Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor [Merged]

Re: A pray for Liz Please

My prayers are with her. God bless you Liz.
Re: A pray for Liz Please

I say my prayers and may her special angel MJ be there to help her pull through the Op.
I hope Elizabeth will be okay she is such a lovely lady and brilliant actress.

Please take care dear Elizabeth I am thinking of you.

Love for you Elizabeth! Hope it all goes okay. Michael will be giving you the strength. Stay strong!
Liz reminds me of my own mom. She's so cute on the Internet, and discovering Twitter...that's just so cute! I hope everything goes well for her. I know why Michael always loved Liz. She's adorable and cute...
You are a fighter Liz
You will pull through
My prayers are with you
Have you seen what Liz has wrote on her Twitter:

"Dear Friends, I was completely honest with you about my hospitalization. Now the press, bless their little hearts, had to add something by saying that I had diabetes, which is a total lie. But I guess they can't help themselves. Talk to later as promised. Love, Elizabeth"

Why say she has diabetes? :rolleyes:
Oh, God bless her, i mean Elizabeth, what more can i say, i discovered her cause of Michael, i mean im not a fan of her work, but she was beautiful and caring and a true humanitarian, i mean she, she was there for Michael and she didnt want anything more than friendship, but she has had a long life, and if she is happy, well may God keep her alive for much more years.