Post Your Favourite MJ Picture of the Day

Do we have any idea what magazine this is from??!?! I need to own it...

Also, I am not a teenager, but I feel like one when I see this. I just want to lie on my bed for hours staring at this photo while listening to the lady in my life and dreaming it's about me...
Do we have any idea what magazine this is from??!?! I need to own it...
Don't know and have already forgotten which thread I was on. Soz. Much cooler today and we even have a breeze and yet somehow it's just as bad as it was yesterday when it reached 40 or 41. Which is probably not much for the US but is really intense for the UK. Yesterday was our hottest day on record. We've had an outbreak of fires - again, par for the course (sadly) if you are in California or Australia - but here in the UK? Not so much.

Between the dreadful heat and humidity and getting used to my new router (everything has changed, everything seems to be all over the place, everything looks different) my brain is done for.

One thing I can say about the photo - while I was on the thread, I did look for info re the magazine cos I wanted to try to track down the interview. But nobody asked, nobody mentioned it. They must have all known where it was from, I guess.
Don't know and have already forgotten which thread I was on. Soz. Much cooler today and we even have a breeze and yet somehow it's just as bad as it was yesterday when it reached 40 or 41. Which is probably not much for the US but is really intense for the UK. Yesterday was our hottest day on record. We've had an outbreak of fires - again, par for the course (sadly) if you are in California or Australia - but here in the UK? Not so much.

UGH. My God. I just translated celsius to fahrenheit so I could understand this and that is HORRIBLE. I've heard stuff on the news, of course, how bad it has been in the UK and Europe. But I live in Pennsylvania (which is bordering New York) and its 31 here today. It rarely, if ever, gets to 40 or 41 where I live. I have lived in parts of the US that do though and it's treacherous. And you're doing this without AC?! I would not be talking to anyone at all if I were you. I would be a raging lunatic. Ugh.. you have all of my compassion and then some.

One thing I can say about the photo - while I was on the thread, I did look for info re the magazine cos I wanted to try to track down the interview. But nobody asked, nobody mentioned it. They must have all known where it was from, I guess.
Maybe they all knew, but maybe they don't all care lol. I know that I see any sign of an interview, or feature, and I go running. I must have it! I need it! But not everyone is like that, somehow lol.

But alas, even if this magazine is never found, I will still be gloriously happy with this photo. It gives me butterflies. I'm not even kidding.
UGH. My God. I just translated celsius to fahrenheit so I could understand this and that is HORRIBLE.
It really is. Horrible just about sums it up. I am going mental.

I've heard stuff on the news, of course, how bad it has been in the UK and Europe. But I live in Pennsylvania (which is bordering New York) and its 31 here today. It rarely, if ever, gets to 40 or 41 where I live. I have lived in parts of the US that do though and it's treacherous. And you're doing this without AC?
Yeah, welcome to the UK. AC in big shops and big office buildings. Hospitals (well, some of them). But so many places in the UK, we just don't have it. It's not our cultural norm. Anything medium size or small most likely won't have it, domestic houses won't have it. People use electric fans at home but they can often end up just circulating stale, warm air so that doesn't help. Supermarkets have it so people are taking forever to do their shopping cos no-one wants to leave to go back outside.

Oh. Pennysylvania Deutsch.

! I would not be talking to anyone at all if I were you. I would be a raging lunatic.
I am. At one point last night I was out of bed, lying on the floor. Just wanted to cry it was so awful but I was too miserable and uncomfortable even to be able to do that. With my new router everything on my laptop has changed. A while ago, I couldn't post a comment on the Chat and @Hiker had to *literally* tell me to Press Enter, lol. That's how much my brain is fried.

Maybe they all knew, but maybe they don't all care lol. I know that I see any sign of an interview, or feature, and I go running. I must have it! I need it! But not everyone is like that, somehow lol.
It did seem strange, ngl. Usually someone will pipe up that they need deets or they mention how much they loved the feature or that particular mag always does good features or whatever. I rarely see something like this where there is no follow-up at all from anyone. You don't always get the details you want / need but you usually get something. Really odd. And frustrating.

But alas, even if this magazine is never found, I will still be gloriously happy with this photo. It gives me butterflies. I'm not even kidding.
Oh, Butterflies. Invincible. Lovely. Can't remember if that's one of the tracks you have listened to. I think you said you've listened to about half of them. I'll say no more just in case.

Michael sings:

"You give me butterflies, inside"

song and lyrics written by Andre Harris and Marsha Ambrosius
OMG! Michael and Koala! I love them both! 💕:love:
This is the one I've been looking for literally for weeks. I posted the other one (which is bigger and very cute but not as cute as this one, imo) but could not find this one for love nor money. Anyway, here it is. I love the way he does this. He's always up for cuddling an animal no matter how fancy his clothes are. He's all dolled up as 'Michael Jackson' but he doesn't care. I always wonder if Michael Bush is sitting back at the hotel thinking, 'oh fgs, Michael', knowing he's gonna be spending ages removing animal hairs from Michael's beautiful clothes, lol.
Do we have any idea what magazine this is from??!?! I need to own it...

Also, I am not a teenager, but I feel like one when I see this. I just want to lie on my bed for hours staring at this photo while listening to the lady in my life and dreaming it's about me...

Not truly sure about the magazine guys ..but

Harry Benson, Michael Jackson Sits on Grass, Edition of 35, 1984

From Harry's Gallery of work.

The magazine may well be LIFE or perhaps Vanity Fair , or perhaps People ..I would believe it is one of those three..
Harry took alot of Michael at Neverland and places of nature -


but the particularly photo in question was definitely shot by Harry Benson in September 1984. Caribou Ranch. Colorado.
Thank You Harry for capturing beautiful M at different stages of his life.

Update- There is an edition of LIFE sep 1984 so it honestly might be that.
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Found this on FB, Michael playing with friends in Copenhagen.

I JUST saw this on Twitter!!! My immediate reaction: why does he have to loook soooo good?! But then immediately after when I realized it was before the Dangerous Copenhagen show it all made sense. He was just on another level of sexy that night!
Not truly sure about the magazine guys
The magazine may well be LIFE or perhaps Vanity Fair , or perhaps People ..I would believe it is one of those three..
Harry took alot of Michael at Neverland and places of nature - but the particularly photo in question was definitely shot by Harry Benson in September 1984. Caribou Ranch. Colorado. Thank You Harry for capturing beautiful M at different stages of his life.

Update- There is an edition of LIFE sep 1984 so it honestly might be that.

Found this which is a nice little article from Harry Benson. The link takes you to a small selection of photos taken by Harry which includes some of my fave photos of Michael. It's so nice to know where some of those photos came from. Harry Benson definitely had a talent for catching Michael looking relaxed.

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Found this which is a nice little article from Harry Benson. The link takes you to a small selection of photos taken by Harry which includes some of my fave photos of Michael. It's so nice to know where some of those photos came from. Harry Benson definitely had a talent for catching Michael looking relaxed.

Haha Bubbles come down from the tree ! LOL 😆

Ah M on the piano -Life 1993 🥰 "Purple shirt pics" Yeah I agree. Those are my some of my fave too zinnia. Very in the moment photos -I love that pictorial :)

..Especially outside in the garden, the swing photo with the blue jacket (or maybe parka)

I love that the Tweed jacket he wore was actually HARRY's. He took a liking to the tweed then lol and then running oh , so carefree in Colardo hills , then it was glitter and sequins for the night on stage. Thanks for that link.

FPOTD is -

Placing this here of M . Not sure if it is *fake* hope not..
It is fake. So annoying. We had this one a while back. I think it was @staywild23 who posted it and we all lost our minds over it cos he looks so relaxed and sweet and the glasses are so cool. Then ML broke the bad news. Photoshop. Gah!

Why people do it, I do not understand. The point I made was, whatever kind of photo of Michael you want - sweet, sexy, cool, casual, dancing, lovely outfits etc etc - it doesn't matter, there will be plenty of images out there. I don't like it when people change his clothes but when they change physical things about him I really hate that.

But you thought it *might* be photoshopped? Your Spidey senses must be on full alert, lol. I had no idea this photoshopping lark was such a thing until I joined this board.
It is fake. So annoying. We had this one a while back. I think it was @staywild23 who posted it and we all lost our minds over it cos he looks so relaxed and sweet and the glasses are so cool. Then ML broke the bad news. Photoshop. Gah!

Why people do it, I do not understand. The point I made was, whatever kind of photo of Michael you want - sweet, sexy, cool, casual, dancing, lovely outfits etc etc - it doesn't matter, there will be plenty of images out there. I don't like it when people change his clothes but when they change physical things about him I really hate that.

But you thought it *might* be photoshopped? Your Spidey senses must be on full alert, lol. I had no idea this photoshopping lark was such a thing until I joined this board.
That pesky photo shop lol .....these Spidey senses are breaking down zinnia ... ah That one had me though ! haha ...Yes i do like M in his reading glasses- always have done,

These arthousey/mood ones are food for thought .I really like them all.

no, no more from me on here . im sorry, im derailing the thread lol