Promotion for Bad25

Unfortunately I don't think a cinema release is possible with this quality. However, I agree that the documentary should have been aired in the week of the release.
Of course we all know The Wembley DVD is not in a good enough quality to release in cimema (BIG Screen) for promotion of BAD25. That wasnt its purpose. It was released as a historical performance at the fans request. Not as HQ/HD product. It was an added bonus and its sales do not go toward total BAD album sales nor does it chart. This is a re-release Anniversary edition not a new Album. Considering that I think they are doign a a good job promoting it.
I think when the second posthumous album is out, they should do something like this.
But not just his hits. one older song and the rest mix of few new songs of the new album, with choreograpy and dancers. Just like they did with TII and Immortal
Anniversary releases are something for the fans, anyway.
Cause Michael was bigger than the rest, duh. :upside_down:

Exactly, was! And i think you should understand that those times are over.
They were over as that really mattered. And that was when invincible was released.
Michael doesnt get more or less, then all the stars, live or death, in his age and level of famous.

Well America, all i can say is: better late as never.
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ABC News Featured story - Promotion for BAD25

Michael Jackson's 25th 'Bad' Anniversary

It is promo indeed. Spike's documentary will air on ABC, it is natural that they do a bit advertising on the side for BAD 25:D

Overall, I think promo is handled very well, the only problem I see there were some distribution problems.
Some places sold out and some places not in stock, but we cannot blame the estate and Sony for it. It is up to those places to order and maintain their stock.
Promo for Bad25 at Walmart

Maybe BAD will be inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame? the album needs to be at least 25 years old for that. Thriller, and Off The Wall, were honored in 2008.
I had a look at the french programme that aired about bad, thanks to whoever uploaded it on youtube. It was news footage and lots of french talking heads and looked quite good. I looked at who produced it and it was bbc worldwide. Odd that the bbc never thought to do a programme in the uk.

It also is really odd to me that no tv production company thought to do a documentary on thriller back in 08, especially as sony were releasing a thriller 25 - were there no tv programmes about it - the biggest album of all time? I guess they were too busy on doing stuff on mj and his plastic surgery. I think the estate's decision to commission spike to do the bad25 doc was brilliant.
The fact that fans dont recognize or see all the promotion is very odd to me. There is so much promotion for this re-release anniversary album.Most promotion for any album is done on the INTERNET and the Internet is saturated with BAD25 - All the hundreds of reviews for Spike Lee's documentary are promotion for BAd 25 - All of Joe Vogel's articles on major sites is promotion for BAD25. The Pepsi cans and the live show sponsored by billboard and Pepsi was promotion for BAD 25. The TV adds on major shows are promotion for BAD 25 -BET had a special just for BAd to promote BAd25. The features on the newsprograms discussing it is promotion for BAD25. Documentaries broadcast in France were promotion for BAD25. The Japanese adds and event sponsored by SONY japan were promotion for Bad 25. I think Japan was the best over all in promoting it and that was because of SONY Japans Involvement with the major fan base there.
The fact that fans dont recognize or see all the promotion is very odd to me. There is so much promotion for this re-release anniversary album.Most promotion for any album is done on the INTERNET and the Internet is saturated with BAD25 - All the hundreds of reviews for Spike Lee's documentary are promotion for BAd 25 - All of Joe Vogel's articles on major sites is promotion for BAD25. The Pepsi cans and the live show sponsored by billboard and Pepsi was promotion for BAD 25. The TV adds on major shows are promotion for BAD 25 -BET had a special just for BAd to promote BAd25. The features on the newsprograms discussing it is promotion for BAD25. Documentaries broadcast in France were promotion for BAD25. The Japanese adds and event sponsored by SONY japan were promotion for Bad 25. I think Japan was the best over all in promoting it and that was because of SONY Japans Involvement with the major fan base there.

not to mention all the critics reviewing it. it's the fattest onslaught of reviews for an album that i've seen in a long time, as well as interviews with quincy jones and a host of other stars about their relationship to Michael, now being done at this time.
I agree that there has been a lot of promotion for bad 25, but i havn't really seen any promotion other than on the internet (and i don't know how much of that is down to that smart advertising thing that shows adverts based on what you search on the internet regularly -e.g. bad 25. I know one person who is a huge fan of Michael too but everyone else i know would have no idea what it was or that it even existing if i hadn't of mentioned it. This is just england though so i don't know how much different it feels in USA or Japan
I saw an ad on TV, but they only advertised the new songs and remixes. Not a word about the live DVD... I think that's a big mistake. The DVD is by far the most interesting thing in this re-release, especially for the general public.
I found out that fans that watched (I think they are mostly fans because people don't just randomly search for MJ wembley etc) VEVO videos (WBSS, HN, APOM) are asking questions like where is this footage from and they dont seem to know anything about the release!!!

So yes, I think the promotion is not good. Yes, it is very good here, on MJ boards, but there are millions of fans who never go on forums, just like I didn't for the last 4 years! I'm sure if I wasn't here I'd never have known about it, in my country it's almost like it doesn't exist. :(
As a Los Angeles resident, I have seen absolutely zero promotion for Bad 25. Never saw those Pepsi cans. No TV ads, billboards, etc.

In the future I think the estate could put more into marketing the Michael Jackson releases, especially something as large as Bad 25.
I guess whether we perceive the promotion good or bad is based on where we are. Here in my Central European country promotion was zero (and I did not see the Deluxe or the DVD in stores, only the 2 CD version - and even that was not put among new releases). But of course important thing for promotion are the big markets: the US, UK, Japan, Germany, France. I don't know how good or bad there promotion is (I guess it varies). I think except for the US first week chart positions/sales are good in those countries. Too bad it doesn't look so good for the biggest market, the US.
They've got one more chance here in the U.S. to make the BAD release a winner. And that's to take FULL advantage of the Bad Documentary that will be airing on November 22nd (Thanksgiving night) on ABC network. The viewership will be high and it's peak Christmas shopping time (with Black Friday) starting the next day.

If they market this right, the BAD DVD/CD's would sell well.

But as things stand now... 99.9% of the general population in U.S. doesn't have a clue that this gem even exists!
They ran Pepsi bad 25 commercial again during x-factor so not sure why people keep complaining! and it's everywhere on the internet!
They ran Pepsi bad 25 commercial again during x-factor so not sure why people keep complaining! and it's everywhere on the internet!

We are complaining because we are having difficulties even finding the album in stores!!! apparently your world picture is different, and thank good God for that, because ours is not plesant
I get the impression that the amount of promo is very different in different places. It seems like in some countries there has been a lot of promo, whereas in other countries you would have no idea the album is out if you don't follow MJ news on the internet. Things like ads during TV shows are only shown in certain countries, other countries obviously show different commercials. So many people who post in this thread haven't seen any of the promo some are talking about.

I'm really glad to hear the promo has been much better in the big markets. And I think it's totally understandable that they focus the promotion in the bigger markets. But I don't think there's anything wrong with saying you haven't seen any promo in your country. That's what this thread is about isn't it? How the promotion is in your country? That's what the OP asked, so people are just answering her question.
Haven't seen any promotion in The Netherlands either. I really don't get it. They have an unreleased concert on dvd. Something a lot of people would want to see, but don't know about. And you don't promote it......
Haven't seen any promotion in The Netherlands either. I really don't get it. They have an unreleased concert on dvd. Something a lot of people would want to see, but don't know about. And you don't promote it......
Nope...was in The Free Record Shop recently. No hardboard images or advertising at all. I couldn't buy Bad 25 deluxe in the store. They had to order it if I wanted it.

And like you say, nothing on tv either. I think the Dutch are musiclovers in general, they turn almost everything into a musical for instance, lol. And numerous concerts to go to if you want a night out. There would be a market, I'm don't get it either.

Maybe they think we're too small of a country or something...
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Nope...was in The Free Record Shop recently. No hardboard images or advertising at all. I couldn't buy Bad 25 deluxe in the store. They had to order it if I wanted it.

And like you say, nothing on tv either. I think the Dutch are musiclovers in general, they turn almost everything into a musical for instance, lol. And numerous concerts to go to if you want a night out. There would be a market, I'm don't get it either.

Maybe they think we're too small of a country or something...

I know so many people who would buy the dvd. Just cos they Like Michael Jackson. Not cos they're huge fans or anything. Concert dvd's do well around here indeed. They make great presents.
I know a US fan who is actively looking for it to buy and still could not find it in stores. She decided to order it online now.

Distribution seems to be really bad, which obviously makes chart success more difficult to achieve too.