Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor [Merged]


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Elizabeth is going to the hospital for a heart procedure, she's asking for prayers.

DameElizabeth Dear Friends, I would like to let you know before it gets in the papers that I am going into the hospital to have a procedure on my heart. 12 minutes ago

DameElizabeth It's very new and involves repairing my leaky valve using a clip device, without open heart surgery, so that my heart will function better. 10 minutes ago

DameElizabeth Any prayers you happen to have lying around I would dearly appreciate. I'll let you know when it's all over. Love you, Elizabeth 9 minutes ago
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

Aww bless her. Prayers are with you Elizabeth. :praying
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

God Bless Elizabeth!! I know God and Michael will always be watching over her.
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I hope everything goes well, I will be praying for her :angel:
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I hope everything will go fine, heat operations just send shivers down my spine they sound so sore and very risky aswell
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I hope all goes well for Elizabeth, I'm sure Michael is watching over her :)
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

It scares me too...
Liz you're in my prayers, Be strong and come back in perfect shape. Please.
Lots of love Dame Elizabeth Taylor.
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I hope everything goes well for her. :angel:
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I just said the Serenity Prayer for her...and posted it...

Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

Love & Prayers to Liz. :flowers:

WE love you liz. :yes:
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I pray all goes well
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

Fujon....WHERE in HECK's NAME did you get that DROP DEAD SEXY PIC of MJ in your SIGGY?? (panting...and sweating...)
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I hope everything goes OK for her!
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

Love, light and prayers to Elizabeth. We know Michael will be watching over her xx
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

Praying for you Liz, God bless you.
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

Yes the news just reported this even thro I was never into her like that but my sister just school me a lot about her any way my heart and prayers go out to her cause she been frighting this fright a long time now. God bless u liz
Re: Prayers for Elizabeth Taylor

I sincerely hope that she will be okay and that she will continue to live a long and happy life.