget Michael told Prince about the fuckery around them, them kids aren't blinded that much.

Also I read that Michael flew from Bahrain to LA after the trial, not sure if it was in 05 or 06, b/c Debbie had asked to see the kids. Also there are photos with Michael, Debbie, and Prince and Paris--it's SO RIDICULOUS!!!!!
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

What do you mean "we can see this disgusting Brett storyline on the penis drawing the Chandlers drew in October 1993"--how is Brett connected with the penis drawing? Thanks for explaining this.

In the drawing from October 1993 of Michael's penis that the Chandler's drew, for some reason they mention Brett Barnes and sexual things.

This isn't information they've ever claimed to know. Jordan has never claimed he was told about these things, Evan wouldn't have any idea. So where did it come from? It would later appear throughout Victor Gutierrez' book, the exact same graphic descriptions. He would also include the drawing there. Then Ray Chandler would claim it on his website, but he edited out the "circumcision" description, and the Brett stuff. (^^^ to further on from what Respect said, I think he deleted the Brett stuff so he could avoid suspicion about why it was there to begin with - how were they claiming to know that stuff?)

The person obsessed with Brett Barnes and MJ is Victor Gutierrez.


It seems like Victor had told Evan this stuff, and had helped with the drawing. Victor would also claim Michael was circumcised in his book, as this was included in a graphic sex act he described. Perhaps that's also why Brett's name was there, for the circumcision thing.

Sorry if I spooked you by thinking Brett had anything to do with it, he didn't.
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Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

It seriously makes me sick to my stomach that people can not only so blatently lie about somebody else without any repercussions - but also make money off of it. (Sadly, this seems the story of MJ's life).

I think the overwhelming majority of media outlets are so quick to swallow up anything that paints MJ in a negative or unflattering light. If there are 2 versions of a story - they'll always pick the most salacious one.

1. Autopsy confirms MJ had his nose attached
2. MJ had a jar full of noses according to his maid's gardener's hairdresser's post-man's grandmother's best friend.
...Gee, number 2 seems the most credible let's just stick with that!

Regarding the allegations, I was hopeful that the tide was turning and people were starting to realise he was innocent but I guess I was wrong. At this point Jordan Chandler himself could come out and say he made it all up but some 'journalist' will pop out somewhere and say 'well I choose to believe his earlier stance'!

^^This. It's not like they can't track these guys down. I think it was one of those ET/Access Hollywood type shows that tracked the Arvizo's down and some journalist from the Sun who bumped into Jordan Chandler - why hasn't anyone tried to speak to them or their friends.

I think they're just afraid of what they might find out, that MJ was innocent after all, but they can't have that because it will mean they'd have to admit that the dogged an innocent man.

If Jordan Chandler admits that there was no sexual contact with MJ to the press or anyone outside a court of law, he is violating the terms of the settlement (this I am sure of) and maybe would have to repay the $$$ (this part I am not sure of). But he could be opening himself up to legal action and maybe losing his precious millions if he speaks about the allegations outside a courtroom.

BTW, one thing that Sullivan does say that made sense is that it was not the settlement itself that was so devastating but the size of it--he says 18M. The size of it encouraged all the other lunatics and liars to come out demanding their payoff--Francia, the NL 5, and on and on--it made Michael a huge target for legal suits (and tabloid stories) to get $$.

I heard the interview on Huff Post Live and have read the sample in Amazon. The guy is using really suspect sources--like--OMG--RAY CHANDLER?? In the interview, the host is not good at probing, he basically asks really dumb questions, and doesn't allow others to talk or ask questions (like sanemjfan). Both the host and RS say Michael needed some mental health counseling--so they are thinking he needed therapy and didn't get it, so the RS line is crazy Michael needs help. Then they say--why didn't he get the help he needed?? However, Michael told Rabbi S. that he had been in therapy. He said, this is what I remember, 'The one thing I got out of thereapy is that it is up to me to have a good life." That indicates he did get therapy.

Sullivan has a very bad attitude to fans, and so did the host on HuffPost Live. RS is very smirky, condescending to fans and to Michael, for that matter.

I do not believe a great deal of what he says b/c his sources are so bad. Plus he is getting so many facts wrong. Like the nose stuff. The fact that this guy comes out of Rolling Stone says a lot to me, RS was always sneering at Michael, refusing to have him on the cover, putting his music down. RS says Michael didn't come up with any good music after the Quincy albums, so Michael is finished in his opinion in the 80's. Just noticed Randall Sullivan and Rolling Stone--both RS!

He talks about Michael hiding from Joe, Jermaine, and Katherine in his 'secret room,' but I really question that b/c I think they would know about the 'secret room' either from their own time at NL or through the young cousins who were in Michael's room--like TJ. As I understand it, that secret room was for Bill Bone's wife's furs--it was not a panic room, it was to store furs. I don't think it was secret, either.

RS is a sleaze. And he is not helping Michael's legacy--I agree his book is dangerous b/c just when a lot of this crap was dying down, he brings it back. That he is connected to Rolling Stone and OWN says a lot. I would like to see a show where knowledgeable fans confront him and have equal time, b/c in the HuffPost Live thing, the fans had about 3-5 minutes and RS had about 40 minutes to air his bs!
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

In the drawing from October 1993 of Michael's penis that the Chandler's drew, for some reason they mention Brett Barnes and sexual things.

This isn't information they've ever claimed to know. Jordan has never claimed he was told about these things, Evan wouldn't have any idea. So where did it come from? It would later appear throughout Victor Gutierrez' book, the exact same graphic descriptions. He would also include the drawing there. Then Ray Chandler would claim it on his website, but he edited out the "circumcision" description, and the Brett stuff. (^^^ to further on from what Respect said, I think he deleted the Brett stuff so he could avoid suspicion about why it was there to begin with - how were they claiming to know that stuff?)

The person obsessed with Brett Barnes and MJ is Victor Gutierrez.


It seems like Victor had told Evan this stuff, and had helped with the drawing. Victor would also claim Michael was circumcised in his book, as this was included in a graphic sex act he described. Perhaps that's also why Brett's name was there, for the circumcision thing.

Sorry if I spooked you by thinking Brett had anything to do with it, he didn't.

Thanks, both Respect and La Cienega, for the info. I think Jordan did mention other boys in his Gardener interview. The names were redacted, so I am not sure of them. VG is a real pervert and supposedly gave DD 5 file folders on other boys. She called him her "best source." Even though he was himself probably a pedo, the media accepted what VG said and Bashir later hired him for his documentaries after LWMJ and maybe even for LWMJ. And by this time, VG had lost the defamation and fraud civil suit for his lies, so how anyone could have hired this scumbag in a reputatble (supposedly) media network like NBC and ABC amazes me, but this is exactly the same place R. Sullivan is coming from--DD, VG, Maureen Orth, and Bashir. He tries to be a little better, but in the interviews he is pushing essentially the same line. Michael was crazy, maybe the 93 allegations were true, Michael was obsessed with Jordan, Michael had no nose, not the biological father, etc.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I think it might be really Mr. Mesereau in Amazon reviews, and I can see why he would recommend this book. I think the chapters about the trial are actually good and quite fair. I only wish they weren't buried in the second half of this sorrowful volume.

P.S. Also, I must say, while the 5-star reviews may be the publisher's PR-campaign, most of the 1-star reviews look awfully like a campaign too. It is obvious that most of the reviewers have no idea what they are reviewing. If I were not a fan, but a casual curious reader, I wouldn't find them helpful or convincing at all.
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Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I think it might be really Mr. Mesereau in Amazon reviews, and I can see why he would recommend this book. I think the chapters about the trial are actually good and quite fair. I only wish they weren't buried in the second half of this sorrowful volume.

Meserau would never support such a trash-book. Maybe someone with good English-language should E-Mail him the info with the link.


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Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I hope it's not TM. That would be pretty disappointing.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

Note: According to Ray's book Evan injected Michael in the gluteus one night when he stayed over at his house and complained of severe headache. So Evan had knowledge of how Michael's butt looked like.

I thought this story was not true. I read that years ago, don't know from where, I think it was from an excerpt of Ray Chandler's book. I read that Michael was with a headache and Evan gave him a sodium amytal injection and asked Michael if he was gay while he was under influence of this medication and MJ said no. I thought it was not true.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I thought this story was not true. I read that years ago, don't know from where, I think it was from an excerpt of Ray Chandler's book. I read that Michael was with a headache and Evan gave him a sodium amytal injection and asked Michael if he was gay while he was under influence of this medication and MJ said no. I thought it was not true.

It's in Ray Chandler's book. He claims that Evan injected Michael in the gluteus, which means he knew how Michael's butt looked like. There is no word about sodium amytal though. That's only fan speculation. In Ray's story it's Toradol that Evan injected. And yes it's claimed in the book that while Michael was under the drug's influence Evan asked him if he was gay and Michael said he was not.
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

It's in Ray Chandler's book. He claims that Evan injected Michael in the gluteus, which means he knew how Michael's butt looked like. There is no word about sodium amytal though. That's only fan speculation. In Ray's story it's Toradol that Evan injected. And yes it's claimed in the book that while Michael was under the drug's influence Evan asked him if he was gay and Michael said he was not.

Oh yes, it's Toradol. I think I got confused with the sodium amytal story from Marie Fisher article. But I think we can't totally believe in Ray Chandler's story right?
Nathy MJ;3739415 said:
Oh yes, it's Toradol. I think I got confused with the sodium amytal story from Marie Fisher article. But I think we can't totally believe in Ray Chandler's story right?

Well, some of the things they say are probably true, while many are twisted truths, embellished turths or downright lies. However, this story rings true to me (maybe some details are twisted), otherwise why would they admit to drugging up Michael? If anything it makes them suspicious. Plus it explains a lot about the drawing they did in October, 1993.

It's easy to refute the Arvizos because you have their testimonies cross-examined. However, the Chandlers never went to court. So all you can "cross-examine" are the statements, claims they made elsewhere, including Ray's book. I have read that book and I'm telling you although Ray's intention is obviously the opposite but it actually exonerates Michael. When you know the story you can spot the lies. Comparing their stories with other's you can see the ways they twist them. And sometimes they just downright tell on themselves, I guess because they are narcissists who can't help but tell on themselves while bragging about this big plot they managed to carry out and how they managed to beat the system. Like when Ray writes things such as these:

"Fields and Pellicano already knew Evan was willing to negotiate. Why not pay him off and nip the nightmare in the bud while you've got the opportunity? Especially when you know your man is guilty of sleeping with little boys, at least. Not only do you avoid a civil suit, but also, more important, you buy your way around authorities by removing their star witness. Ten, twenty, thirty million? Money's no object. The deal could be a fait accompli within hours. And if it doesn't work, you can always come out swingin' anyway."


“Had Michael paid the twenty million dollars demanded of him in August, rather than the following January, he might have spent the next ten years as the world's most famous entertainer, instead of the world's most infamous child molester.”

Evan was bipolar and he and Ray simply cannot help but tell on themselves in that book left and right. That's why it's useful.

I personally think Evan did indeed drug up Michael that night and injected in his gluteus.
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Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

I personally think Evan did indeed drug up Michael that night and injected in his gluteus.
I have a hard time believing Michael would allow such a thing and would have come against them if they did in fact inject him. That is a criminal charge. I dont believe that story for one second. I wouldnt give Ray or Evan Chandler ANY credibility. I think it's dangerous to do that and just leaves the door open for more of their lies to be believed.
If Jordan Chandler admits that there was no sexual contact with MJ to the press or anyone outside a court of law, he is violating the terms of the settlement (this I am sure of) and maybe would have to repay the $$$ (this part I am not sure of). But he could be opening himself up to legal action and maybe losing his precious millions if he speaks about the allegations outside a courtroom.

I don´t know if my memory is wrong but wasn´t the settlement between Evan Chandler and Michael although Jordan got the money.

I read the settlement was about negligence and Michael got an clause where he said he didn´t admit to be guilty to any sexual contact with Jordan.

Chandlers could have taken the case to criminal trial without losing the money but they didn´t want to.
I think Jordan is free to say michael never touched him without losing money but maybe he´s to scared.
Some of Michael´s fans can be angry, he can be called liar by a whole world and despised by many
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

It's in Ray Chandler's book. He claims that Evan injected Michael in the gluteus, which means he knew how Michael's butt looked like.

Was ever Evan Chandler and Michael on friendly terms?
Why would Michael let EC , a dentist, give him an injection in the butt?
qbee;3739446 said:
I have a hard time believing Michael would allow such a thing and would have come against them if they did in fact inject him. That is a criminal charge. I dont believe that story for one second. I wouldnt give Ray or Evan Chandler ANY credibility. I think it's dangerous to do that and just leaves the door open for more of their lies to be believed.

The story is that Michael had a strong headache and he asked for something to ease the pain and since pills did not have any effect Evan injected him with Toradol. IF that is true then why would MJ come against them for it and why would it be a criminal charge? The story is not that they injected him against his will. I can imagine the Chandlers twisting reality here too: for example maybe they gave Michael something else and not Toradol, something that he did not ask for and tried to get information out of him with that. Maybe. But if that was the case I don't think Michael ever knew what was given to him. The bottom line is that Evan, according to their own account, did see Michael's butt, Jordan did not need to see it for them to make a description of it.

I can understand if you don't trust the Chandlers. I do not either. I read the book critically. But that's all you have if you want to "cross-examine" the Chandlers. I know how many of their stories are twisted - for example, because there are other sources for them. For example, the story about Carrie Fischer is also in Carrie Fischer's 2011 biography, only told in a pretty different way - so there was a core story that was true, but it was twisted by the Chandlers. I think it's the same with many stories in the book, including the story about the injection. And I can't see a reason why they would totally make up the injection story, when it only weakens their case.

Like I said, there is so much telling on themselves in the book that it actually exonerates Michael, if you are otherwise well-informed about the case.

Let me give you another example. Why did Michael settle? Well, the best explanation for that is in Geraldine Hughes' book. In short: he settled the civil case, because his lawyers were unable to get it behind the criminal case and it threatened his constitutional rights for a fair trial. This is from Geraldine's book:

"When both criminal and civil proceedings arise out of the same or related transactions, the defendant is entitled to a Stay of Discovery and trial in the civil action until the criminal matter has been fully resolved."

Cases cited: Campbell v. Eastland, 307 F.2d 478, cert, denied, 371 U.S. 955, 83 S.Ct. 502, 9 L.Ed. 2d 502 (5th Cir. 1962); Perez v. McQuire 36 F.R.D. 272 (S.D.N.Y. 1964); Paul Harringan & Sons, Inc. v. Enterprise Animal Oil Co., Inc. 14 F.R.D. 333 (E.D. Pa. 1953)


„Michael Jackson lost all four motions. It was obvious from a legal standpoint of view that the scales of justice were not pointing in Michael Jackson's favor. Instead, it was weighing heavily in favor of the 13-year old boy. Michael Jackson's attorneys were applying precedent laws which were applied in a similar sexual battery case. Pacers Inc. v. Superior Court specifically held that it is improper invasion of the defendant's constitutional rights not to stay civil proceedings where a criminal investigation is ongoing. But Mr. Feldman's trump card was, "a child's memory is developing," and their inability to, "remember like an adult." This law was designed to protect a small child's ability to recall for prolonged periods of time after being a victim and/or witness to a crime. This case, however, involved a 13-year old boy, who was soon to be turning 14 years old.”

Now, how can we support that this was the legal game indeed the Chandlers played? Actually Ray himself admits it in his book by citing this conversation:

„Later in the afternoon, after everyone had consumed their holiday repast, Larry Feldman called Evan with news they could all be thankful for. "Hey, Evan, you gotta hear this one. Howard Weitzman demoted Fields again. They definitely don't want your deposition, or June's deposition. They don't want to preserve anything. If they're gonna make a deal they don't want anything on the record about Jackson."

No shit! Larry, these guys are in a real mess."

"Yeah, they fucked this up unbelievably. What could be better? But I'm going forward. We're going to push on. So far there ain't a button I've missed. The only thing we gotta do is keep the criminal behind us. I don't want them going first."

Larry had said it before, but it hadn't registered in Evan's brain till now.

"You mean if they indict, the criminal case automatically goes before us?"
"Jesus Christ!"
"Right! So we don't want that."

Oops! So we can prove from Ray Chandler's book that they wanted to delay and avoid a criminal trial by any means and pushed for the civil (ie. money)! Keep in mind that only a criminal trial can send a perpetrator to jail, a civil trial can only result in a monetary award!!

So IMO these are the ways Ray's book can be used. They do tell on themselves in it all the time...
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Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

Yeah, I believe that story because of how they used it in their description for Michael's penis. Why would they need to bring up Michael's glutes, which Evan had admitted he'd seen, if Jordan could describe it accurately?
Re: Randall Sullivan's new book "Untouchable" Tabloid Mess [Threads merged]

^^ I think Ray probably did not even realize telling on themselves when telling about Evan injecting Michael in the butt. Just like he does not realize telling on themselves in many, many other cases in the book.
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